Month: May 2010

Wise Investing

Proverbs 11:15-31

Spending or investing? Sometimes we have no choice; we must spend without the opportunity for investment. What’s the difference? When you spend, you have no hope of what you spent returning; instead you receive something in place of what you spent. When you invest, you do have hope of what you invested returning along with an additional profit or benefit.

Investment can be financial; can also be other resources – time, labor – that is invested. The goal for the wise, Christian: invest rather than spend whenever possible. Paul in letter to Ephesus and Colosse connects wise living with use of time, does so using monetary term:

Eph. 4:15-16 See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Col. 4:5 Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time.

“the most natural interpretation of the clause is, “availing yourselves of the occasion,” i. e. improving every opportunity for good. Christians should …seize upon every opportunity to do good; and also …make the most of time.” Hodge

Living this way – evidence of having wisdom, possessing divine truth (truth of God); outward evidence of inward way of thinking and reasoning – making choices

Our time on earth – limited; need to make the most of it. NOT for the same reasons as world-think.

World says: only live once, when it’s over, it’s over. Monuments you build in this life define your measure – worth, greatness, legacy. Basically “he who dies with the most toys wins” attitude. All (or almost all) based on measurable achievements – net worth, medals, honors, circle of influence, charitable donations.

God says: life doesn’t end at death, neither does reward or consequences. Things done in this life have impact on eternity – existence after the consummation. What we do in the NOW should be an investment in the THEN. Only God can actually measure our achievements, only he knows all the details; we can’t ’cause we don’t and so we shouldn’t try to measure. We just must be faithful in our obedience to his command about treasure:

Matthew 6:19-21 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal;but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Insofar as possible, resources we have now should be invested – spending time, strength, treasure, abilities/skills NOW so that there is a payback with profit THEN. Choices we make in use of what God has given us responsibility for should maximize ROI. Ask the question: how can I use this time/talent/treasure so that it has an impact on eternity?

What things should characterize our investments?

A. prudence v.15

Many opportunities for investment; cover a spectrum, can be confusing what is best. 2 questions: is it a wise use of resources? is it the right time to invest those resources? Can be a good instrument, just poor timing. Can also be poor investment. Requires use of prudence:

caution in deliberating and consulting on the most suitable means to accomplish valuable purposes, and the exercise of sagacity [faculty of readily discerning and distinguishing ideas, and of separating truth from falsehood] in discerning and selecting them. …actions to be done, and due means, order, season and method of doing or not doing.Webster

Prudent investment of money may mean not ever seeing it again. Question is, how will it be used? To build the kingdom? Examples: camper scholarship, support young person on short term missions trip, purchase books for pastor’s library in 3rd-world country, Bibles for grandchildren.

of talent: Campers on Mission – small churches (Clint & Carol, plywood over windows, no people who could fix), campgrounds, ministries – using talent to enable others to be more effective/efficient in ministry. Using skills to teach trade to inner-city kids with no future, accompanied with verbal and non-verbal spiritual communication.

of time: investing in personal holiness, then evangelization or edification of others. Evangelizing: showing by deed and word their need of salvation from sin, how your salvation has changed your life. Edification: building up of Christian character in another person. Translation – spending time with them in such a way that their holiness is increased. Given a choice of TV or playing with cat/dog or time with an individual in need, which choice? Obviously Happy and Molly are important, but…. given a choice…. introduce them to the pet <smile>.

Need great wisdom and prudence to know which opportunity, which means, what sort of investment will have an eternal payback.

B. grace v.16

NIV – “a kindhearted woman”

As God is gracious and kindhearted toward us, we must be gracious and compassionate in our investing.

“A woman whose spirit is under the influence of a gracious God will be a gracious daughter, a gracious wife, a gracious mother, a gracious friend and neighbour — that is, all her doings and sayings will be irradiated and warmed by that holiness and love which is the essence of the character of God Himself.”Harris

So how do we show that grace and kindness in our investing? In our dealings w/people: show acceptance and treat favorably.

accept people where they are with an eye to helping them move closer to God (does not imply acceptance of inappropriate action or thought)

provide help without being condescending; remember we have because God gave

kindness must be genuine – kindness shown must come from kind heart

investments made must actually be kind ones: giving a wino money is not kind; investing in Rockefeller Foundation so they can promote sale of RU-486 is not kind

both kind of investment and object of investment must be a means of doing good, building the Kingdom whenever possible but promoting Kingdom principles always

C. mercy v.17

hesed– kindness, love, loyalty, mercy, covenant faithfulness when used of God (Ex. 34:5-7) and part of his character, communicable attribute

Sometimes best investment is not to give what is deserved; wisdom (and leading of Holy Spirit) can discern when hesed (as in mercy or loyalty) is warranted and will be rewarded. Love and kindness should always accompany investment of time and talent; sometimes it’s the intangible stuff that makes the difference.

Illustration – phone call, life story — military experience, mortgage difficulty, professional interests, etc., etc.; door yard visit — similar life history, extended family, personal experiences from past several decades; out for a walk — casual “hi, the flowers look nice”, another life history, previous career, philosophy of raising children, etc., etc.

Kind loving listening at times is the most effective investment in the Kingdom, the way God would have us improve an unexpected opportunity for good. Can also be in the form of lunch at Java Dog for someone in need, fresh-baked cookies for a lonely neighbor,

D. generosity v.24-26

Wisdom aids in discernment between generous and gullible. Should be generous with investment but not falling for a good story. Again, opposite of world-think. Common “business model” – minimize investment, maximize return. God-think – invest generously, trust God for the return. Note: he can be trusted for a good return.

Luke 6:38Give, and it will be given to you, a good measure—pressed down, shaken, overflowing—they will pour out into your lap. For with the measure by which you measure out, it will be measured out to you in return.” LEB

Investment must be sufficient to make it a good investment: enough so that recipient can actually accomplish something good with it. Also must consider: if we are truly investing in eternity, can we ever invest enough? Will the return on our investment ever be too little?

Mal. 3:10 “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.

E. influence v.30

Greatest treasure a Christian has that he can use for the good of others – influence. The ability to persuade someone else to a particular way of thinking. World-think is perverse, upside-down; Christian’s worldview should be right-side up. World-think is way to death and destruction; Christian view is way to life.

A righteous person exercises a life-giving influence. Furthermore a wise person wins others to wisdom. That is, he or she captures others with ideas or influence (cf. 2 Sam. 15:6). While it is true that evangelistic soul-winning is wise work, soul-winning is not all that this verse is talking about. The idea here is that wise people influence others to follow the way of wisdom, which includes turning to God for salvation. Constable’s Notes

Influence built largely on relationships, require greatest investment of time but can give greatest payback especially if opportunity is with youth. More time spent, more places in conversation to change direction, always working to point individual toward absolute truth and ultimately God.

Probably thinking – boy, all that wasted time/energy/money/etc/etc. Man, what I could have done, what I should have done….. Don’t wallow, beat yourself up; take a line from Bob Newhart: “Just STOP IT.” And begin now doing it more as you believe God expects you to. If it is our desire that “to God be the glory”, to “say thanks for the things [He] has done for [us]”, a good way to do so is to invest the resources God has entrusted to us, investing them now to receive the reward then.

God Gives His People Joy

Ezra 6:1-22

Paragraph 2, Declaration of Independence, begins:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

An expectation of or even a right to happiness is assumed by many in our fair nation. Countless brave men and women have given their lives to ensure our freedom to pursue the American dream. Yet in the big scheme of things, the American dream will not ultimately satisfy. And it’s because happiness is dependent on our circumstances; circumstances change, we’re no longer happy; they change again, we’re happy again.

Compare happiness and joy according to Webster 1828:

Happiness: The agreeable sensations which spring from the enjoyment of good; that state of being in which desires are gratified, by the enjoyment of pleasure without pain. Perfect happiness, or pleasure unalloyed with pain, is not attainable in this life.

Joy: The passion or emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good; that excitement of pleasurable feelings which is caused by success, good fortune,the gratification of desire or some good possessed, or by a rational prospect of possessing what we love or desire. Joy is a delight of the mind, from the consideration of the present or assured approaching possession of a good.

#1 example of how joy works: the Lord Jesus, Hebrews 12:2:

“fixing our eyes on Jesus, the originator and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” LEB

#2 example: the Apostle Paul, Phil. 2:17-18:

“But even if I am poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. In the same way you also should rejoice and share your joy with me.”

Joy looks beyond present circumstances and focuses on the assurance that we will someday possess a good. For Jesus, the good of which he was assured was the complete redemption and reconciliation of his people. For Paul, the good that brought him joy was the assurance he would benefit from that complete redemption. In both cases, as well as for us, the joy the Lord Jesus experienced and that of the Apostle Paul had their source in God. God the Father divided the spoils of victory with his Servant (Isa. 53:12); it will be the Lord Jesus, the righteous Judge, who awards the crown of righteousness to Paul on “that Day”.

If we are to have genuine joy now, it must be founded on a genuine assurance of a genuine future good in which we will participate, all of which can only come from God. It is God who gives the encouragement to be joyful, who provides opportunities for joy, and who has given ways in which to express that joy.

A. Provided the encouragement to be joyful

I. turned heart of Assyrian king Darius to help the people

a. God turned the heart – v.1-5,22

We are in words of Paul to “rejoice in the Lord alway”, an exhortation he repeated 2x in Phil. 4:4. Sometimes it’s tough to do, God in wise Fatherly care alters circumstances to encourage joy.

Darius not inclined at first to act favorably toward Jews; perhaps feared another threat to his right of rulership. Ordered search of archives, did Cyrus in fact issue decree in first year in power to rebuild temple? Not obligated to terms of predecessor’s edict but wanted to know if it existed.

Found memorandum with some details of original decree at Cyrus’ summer palace, Ecbatana, about 1/2 way from Tehran to Baghdad. Cyrus’ intent – a temple twice as high, three times as wide as Solomon’s, paid for out of king’s treasury, a structure that would bring glory to himself as well as (condescendingly) give the Jews a place to worship.

Darius, follower of Zoroastrianism and worshipper of god Ahura-Mazda, figured couldn’t hurt to be on good side of another local deity. Figured also a significant building project associated with his name would be good for reputation. OK, let’s help them out. Darius may have been most powerful king on earth but he was following orders: see verse 22 – “the Lord …turned the heart of the king”. All the rest that happened – result of God changing Darius’ heart.

II. people encouraged by tangible assistance of pagan leaders v.6–12

a. issuing a decree of “non-interference” – v.6-7

here’s what you won’t do – interfere in any way

keep your distance

don’t interfere even from a distance

let the Jewish people build as they see fit

b. financial & material aid – v.8-10

and, here’s what you will do

cover the costs for whatever is needed to

keep construction going

conduct worship according to their rules

make sure the king and his successor is prayed for regularly

c. teeth to the edict – v.11-12

consequences for interference

death penalty

called down a curse from God

III. prospered the work to completion v.13–15

governor & aides responded speedily, diligently

the Jews built, they finished it, brought to completion


through prophesying of Haggai and Zechariah

according to command of God

God used prophets to get people back to work

God used king to provide supplies to accomplish the work

ultimately God working out his plan through human agents

B. Provided opportunity to be joyful

I. dedication of the house of God v.16

project completed, ready to be set apart for sacred use

inauguration again of worship

looked beyond comparison of present structure with Solomon’s temple

recognized that what took place there had greater significance than details of the building

elements of the building had their significance and function

important, but only as they served greater purpose of worship

II. one step closer to the perfect worship of heaven

sanctuary – distinct from the world

separate from the impurities of the world v. 21

foreshadowing of the feasts of heaven – fellowship with God and with one another

C. Provided the way to express joy

I. purification v.20a, 21

“Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? …He who has clean hands and a pure heart.” Psa. 24:3-4

only those who are forgiven, cleansed can enter God’s presence with joy; He has provided way of cleansing

II. sacrifice v.20b

which prefigured Christ the true Passover – see 1 Cor. 5:7

only those who are reconciled to God can enter his presence with safety; He has provided for our redemption and reconciliation

III. feasting v.22

joy of deliverance

from exile/captivity

exile in Babylon

more importantly exile from God, captivity in sin

All of this in anticipation of our full and final deliverance from sin and its corruption, our safe arrival home and completed redemption – heaven and our Savior in all his glory. The good we have anticipated with joy finally in our possession, all because God turned our hearts to him and made us his children.

Wise Living

Proverbs 11:1-14

Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), Danish existential philosopher, probably not the first, certainly one of most influential still felt today, divorcing faith from reason. Religious beliefs cannot be supported by rational argument (and we shouldn’t try), true faith involves accepting what is absurd, religious faith is irrational. Examples: Abraham required to sacrifice Isaac, the Incarnation. Naturally leads to modern position – religion separate from science, faith separate from reason, no connection between the two, if one informs the other it’s always reason/science that wins. Think a 2-story house, reason on first floor, faith on the second, an up-escalator between.

Quickly goes from faith is irrational to faith can’t inform reason to God’s standard applies to matters of faith but not to the rest of a worldview. Made especially easy by wholesale rejection of Old Testament beyond fun little stories we can read to children and maybe learn a few moral lessons from. Explains faulty thinking behind Christians divorcing for unbiblical reasons, getting abortions, supporting homosexual marriage, etc.

Surprise – God does care about what happens outside of church and on days of week other than Sunday. He has a standard, it applies, to all aspects of life.

LBCF 1.1 The Holy Scriptures are the only sufficient, certain and infallible rule for saving knowledge, faith, and obedience. …The Holy Scriptures are therefore absolutely indispensable, for God’s former ways of revealing his will to his people have now ceased.

1.2 The Holy Scriptures, or the Word of God written, consist of all the books of the Old and New Testament. These are: …all 66 books

God has a standard for wise living that applies across the spectrum of life, not simply to affairs of the church. God is concerned with how we acquire gain as well as what we do with the firstfruits. God is concerned with our integrity in private and public. And he is concerned with the ripple effects of our social lives including their impact on the community and world.

A. business 1-4

honesty/integrity in transactions v.1,3

3 men found a treasure, could not recover it without supplies; none trusted the rest to leave them with it. 2 stronger convinced 3rd to go to town for supplies, planned to kill him when he returned. Did so, then discovered he had poisoned the food.

WSC Q4: What is God?

A4: God is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth.

Justice – one of God’s communicable attributes (“Because there is some faint resemblance or similitude of them to be found among the creatures, namely, angels, and saints: hence are they proposed in scripture for our imitation”Fisher)

expects us to use just weights – strong language: abomination – detestable

true for both sides of transactions

buying and selling

employer and employee

humility in dealings v.2

customer is always right

inconvenience ourselves instead of customer/employer

the one who knows it all, is never wrong, acts as if doing customer a favor – all bad for business

go the extra mile, accommodate the customer’s needs, treats with respect – gains customer loyalty

how gained and used, not how much v.4

righteousness more important than riches

wealth is not evil

means to an end

intended to be used not hoarded – we and our wealth are means God uses to bless/meet the needs of others

must be acquired rightly

gained by righteous means – work or legitimate investment

must be used rightly

for good – to the extent that we can control

for the growth of the kingdom

to encourage increase of righteousness in the world

B. personal 5-8


integrity <-> perversity

upright <-> unfaithful


righteousness <-> wickedness [behavior]

blameless <-> wicked


righteousness <-> lust [character]

upright <-> unfaithful


delivered <-> ensnared (implied)

righteous <-> wicked

in personal life – who we are and what we do out of public view

following principles of integrity – right-side up, not perverse

behaving righteously

acting according to what is right, not seeking to satisfy desire

servant-leadership in the home

choosing godly pursuits during leisure time

doing what will encourage growth in Christian character, holiness in ourselves and those around us

wicked are by nature headed for disaster

do not need help

will self-destruct on their own, if not in this life, then the next

course of the righteous avoids the pitfalls present to the wicked

e.g., if not deceptive, don’t have to remember what was said/done; only need remember truth

C. social and civic 9-14

neighborhood v.9, 12-13

health of a city begins with neighborhoods

the righteous, for good of the ‘hood will:

promote the cause of truth and true knowledge

not look down on his neighbor because he may not have all the facts

use discretion in how he speaks; don’t have to tell everything

city v.10-11

strength of a city rests in the well-being of the righteous citizens


citizens to live righteously

civil government to govern well according to divine mandate: see Rom. 13:1-4

nation v.14

for civil government to do its job well requires sound counsel

David and Solomon sought the advice of counselors (2 Sam. 15:12;17:14;1 Ki. 12:6)

Paul and Barnabas ordained eldersin every city (Acts 14:23)

a nation without sound counsel self-destructs

sound counsel requires sound counselors

godly men and women need to be involved in civic counseling and policy-making


by means of democratic process

The Christian has opportunity in all areas of life to be an influence for good, to direct others to the ways of wisdom and righteousness. In so doing, God will bless the Christian and, by extension their neighbors and ultimately the nation in which they live. Our nation is in its present condition because of a lack of godly living at the grass roots. We only have one life to live; may we use it for good in the service of God and our country.

God Is Supreme

Ezra 5:1-17

Last week we saw how the word “until” used in Ezra 4:5 & 24was key to understanding that although there might be delays, God’s plan WOULD succeed. That was true even though the “until” in v.24 covered about 16 years. A time of great turmoil in the Persian empire:

opposition to God’s “new” work on the temple brought it to a standstill; often the way, intense resistance when the church moves in to take or retake territory. Jewish people didn’t have will to persevere in face of such difficulty.

Cyrus died 530 BC, succeeded by son Cambyses who had to deal with numerous rebellions against his authority; in process had his brother Smerdis executed

Egyptian nobleman, Gaumata or pseudo-Smerdis, revolted and gained public opinion; Cambyses committed suicide (522 BC), Persian army supported Darius, distant cousin of Cambyses.

Darius able to overthrow Gaumata (ruled only about 6 months), put down other rebellions, and take control 522 BC

It’s now 520 BC, much has changed for the Jewish people since their first year back in the land:

Initial wave of enthusiasm from being involved in God’s exciting project worn off long ago.

Temple foundation part of the landscape, no longer effective reminder of what needed to be finished.

Most recent memory – nasty opposition, not God’s miraculous working deliverance from exile.

Had figured out how to live in minimal conflict with neighbors

People focused on details of daily life, settled into a routine developed over 15 years

Wait a minute! Didn’t Cyrus issue his decree in 538 BC allowing Jews to return to Judah in order to rebuild the temple? And didn’t they lay the foundation for it in 536 BC and have a great celebration in honor of that accomplishment? What happened? They’ve had time enough to rebuild three temples and there’s still no more than the foundation!

God is patient but not indulgent. He knows that his people are fallen human beings, subject to all sorts of things like mood swings, discouragement, distractions, and drift. “He knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust.” Psa. 103:14 But God doesn’t tolerate lallygagging forever. He also doesn’t wait and wait and wait and then pounce. He waits patiently, then he persuades and encourages and corrects and, only if he has to, threatens.

Remember: God’s purpose with his people was toestablish a strong church supported by a sound community in a secure city. In that motif, the church and the worship of God is central – in location and, more significantly, in priority. If the Jews expected to have a secure city and sound community, they needed to do it God’s way. So,……….God graciously began to work in a more obvious way in the midst of his people.

In the case of his ancient people, the Jews, he sent prophets to get them moving again in the right direction. At this time in world affairs God had a message for his people and the rest of the world: God is Supreme. That means he comes first, he has a plan that trumps all other plans, he is to be obeyed and worshiped because he, as the first and best of beings, deserves it. Since God doesn’t change, that message still applies today. We, like the Jews, need periodic reminders of what our priorities should be.

A. sent his prophetsv.1

to declare that God is Supreme

using words of rebuke Hag. 1:2-11;2:10–19

excuses: it’s not the right time for that1:2

we have to provide for our families; that needs to come first 1:4

it’s hard work to get anything to grow here 1:6a

we’re hungry and thirsty and cold and we get to the end of the money before the end of the bills 1:6b

the harder we try, the farther behind we get; the more we work, the less we have

“this is God: think about it” 1:5, 7

does it make sense for God to bring people into country for particular purpose, then withdraw his blessing?

absence of ROI should have told them something

wrong response to frustration: rely on self and work harder

real reason for hardship: God 1:9a

God orchestrated hardship for sole purpose of turning people to him

finally reach point where self and resources run out – have no other choice but ask God for help

WHY? God wasn’t #1 in lives of his people 1:9b

had worked at trying to build their own “empire” rather than completing God’s house

not the house that was important – condition of the building only a reflection

condition of the heart the real issue

but we’re sacrificing the way we ought, we’re keeping the feasts, we’re following the rules; how come it isn’t working? 2:11-13

answer: your hands may be doing some of the right things but your heart is all wrong 2:14

even when God-ordained circumstances should have turned them to God, they “stubbornly” refused 2:17

God graciously used words his people could understand delivered by one of their own people – Haggai – to help them understand their predicamentandGod’s expectations – He, God, expected to be their top priority and until he was, they would not experience his blessing

B. stirred his people

using words of encouragement and promise Hag 1:12–15;2:6–9;2:20–23Zech 1:17;2:5;3:8;4:9;5:3,8;6:12

God reminded them of his presence and involvement in their affairs Hag 1:13

he didn’t expect them to do what was right on their own

he again fired up their hearts – changed their thoughts and emotions – to do his work Hag 1:14

God reminded them that the construction of the church not equal to glory of the church Hag 2:9

glory did not depend on silver and gold

glory was not something Zerubbabel, Joshua or the workmen could supply

glory was something only God could give and take away at his pleasure

God promised to be her glory Zech 2:5

promised through Zechariah’s supplemental message

further elaborated:

God promised to bring his servant, the Branch Zech 3:8

named the Branch because he would “build the temple of the Lord” Zech 6:12

people needed to look past the brick and mortar, see the glory of Christ, God in the flesh, who would be the glory of God’s temple (Zerubbabel’s temple just a shadow)

honoring the physical temple with his presence during his Incarnation

dwelling in the hearts of his people by his Spirit

the Branch, that is Christ, would invincibly build his church

C. his people respond v.2; Haggai 1:12,14

a. fear 1:12

The fear of God, which is one with true reverence for God, includes : 1) right knowledge of God ; 2) a genuine standing in fear before God; 3) faith, or the believing consecration to God, which distinguishes this fear from all servile dread, and fleeing from God ; 4) the worship of God which aids to a true reconciliation with Him, a well ordered and assured control of the whole life.MELANCHTHON

in other words, complete devotion to God.

b. obedience v.2 Hag 1:14

really obedience to the first Commandment – means they acknowledged his authority, his right to set their priorities

no other gods before Yahweh

putting him and his expectations at the top of the list

c. diligence v.8

got to work and stayed with it

working wholeheartedly out of a desire to please God

When we consider what God’s ancient people learned by experience and by prophetic message, we are faced with the same choice they were: who comes first? Is God supreme in our thinking and doing? If he is, then how should we respond? The hymn writer put it this way:

It may not be on the mountain’s height Or over the stormy sea,
It may not be at the battle’s front My Lord will have need of me;
But if by a still, small voice He calls to paths I do not know,
I’ll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in Thine, I’ll go where You want me to go.


I’ll go where You want me to go, dear Lord, O’er mountain or plain or sea;
I’ll say what
You want me to say, dear Lord, I’ll be what You want me to be.

B. stirred his people

using words of encouragement and promise Hag 1:12–15; 2:6–9; 2:20–23 Zech 1:17; 2:5; 3:8; 4:9; 5:3, 8; 6:12

God reminded them of his presence and involvement in their affairs Hag 1:13

he didn’t expect them to do what was right on their own

he again fired up their hearts – changed their thoughts and emotions – to do his work Hag 1:14

God reminded them that the construction of the church not equal to glory of the church Hag 2:9

glory did not depend on silver and gold

glory was not something Zerubbabel, Joshua or the workmen could supply

glory was something only God could give and take away at his pleasure

God promised to be her glory Zech 2:5

promised through Zechariah’s supplemental message

further elaborated:

God promised to bring his servant, the Branch Zech 3:8

named the Branch because he would “build the temple of the Lord” Zech 6:12

people needed to look past the brick and mortar, see the glory of Christ, God in the flesh, who would be the glory of God’s temple (Zerubbabel’s temple just a shadow)

honoring the physical temple with his presence during his Incarnation

dwelling in the hearts of his people by his Spirit

the Branch, that is Christ, would invincibly build his church

Blessings of a Righteous Life – Part 3

Proverbs 10:22-32

Considered the blessings of a right ethic, ways, heart, attitude, speech; now right foundation and hope.

A. Blessings of a right foundation v.22-26

life motivated by godly principles brings:

blessing without sorrow v.22

emotional distress and physical discomfort that accompanied the fall; used 3x in Gen. 3:16-17

ever gotten a gift or found a “unbelievable deal” that ended up more frustrating and costly than it was really worth?

never happens with blessings God bestows; genuine blessing comes as a good gift – James 1:17

doesn’t mean we won’t experience “sorrow”; we will, but not as a consequence of God’s blessing

on another level – reminds us that wealth is a gift from God, through means he ordained

we can only count on blessing when foundation is right

enjoyment in the pursuit of wisdom rather than evil v.23

“Carrying out a wicked scheme is enjoyable to a fool, and so is wisdom for the one who has discernment.” NET

making new discoveries of God’s wisdom provides pleasure/enjoyment for godly person

“look at what my Daddy did!”; “how smart, powerful, gracious, merciful, good, etc…. he is”

requires effort and attentiveness – looking for God’s activity, fingerprints in events, the production of man’s activities, the ordering of the universe both macro and micro

right foundation means we have both desire and ability to discern God @ work

satisfied desires without fear v.24

does not mean the righteous has a blank check to the candy store

same principle communicated here as Psalm 37:4

right foundation means right desires

source of desires in God; consequently, consistent with his will for us

e.g., a holy life, that God’s kingdom may come, salvation for friends and loved ones, complete and final deliverance from sin

ungodly live in fear of the worst, often does happen that way if not in this life, then the next

righteous need not live in fear – secure in God’s keeping

1 John 4:17-18 If we truly love others and live as Christ did in this world, we won’t be worried about the day of judgment.A real love for others will chase those worries away. The thought of being punished is what makes us afraid. It shows that we have not really learned to love. CEV

security in times of turmoil v.25

two perspectives

“I don’t know how people who aren’t Christians handle (cancer, death, bankruptcy, rebellious children, etc.). They don’t have anything to hang on to.”

“How do you do it? How do you keep going, good attitude, smile, like nothing’s wrong?”

wicked don’t handle the really big stuff

use tricks to “cope” – denial, work overload, substances, suicide

basic goal is to escape; but it’s impossible to truly escape reality, so they’re overcome

righteous doesn’t try to handle the storm

makes sure they’re in the boat with Jesus and the disciples, trust him to handle what they can’t

positions them to be support for others in their own storm

requires solid foundation – the rock, not sand Matt. 7:24-27

a blessing, not aggravation/frustration, to others v.26

picture is of one whose tongue or eyes smart, doing all possible to get away

overcome, incapacitated, thoroughly aggravated and sidetracked by annoyance

unable to make progress toward a goal

right foundation displayed by

good work ethic

helpfulness and cooperation

enables other person not only to reach, but also exceed goal

B. Blessings of a right hope v.27-32

life livedcoram deoand with eyes fixed on the right goal brings:

long life, not an untimely end v.27

“Excessive worldliness wears out the spring of life”Bridges

“fear of the Lord” causes us to “press toward the goal”

right hope of the “upward call of God in Christ” Phil. 3:14 keeps us focused, avoiding stupid stuff, keeping faithful to God

if the wicked are evil enough, God will shorten their life

Nabal (1 Sam. 25:38) Jezebel (2 Kings 9:30-37) Herod Agrippa (Acts 12:23)

general principle, not a guarantee; God reserves the right to do as he wills

joy and gladness, not a desire for death v.28

not only “way of the ungodly will perish”, “hope of the ungodly will perish”LXX

eternal joy and gladness the lot of the righteous – confidence/hope is in God

hope possessed during life realized in part at death, in full at resurrection

eternal misery and desire for death the lot of the wicked – confidence/hope in self

greatest hope of wicked after death – death and no life after

any hope possessed during life evaporated at death

God’s providential care, not his opposition v.29

God’s one way has two sides – for the upright, for the wicked

“a stronghold” for the righteous – God a place of safety, protection, strength, a refuge for his people

direct opposition to the wicked, the proud – James 4:6;1 Pet. 5:5 “God resists the proud”

actively opposes them and their evil, restraining rather than hardening (most of the time)

the one who hopes in God follows His way, runs to him for refuge and strength; the opposite of the wicked’s behavior

a permanent inheritance – this world and the next v.30

righteous never removed from the land – from the guarantee of their eternal inheritance

wicked are ultimately and permanently exiled from God’s blessing

inheritance of the righteous is connected to but not limited to this place and time

Psa. 24:1 “The earth is the Lord’s” and ours if he is our Father; this earth just preliminary foreshadowing of new earth, ours as inheritance and abode after resurrection

right hope – genuine confidence in God ensures righteous WILL receive their inheritance just as surely as God keeps his promises

speech salted with wisdom and grace v.31-32

if hope of eternal life is #1 motivator, language should be sprinkled with words of life

speaking what is founded in true wisdom

what is gracious and pleasing to God and man

speaking the truth (what is right-side up) in love

Blessings of a righteous life are immense and invaluable; may we be quick and lavish in how we spread the treasure around which God has graciously given to us.

God’s Plan WILL Succeed

Ezra 4:1-24

God’s church has always had enemies. Cain killed his brother over issues of faith; the residents of Sodom tried to kill Lot’s angelic visitors; Pharaoh did his best to destroy the children of Israel; and on the list goes until we reach our text. The adversaries of Judah and Benjamin were displeased with the changes to the status quo. And those adversaries came from several directions in their assault on the church: local residents who were from a different culture, lobbyists, and corrupt officials.

The issues Zerubbabel and Jeshua had to overcome if the temple were to be rebuilt in Jerusalem are not that different from issues facing the church at other times in history including today.

Jude (Jude 1:4) speaks of those who secretly slipped into the church with an agenda to introduce erroneous doctrine. The same is happening in one denomination after another in modern evangelical circles.

The first thing Adam confessed to after his sin was fear (Gen. 3:10); the Lord cautioned Isaiah to not see a conspiracy behind every bad thing that happened, not to be overcome with fear (Isa. 8:12); the apostle Peter thought it necessary to repeat that caution in his first epistle to the church (1 Pet. 3:14).

Living at the crossroads of empires, Israel had to cope with the vagaries of politics, especially after 722 BC and the fall of the northern kingdom. The contest between church and state has swung like a pendulum between extremes for centuries and the battle is still being fought today in courts and trenches around the world.

The context of the first sin was spin (Gen. 3:4) and since that day Satan has not changed his nature or methods one bit. Spin and deception, emphasizing certain things to make a point while hiding other things is a method still in good form both inside and outside the church.

Yet, even for all the effort these adversaries of the church put forth, God wins. The end has never been in doubt; God graciously shows through his people that he WILL win over error, in the face of fear, against petty politics, and in spite of spin.

A. Over error v.2, 9-10

not new enemies (see 2 Kings 17:24-41)

resettled from Babylonia and Syria by king Osnapper (Ashurbanipal) of Assyria 100+ yrs earlier

new province created – Samaria

loyalty to Assyria, then Babylon

certainly ideological (if not military) enemies

idol-worshipers – see 2 Kings 17:29-31

polytheists – accustomed to worshiping multiple gods

added Israel’s god to their god-shelf

worshped Yahweh, but…

“we worship the same God”

wanted to be part of the building program

not to honor Yahweh but to derail or redirect the program

seeking legitimacy on basis of common worship

Yahweh was one of the gods on the shelf

he was not obeyed exclusively as he requires

that means they did not understand who Yahweh really is, his true nature and character

they were worshiping a god of their own definition named Yahweh

God gave his people

discernment to recognize the attempted ruse

courage to stand for the truth

even when the anticipated (and actual) result was the opposite of what was wanted

didn’t give in to pragmatic reasoning – if they help with the labor we’ll get done sooner

believed God would prevail regardless of opposition

B. In the face of fear v.4

FUD factor

Since infiltration didn’t work, time for plan B. They had a number of external options open – goal to cause fear, uncertainty, doubt – bring the work to a halt that way.

made at least the pretense of alliances – see vv.9-10

show of superior strength, numbers

attempted intimidation

of the builders

of their suppliers


from Tyre and Sidon

perhaps claiming Persian authority (verse 9), speaking for the king

baseless or not, FUD disrupts progress

distracts attention, diverts resources

have to keep refocusing and encouraging Chicken Little

raises prices – remember hurricanes and the Gulf of Mexico

slows production

unlike Plan A, the sacred text is less clear on the Jewish response to FUD. “tried to discourage” can also be legitimately translated “began to discourage”. Perhaps the enemies of God’s people began to have an effect on progress. They were certainly persistent in their efforts – a total of 16 years would elapse from “the days of Cyrus…. until the reign of Darius”.

C. Against petty politics v.5

lobbying and graft

Just in case intimidation failed to achieve their desired result, the enemies of the church used fair means and foul to persuade politicians to see it their way.

paid for influence

can be taken two ways

bribed court officials to put up roadblocks

require permits, fees

meet additional building code requirements

use authorized suppliers

paid lobbyists

those who would use their influence to hinder progress

working to persuade Cyrus to rescind his orders regarding the temple

D. In spite of spin v.11-16

would have used Jewish rejection of Samaritan help against them

king probably did not understand or care about doctrinal differences between Jew and Samaritan

would have viewed Jewish behavior as unwarranted and suspicious

not satisfied to stop work on the temple

opposition continued for 75 years, halting work on wall as well as temple

to make sure they prevailed, wrote directly to Artaxerxes – tactics they had used all along evident in the letter

claimed they had the king’s interests at heart

accused the Jews of plotting rebellion again

insinuated they would encourage others to rebel against the king

stated speculations as fact: if this continues, royal income from taxes will decrease v.13

E. God’s plan WILL succeed

See v.5, 24 – “until”; key word.

not apparent yet

how God will win

when victory will occur

but outcome is assured

God has the power, his church will be built; earthly kings, conniving politicians, lies, fear, error cannot withstand the advance of the King of kings and Lord of lords. God wins and if we’re on his side, we win with him. Someday we, too, will “join the everlasting song and crown him Lord of all.”

Blessings of a Righteous Life – Part 2

Proverbs 10:11-21

Helpful to keep in mind parallel structure of proverbs. The conditions set up in the first statement relate to conditions of second statement in manner determined by conjunction:

and – second equals or amplifies first

but – second contrasts first

in type of individual or situation described and action or result compared

For example:

verse 11

mouth of righteous <==> mouth of wicked

well of life <==> violence

verse 12

hatred <==> love

stirs up <==> covers

A. Blessings of a right heart v. 11-14

ways in which the Christian can be salt and light in the world (Matt. 5:13-16), can edify the body (Rom. 14:19)

life-giving counsel v.11

Jesus’ promise to woman at the well – John 4:13-14“a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

in contrast to the Pharisees (hypocrites) – Matt. 15:7-11 – God-honoring speech (at least it sounds that way) from a rotten heart

even though “it sounds good” or “listens easy”, wrong motivation ultimately results in wrong direction being given

the truly righteous has a right heart and counsel given comes from and points to source of genuine wisdom and life – God and his Word

peacemaking & forgiveness v.12

right heart operates on basis of love & promotes the opposite of stirring up discord or conflict

Sylvia – bring up a contentious issue, get the family members going at each other, sit back and “watch the fun”

καλύπτω – veil from the sight [of others]

not with intention of minimizing or enabling sin but for purpose of making and keeping peace

sin issue gets addressed with the individual – corrected if necessary, forgiven when possible

do all in our power to limit spillover effect of the sins of others

wisdom & discernment v.13

right heart that causes us to

seek wisdom and understanding

recognize it when we find it

reflect appropriation and “ownership” of wisdom in speech and action

wisdom expressed shows that we possess true understanding of life, godly principles, how to apply them to real-life situations

growth in knowledge v.14

right heart demonstrated by desire for more true knowledge

seeing all of the world and life from biblical perspective – a right-side-up worldview

recognizing that the better we understand and more we know of creation, the better we will know and understand God

not a substitute for His Word, but is motivation that drives many Christians in fields of science, engineering, exploration, etc.

B. Blessings of a right attitude v.15-18

wealth v.15

two ways to approach text:


both circumstances are dangerous – focus on temporal conditions encourages confidence in wealth rather than God and his provision, alternatively encourages despondency for lack of resources

either way is a trap – trapped by self and self’s accomplishments/provisions leading to overconfidence, trapped by inability to provide at a preconceived level and so overcome by inertia


the righteous finds wealth in God, spiritual treasure, actually is a strong city

the unrighteous is spiritually poverty-stricken and without change will die in their sins

work v.16

the righteous stays busy, out of trouble

honest labor is rewarded

righteous also labors for good of others as a servant of God, dependent on God

understands that

work is evidence of life, not means to life

work is not result of curse, frustration in work is

thus approaches work with good attitude – gift from God, given as means to provide for needs

correction v.17

proper navigation on water or in the air requires constant course corrections to avoid drift

righteous has right attitude toward correction

welcomes it as necessary for keeping on right path

necessary for regaining the path after straying away

submission to corrective influence of the Word, preaching, brothers & sisters key mark of the righteous

others v.18

does not hate – loves the brethren 1 John 2:10;4:7,21;5:1

is not deceptive – is transparent with the brethren

does not spread slander – is truthful, kind and gracious in speech about others

C. Blessings of right speech v.19-21

judicious silence v.19

silence prevents saying the wrong thing

encourages covering of offenses as in v.12

the more you talk, the less people listen if what you have to say is empty; better to be a person of few words to whom people listen attentively than a babbler

pure expression v.20

choice silver – pure, refined, without impurities

chosen because of its value and beauty

to the extent it represents godly principles and wisdom – is of inestimable value to others

right speech, pure expression that blesses others comes from a pure heart, worth much because of what God has graciously done in and to it

profitable speech v.21

serves to nourish, encourage & build up others

does so by guiding in right ways

Heart, attitude and speech are areas of personal life in which we struggle, sometimes greatly, to do right. As we seek to follow the path of wisdom, may God by his Word and Spirit enable us to please him in these areas.

God Deserves our Worship – Part 2

Ezra 3:1-13

To recap:

We worship God because he is the first and best of beings and so deserves our worship. We worship God because he has delivered us from slavery to sin and commands us to worship him exclusively. We worship God because we love him and want to please him. Because of who God is and what he has done, he deserves our worship. So if worship is the what, the next question is how? How is it that we should properly worship this God who deserves all the glory we can give to him? What is required in order that we may truly glorify God and worship him as he deserves to be worshiped? Let us learn from our brothers and sisters from an earlier time and how they worshiped the God who had delivered them from captivity.

1. corporately v.1, 11, 13

2. centrally v.1

3. in unity v.1, 9

4. purposefully vv.2-3

people, then priests, gathered at the temple for a purpose

worship, then work

acknowledged the truth expressed by Solomon in Psa. 127:1

“Unless the Lord builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain.”

a right relationship with God and then worship of God must come before doing the work of God

sacrifice a non-negotiable essential of worship

offering animals OT requirement in anticipation/foreshadowing of Calvary

offering ourselves as living sacrifices expected as NT response to Calvary

proclaiming the sacrifice of Christ – his death and resurrection – by preaching and through the ordinances necessary elements of NT worship

either way, it is the cross and work of Christ that receives the focus

declaring the truth of Christ’s sacrifice, of the Gospel, by word and action a primary purpose to be accomplished in worship

it is at the cross where God’s justice met God’s mercy – sin was conquered and sinners redeemed and reconciled to God

purposeful worship required preparation

bringing of the sacrifices, ceremonial cleanliness

priests didn’t have to ask why everyone was there at the temple area – it was abundantly obvious from their attitude, what they brought with them

5. regularly vv.4-6

not just a one-shot deal to get things going

people came with the purpose of beginning regular worship

both sacrifice at the temple and stated feasts observed at home

Feast of Tabernacles v.4

the appointed feasts v.5

daily burnt offerings v.4

freewill offerings v.5

daily, weekly, monthly sacrifices, annual feasts

musical conductor – gives at least a few beats to set the rhythm, keeps everyone at tempo and together

religious rituals provided same for Israel – establishing rhythm of life, keeping them together as a society by focusing attention outside themselves; regular reminders of their place as people of God

required ongoing commitment

priests needed to be supplied with means for their own existence

if they were to be carrying on the work of ministry sacrifice and construction, they couldn’t be laboring for their own support

animals, wood, water, oil, grain all needed to be supplied to maintain regular sacrifices

all happening under less than ideal conditions – city not rebuilt yet; foreign enemies lurking close by – see verse 3

6. as regulated v.4, 10

three phrases used to describe how they implemented elements of worship

as it is written v.4a

required by ordinance v.4b

according to the ordinance v.10

no attempts made to


bring back new ideas from Babylon

include practices from idol-worship as conducted by Babylonians and Persians

follow the new Zoroastrian religion present in Babylon (modern Iran) and which still survives today

take short-cuts

excuses based on circumstances

no city

no temple

few supplies

many enemies

committed to doing worship God’s way

following the regulations he had established and recorded in his Word

in their view the God’s written word had same weight of authority as spoken word

power to command and govern

7. spiritedly vv.10-13

none of it done with a grudging attitude

done with enthusiasm and spirit

with trumpets (silver clarions, not rams’ horns) and cymbals v.10

antiphonal singing – “sang responsively” v.11

The Lord is good

His mercy endures forever

perhaps Psalm 136 where all 26 lines end in “His mercy endures forever” – one course of priests singing the first phrase, the other course responding antiphonally

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.

Oh, give thanks to the God of gods! For His mercy endures forever.

Oh, give thanks to the Lord of lords! For His mercy endures forever:

To Him who alone does great wonders, For His mercy endures forever;

To Him who by wisdom made the heavens, For His mercy endures forever;

To Him who laid out the earth above the waters, For His mercy endures forever;

“shouted with a great shout” v.11, 13

“wept with a loud voice” v.12

“shouted aloud for joy” v.12

“heard afar off” v.13

acknowledgment of God’s goodness and mercy v.11

joyful response to seeing the work of God in building his church move forward

“foundation of the house was laid” v.11, 12

weeping because the work appeared inferior to what God had done previously

those “who had seen the first temple wept”

offered praise and thanksgiving

both because of who God is and because of what God had done

The BIG goal? – “that sinners be converted and Thy name glorified”! That through our worship and the spiritual vigor it gives to us as we glorify God and glory in him, sinners would come to salvation and be added to the body of believers, joining their voices with ours in praise of God who supremely deserves our worship.

Blessings of a Righteous Life – Part 1

Proverbs 10:1-10

“THE former chapters have beautifully set forth in continuous discourse, the nature and value of heavenly wisdom, contrasted with the fascinations of sinful folly. We now come to what are more properly (not of course excluding the foregoing) the Proverbs of Solomon. They are for the most part unconnected sentences, remarkable for profound thought, and acute observation, expressed in an antithetical or illustrative form; the whole comprising a Divine system of morals of universal application.”Bridges

“Wordsworth here remarks that “the Proverbs of the present chapter are exemplifications in detail of the principles, practices, and results of the two ways of life displayed in the foregoing chapters which constitute the prologue.””Harris

This portion of the text – primarily antithetical; “on the one hand, but on the other hand” form

Main theme of the chapter: contrast between righteous and wicked, wise and foolish

extolling blessings of righteous living, warning against dangers of wicked and foolish choices

only 7 of 28 antithetical statements begin with the wicked or their behaviors; rest begin with the righteous

A. Primary target: youth v. 1

not because adults can’t profit or learn from wisdom’s instruction

youth have opportunity to do it right

“Why is there never time to do it right but always time to do it over?”


be an ongoing or habitual source of joy and gladness (pleasure) to parents

avoid causing them sorrow and grief – heaviness of mind, troubled


the one living wisely is also living godly and will be pleasing to God

this and following are proverbs, maxims (a saying that widely accepted on its own merits)

generally true – proverbs not promises

does not preclude exceptions; the exception (by definition) doesn’t make or break the rule

B. Blessings of a right ethic v. 2-5

having a biblical value system

results in long life v.2

a right value system promotes longevity

“profit” the wicked gain will not prevent harm

provides true sustenance v.3

the Lord sustains and satisfies right desires

what the wicked thinks will satisfy does not

is rewarded with wealth v.4

diligence, good work ethic, accompanying righteous living is rewarded by employers and God

being a good worker the goal, not wealth

wicked focus on get-rich-quick schemes, lazy way where cost outweighs benefit

furnishes security v.5

righteous plan ahead, have resources to supply need when it arises

security of adequate provision, rainy-day fund, nest egg, etc.

wicked think only for the moment, end up doing without or paying excessive amount to meet need

godliness (the outworking of biblical values/priorities) the goal, not the blessing

for the righteous, blessing is a side benefit

blessings are real, received as general rule, but not the end in view; they are means to the end

in view of the wicked, the “blessing” IS the end

will try any means to achieve the end

don’t understand that only God’s values satisfy, provide rewarding experience

as general rule, the wicked never reach the goal

e.g., may think money will provide security; acquire lots of money; more insecure and fretful over what might happen to it than if they had only a little

think they’ll be happy with a new toy – computer, 4-wheeler, X-box; it only satisfies until the shiny wears off or their neighbor one-ups them

John D. Rockefeller – When asked once, “How much money is enough money?” He replied, “Just a little bit more.”

doing what is pleasing to God, gaining His approval the real goal

C. Blessings of right ways v. 6-10

the rewards of right living accrue to the righteous v.6

cumulative from generation to generation

both temporal (see Gen. 49:26; Deut. 33:13-16) Jacob’s blessing on Joseph, echoed later by Moses on Joseph’s descendants

and spiritual (see 2 Tim. 1:5) – Lois, Eunice, Timothy

violence is usually a boomerang (see Matt. 26:52)

live by the sword, die by the sword

right living earns a good name v.7

others treat one of a good reputation generously

good name a valuable blessing to pass on to next generation

average wicked person forgotten “soon” after death

leaves no lasting legacy

right living leads to increased wisdom v.8

teachability leads to more, better understanding which leads to more wisdom

receptive to commands of God

correction of brothers and sisters

fool is not teachable, persists in foolish ways, leads to destruction

right living provides security v.9

personal security as in safe from harm, evildoers (remember, it’s a general rule!)

not in danger from neighbors & acquaintances

can sleep soundly, with clear conscience – a life of integrity

wicked don’t know where the next threat will come from

danger as in consequences WILL come, but don’t know what form

right living avoids self-destructive behavior v.10

private (on the sly) wickedness is bad enough for the perp

brings grief or injury to others

bragging about exploits brings it up a few notches

and brings injury home to self

“to speak feignedly and to speak rashly are both alike dangerous: to do the former hurts others, to do the latter hurts oneself.”Fausset

first usually leads to second

“secret” successes raise confidence/arrogance, lead to public boasting

which will eventually lead to his own downfall

(CBS) When Tareq and Michaele Salahi waltzed past the White House cameras Tuesday night (11/24/09) they looked for all the world like they belonged there, except for one tiny detail… they weren’t invited. Still, the Salahis managed to talk their way past the Secret Service and into the star-studded state dinner, where they warmed up to Vice President Joe Biden, media luminaries and even the Marines posted at the door.

…Then the Virginia couple hurried home to post the photos on Facebook, gushing “I was honored to be invited to attend the First State Dinner.”…The Secret Service has launched an investigation into the security breach and says a preliminary probe reveals that proper procedure wasn’t followed at one of its checkpoints.

better to live life of integrity spoken of in verse 9 – word, thought, deed, motive all captive to God and his Word

May God grant us strength and grace to live rightly, to grow in our ability to do so.

God Deserves our Worship – Part 1

Ezra 3:1-13

Benjamin Keach’s Catechism, 1677

Q. 1. Who is the first and best of beings?

A. God is the first and best of beings.

Q. 2. What is the chief end of man?

A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.

If Question 1 is a good question and Answer 1 is correct, then the answer to Question 2 is a no-brainer. If God is in fact the first and best of beings, then obviously our primary task and purpose is to glorify him in all that we do. Living our lives always consciously aware of the fact that we are in the presence of God, under the authority of God, and are to glorify God is the essence of what it means to be a Christian. It addresses the how of life more than the what of life. Remember what Paul told the church at Corinth:

1 Cor. 10:31 Therefore, whether you eat or you drink or whatever you do, do all [things] for the glory of God. LEB

One of those things that we do is worship God. We worship God because he is the first and best of beings and so deserves our worship. We worship God because he has delivered us from slavery to sin and commands us to worship him exclusively. We worship God because we love him and want to please him. Because of who God is and what he has done, he deserves our worship. So if worship is the what, the next question is how? How is it that we should properly worship this God who deserves all the glory we can give to him? What is required in order that we may truly glorify God and worship him as he deserves to be worshiped? Let us learn from our brothers and sisters from an earlier time and how they worshiped the God who had delivered them from captivity.

1. corporately v.1, 11, 13

gathered together – assembled

God at work again; text implies no announcement made to call people together, did it “of their own accord”

recognized value and importance of coming together as a congregation, assembly to worship

were ahead of their time in following the instruction found in Heb. 10:25

not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting [encouraging] one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

the actions and excitement and passion of fellow-worshipers served two functions: glorifying God and building up of the saints

all praised – great shout, heard afar off

God rejoices in the praise of an individual; also rejoices in the corporate praise of the body

coming together to worship exemplifies truth that God has “redeemed for himself a people, to make for himself a name” 2 Sam. 7:23 – not many people but a people

as he redeemed them from bondage in Egypt, exile in Babylon, so he has redeemed them from slavery to sin to be his people (singular), a body of individuals called together for worship

should not come as a surprise that worship ought to be corporate – God looked at Adam and said “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a companion for him” Gen. 2:18

2. centrally v.1

were in the cities, …to Jerusalem

visually, spatially they would get the idea that worship was to be central

in the same way, worship must be central to life

just as outlying towns surrounded Jerusalem like spokes around a hub, so life’s activities must be connected to the worship of God

old New England towns – church at the center of town, worship of God at the center of life

their purpose in being in the land – to rebuild the church

used as God’s tools to raise up the structure

empty, unused sanctuary is useless; for their efforts to have value, temple must be used as God intended – for the growth of his people in grace and godliness

their job not done when the last stone was put in place, the last nail hammered home

needed to continue actively in worship, bringing their children, encouraging friends and neighbors to come

annual pilgrimage feasts demonstrated repeatedly that all of their life revolved around God and his priorities, not their own, served to remind them of centrality of God and his worship in their lives

when worship and obedience to God’s commands no longer held center stage for God’s people, society began to unravel – seen repeatedly in Israel’s history as well as our own

3. in unity v.1, 9

people v.1

gathered as one man

describes not only the physical gathering

indicates they had a common purpose in being there, being together

rebuilding the temple and reinstituting worship

did not deem it necessary to wait for a building in order to worship

priests v.9

arose as one

supervising work on the temple – encouraging the workmen toward a single goal

same principle applies as 1 Cor. 14:7-8

“Even things without life, whether flute or harp, when they make a sound, unless they make a distinction in the sounds, how will it be known what is piped or played?. If the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who will prepare for battle?”

practical application – uncertainty or mixed signals cause confusion, halt progress

the only way real progress on the temple would happen – unity of leadership

spiritual application – mixed signals, a confused sound doesn’t constitute proper worship

must be unity of focus and action, worshiping God with one heart and voice to please him

God expects worship to be orderly – “let all things be done decently and in order” 1 Cor. 14:40

not just the externals of worship that must be orderly

unity within individual – heart and voice going in the same direction

unity with neighbor – it is the body worshiping, not the individual

likewise requires unity of leadership

unity between leader and leader – antiphonal singing doesn’t work otherwise!

music, prayer, preaching, teaching leading toward common goal

unity between leadership and congregation

everyone singing together, praying together, “processing” God’s Word together

another sort of unity – that of station

only one class of people in front of the altar, at the foot of the cross

sinners unable to help themselves

standing in need of redemption and reconciliation

the Lord’s Table reminds us of

God’s provision for our need

that the Lamb of God was the perfect sacrifice

that the Lion of Judah will return to gather his people to himself and renew all things