Tag: How to Endure Persecution

Final Greetings

2 Thessalonians 3:16-18

Paul’s overall purpose in writing two letters to saints in Thessalonica: provide clear instruction to first-generation Christians in a secular culture about what to believe and how to behave. Errors in both faith and practice had become obvious and needed correction. At the same time, Paul was well aware of what that would mean to believers already experiencing opposition and persecution. To live and look more like Jesus would surely add fuel to the fire, increasing pressure to conform to standard of the world. Specific situation really of secondary importance – if you want to minimize persecution, look and sound and act like everyone else. Christ will not be pleased but most of neighbors will.

Unlike many of Paul’s other letters, are no personal references to members of the Thessalonian church. Seems Paul did not have opportunity to develop relationships with individuals, probably because circumstances dictated short stay for reasons of personal safety. Did not diminish Paul’s affection for the people or his concern for their spiritual well-being.

These closing four sentences serve as both a benediction and reminder/instruction – express Paul’s desire/prayer for the Lord to bless them and reminder of where they should look for peace and grace they will need. The world offers many alternatives, don’t waste your time… go to the source of the real thing. Since persecution by nature includes conflict, greater persecution prompts greater desire and need for peace. With increased pressure to conform to wrong standard comes increased need for sustaining grace. No matter degree of their need, God’s supply more than sufficient

A. peace  v.16a

who from

truly a declaration of promise fulfilled and hope for future – peace that seems so elusive, at times distant, can be obtained

think of the associations: Lord of peace… Prince of Peace… “on earth peace” – he came, he purchased peace, we can experience peace and be at peace… now, in this life, really

man’s best efforts at peace, while commendable and appreciated, only temporary – geopolitical landscape littered with attempts

since Lord of peace is head of his church, peace in the church should be the rule not the exception, both individually and corporately

what it is

read Eph 2.14-20 includes but not limited to absence of hostility, that just gets to neutral; need to keep going to harmony, unity, actually working together to further Christ’s kingdom

when that kind of spirit is present in the church, will extend to other spheres of life… family and state/community

“We need peace in the Church, in the commonwealth, in households, marriages, families, trades, in regard to eating one’s own bread, in regard to opinions, wherein one is often puffed up against another. But not at the cost of the holy war against impurities, but just by means of such a conflict.” Lange

when and where

intention of Lord of peace that his people experience his peace and joy without interruption – if gaps, fault on our side

our peace not dependent on external circumstances – should work other way, our peace has influence on other people, certainly other believers

will often not be true w/respect to unbelievers – they resent our peace, want for themselves but fail to achieve, try to take ours away… misery loves company

do have duty to promote/pursue peace (Rom. 14:19; 2 Tim. 2:22; Heb. 12:14; 1 Pet. 3:11), avoid unnecessary conflict

B. personal relationship  v.16b-17

personally present

having peace present is wonderful blessing – having Jesus personally present is way better, far more encouraging

letter written to those enduring persecution – so much easier when you’re not alone and you know it… have someone with understanding to share the load

don’t have to think too hard to realize Jesus can really sympathize… and he had to do it alone, w/o support even from Father

individual and corporate

word Paul used (παντων) can be used 2 ways – each of you, all of you – each of you individually, all of you as a church family

indicates Jesus’ interest in all areas of life for his people – loved the church and gave himself for her, but individuals don’t get overlooked/fall through the cracks

Jesus present and making peace possible in and through us in the church, in our families, in neighborhoods to extent natural man’s sinfulness permits


his peace is good, his presence is good, but he can’t be seen and touched – by design are sentient beings, we have senses

Paul understood that and its place in effective communication – 1 Thess. 2:18 “Therefore we wanted to come to you; even I, Paul, time and again; but Satan hindered us.”

since in-person visit not possible, next best thing… greeting in own handwriting – didn’t leave it all to the secretary to do

this conclusion not boiler-plate, was the author’s own autograph expressing his affection and encouragement for saints under great pressure

C. grace  v.18

unmerited favor

same as earlier (16a), grace of Lord Jesus, his favor, his blessing poured out on them as individual believers and a church body

like peace, this grace, favor way more than simply Jesus thinking of his people favorably – is favor that results in action

Jesus by his Spirit makes things happen in lives and circumstances of his people, equipping with every kind of resource necessary for godly living: spiritual, physical, emotional

every kind of strength, wisdom, understanding that enables us to profit from circumstances, things God uses to make us more like Jesus each day

from God himself

“our Lord Jesus Christ”, the one to whom all authority in heaven and earth has been given to rule over his kingdom and all things

he sustains and upholds all things by his powerful word (Heb. 1:3), will not be frustrated in his eternal purpose to bring all things under his sovereign dominion (1 Cor. 15:24-28)

not only can do all things, he will do all things necessary for our good and his glory (Rom. 8:28) to the end that we will be “more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Rom. 8:37)

Is a sense in which the degree of peace and grace we experience directly related to our closeness to the source. Yes, God can overcome all obstacles but… we don’t need to make it hard for him to do so. Natural response of love to get closer to the one we love and who loves us. Is especially important we do so when at risk of being overwhelmed, distracted, drawn away, like… most of the time! Use the means of grace, read and meditate on his word, listen to good teaching and good music, may his peace and grace be yours.

Walk This Way

2 Thessalonians 3:1-15 

Still some important things to say as Paul moves toward close of letter. “Finally” occasionally does indicate close of letter or presentation. Here, not exactly – more along lines of “the last important issue I need to address…” Two parts to this: need for specific prayer, problem of idleness among some in the church. Both can be connected to misunderstanding about Second Coming Paul was seeking to correct.

At same time was important for relatively young church to be clear on how to live day-by-day in kind of world described in chapter 2 – place where forces of evil are gaining traction every day. More than one way to measure believers vs unbelievers, have been both since very early in earth’s history. Only very brief time when believers were majority, been other way ever since. Even if percentages stay level, raw numbers have been increasing. Some principles here to help keep believers focused, on right track when truth increasingly hard to come by.

One important thing Paul only mentions in passing: his apostolic authority, v.9, and his not using it. Example esp. here displays vulnerability and humanity. Really the opposite of those who claim apostolic succession. One of several places where Paul makes plain his dependence on prayers of others. Connects success of his ministry with regular intercession of others on his behalf. Also brings in factor of personal safety, even his own survival – knows w/o God’s protection and prayers of his people his own life not worth much.

Easy to reach conclusion from 2 Cor. 11:22-28 and other evidence from NT that Paul some kind of superhero, able to endure all sorts of hardship and just keep going. Never at loss for words, never lacking for energy, traveling thousands of miles with no thought of danger, running on just a few hours of sleep a night. Know that wasn’t so from his prayer requests and exhortation to others.

A. pray for us  v.1-5

the “word of the Lord” to run

more than just praying for good results, “pray for us” – essential we pray for those who are serving on the front lines

“word of the Lord” often taken to mean “the Gospel” – includes but is broader than that, embracing all of God’s truth

really needed to run in 1st century, limited “print” availability… few copies, few languages, great distances, job not done yet

biblical truth absolutely vital for hindering work of Satan and agents and taking territory away from him, people not technology primary mode of delivery then as now – personal visits plus mail

the messengers be kept safe

message needed to be kept safe from being distorted / diminished / diluted – messengers also needed protection from harm

saved and lost alike cannot hear God’s truth from discouraged/delayed/diverted/dead messengers – need living voices to share living truth

messengers need courage in face of danger, diligence in face of deception – best thing possible to pray and ask for prayer

since one behind “curtain” pulling strings is really Satan, these two – prayer and God’s truth – only “weapons” available to us that will be effective against him and agents

the converts to grow in faith and practice

true, the Lord will provide and protect, confirm and direct but… is presumptuous to simply take it for granted he will do so

can be certain these things included in Paul’s prayer labors for Thessalonians, expected they would pray same for others

whether new churches in other parts of world, new or vulnerable ones here… good thing to pray on their behalf

B. follow us  v.6-12

seems to be different group from those spreading misunderstanding about 2nd Coming, probably present in Thessalonica since missionaries first arrived, continuing to be problematic

a good example

Paul, Silas, Timothy went above and beyond call of duty, working to plainly demonstrate to 1st-generation Christians how they should live in order to please Jesus

self-discipline obvious, not wasting time, staying focused and productive, iow busy about right kind of things, not “make work” work

some but certainly not all of labors were for purpose of “earning a living” – self-discipline extended to ministry preparation / performance

example in all of life one of orderliness – Thessalonians had no excuse for behaving otherwise, were given sufficient example

a biblical work ethic

this text no exception, witness is clear throughout Old and New – work not result of curse, came before Fall and frustrations

place and importance of work embedded in Ten Commandments (#8 and 10) – don’t steal what someone else has worked for, don’t desire what they have worked for

is referenced throughout Bible in numerous ways, expected that since we are designed for work we will be doing so

failure to give work proper place in welfare programs unhealthy, encourages all sorts of bad behavior

sloth leads to trouble

had to ask question some months back, BLM and January 6 e.g. – don’t those troublemakers have jobs? if not, why not?

perhaps extreme situations, but really only matter of degree – “idle hands are the devil’s workshop” and sure is true

C. don’t burn out  v.13-15

unregulated zeal not good either

are seeing in workplace what unrelenting stressful demands do to people – are finite human beings, not some kind of machine

this part of missionaries’ example too… a necessary element of proper self-discipline – factored in necessary accommodations to human limitations

in spite of what family thought, Jesus did take opportunities to decompress – time with just the Twelve, or the three, or his Father

choose friends wisely

some are good for us to spend time with, others not so much – should discern between, choose those who encourage sanctification

if we need to be selective in what we choose to be doing, should also be selective in who we do it with

must also be careful to avoid encouraging wrong behavior in others whether slothfulness or troublemaking

don’t give up

if one resistant to godly counsel is really a Christian, minimize time and closeness of relationship but don’t shun them

cannot be an influence for good when have nothing to do with them – and God may use our words to bring about good

God will only do that if we are purposeful when we are together, warning other person of God-designed consequences for sinful behavior

Wherever we go, whatever we do, need to live each day taking Jesus’ name with us and wearing it well – declaring his truth to others, depending on his grace for own needs.

God Has a Plan

2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 

 Based on his writing, edifying or building up Christian character in others something always on Paul’s mind. Nearly 20 times in epistles makes reference to it. Certainly a factor in why he believed needful to address some subjects – sometimes for correction, for encouragement, for instruction, for warning. Portion of letter immediately previous to this intended to correct Thess. thinking about Jesus’ return, give further instruction on some details, and provide warning… heads-up about what to expect.

Number of possible responses to his teaching. Thanks for letting us know so we’re not caught off guard. I knew they were wrong, thanks for the “ammunition”! Why did you have to tell us that, I’m already worried/discouraged enough. Was this last one Paul most wanted to avoid – need to give the warning, also need to encourage.

Was method used for a while in WWII and Vietnam called carpet bombing – covering area with bombs like a carpet. Is not the method God will use at the end. His plan encompasses the big picture and everything in it while at same time addressing small groups and individuals. Here is encouragement and instruction for how to live in culture increasingly influenced and dominated by the evil one, world where it becomes more difficult daily to live like a Christian.

Starts by giving answer to one of the ultimate questions: who am I? where did I come from? why am I here? where am I going? how do I know? Question of identity being answered in ways that rapidly diverge from one given in Bible. Paul doesn’t do that, he covers full sweep of God’s decrees from before creation to next life. Focus here as it should be on God, what he has done, is doing, will do… the only safe foundation on which to build confidence.

A. who you are  v.13-14


we often start with “you made profession of faith”; “prayed for salvation”; “asked Jesus to be your Savior” – all may be true

our action can be fragile foundation, God’s action is much better starting place… same as John, 1 John 4:10, 19

In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”

“We love Him because He first loved us.”

confidence / hope for future must rest on God’s love for us, not our love for him… for all the obvious reasons – his faithfulness, power, grace and mercy


moving on from there, since we (incl. Thess.) are “brethren beloved”, what comes next – what are natural consequences of God’s love for his people – “God demonstrates his own love toward us” (Rom. 5:8)

confidence of destiny must rest on God’s choosing – a lot more to God’s choosing than simply picking people out of a crowd

chosen for a purpose and an end: salvation through sanctification – process of sanctification involves purpose, salvation indicates the end

know from elsewhere: salvation is from sin and its curse, is to good works, and ultimate destiny is full removal of all effects of sin… soul and body

is accomplished by power and action of Holy Spirit in concert with truth of God as found in his word the Bible


two calls in view here: external call and effectual call – external call the outward means God uses, proclamation of Gospel calling sinners to repentance

only brings about good results when is accompanied by God’s effectual call, when the Holy Spirit does his work to enable sinner to respond to Gospel call

ultimately, the big goal is to be so changed that believer can actually be in Christ’s presence and share in his exalted glory

God shows by his electing and calling his purpose to do all necessary to accomplish his purpose… and nothing can thwart him

NOTE: all this together reinforces principle that “salvation is of the Lord” (Jonah 2:9), all of grace and as sure as God’s nature

B. what to do  v.15

stand fast

since all this is God’s part, and we know he is faithful, what is our part? in spite of / in light of warning about man of sin…

this another principle Paul emphasized: stand firm / fast – don’t wobble or wander, stay put… stay focused…

is an exhortation to not be pushed around… by circumstances, by influences and influencers – stay true to sound principles

hold the traditions

important practice recovered at time of Protestant Reformation – ad fontes – depend on original, not secondary sources

can safely cling to traditions / teaching / truths / principles found in God’s word – Bible must be starting place for beliefs/worldview

beware of new / exciting / innovative when it comes to God’s truth and its application – trust Holy Spirit, wisdom of God’s people, trusted teachers

NOTE: our particular circumstances surely not known by Bible writers… but were fully known by God – he moved them to write what they did intending it to be relevant then and now

principles adequate / suitable to guide people of God in 1st century and before still adequate for us in 21st century, don’t need to be reimagined or reinterpreted for modern culture

C. how to do it  v.16-17


Son and Father are in it together, have common purpose – God’s glory and good of his people, have not deviated from it nor will they ever do so

grace past, present and future is ours – don’t have what we do for any other reason, will not ever need to try and earn it in order to maintain supply of blessing

if ever tempted to doubt God and his goodness, remember his past mercies… and that his present mercies not a whim / spur of the moment thing / new idea with God

we aren’t in this alone, should not try to live at any time, much less ones like these, in own strength and wits


reminder: comfort does not equal console – does mean strengthen, encourage, and is way more than simple feel-good message

especially significant since this isn’t limited to minds, it goes right to the heart of the matter… core of our being

doesn’t matter how convinced we are intellectually of something – if heart is uneasy, uncertain, will be reflected in all of life

only God can do this, no one else can reach that deep, yet he does use means – word and Spirit the primary ones he uses


icing on this part of the cake – is Father and Son who gives confidence, we don’t have to try to manufacture our own

obviously need to be doing our part but… God gives us confidence/strength/keep rightly focused in all we do and say

bottom line is that we can depend on God to keep our feet where they belong even when there is great pressure to move

World and its people full of uncertainty, fear about all sorts of things. Christian may experience uncertainty and fear at times. However… should not be constant thing and definitely should not be rule of life. Remember your identity – loved by God, chosen by God, called by God, blessed, comforted and established by God… because you belong to him and are member of his family. Not only heirs of God, are destined to share in Christ’s glory. Given who God is, what more could we ask for?

Praying Always

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 

 Paul begins body of letter with concise summation of what will take place on that Day. Some repeat information, stating again things Jesus himself said who reiterated things OT prophets declared. Goes further, not minimizing significance of final judgment, rather adding insight into more God intends to bring about on that Day. He will be glorified in all that happens, especially so when he is “glorified in His saints” and “admired among all those who believe”.

“Therefore”, in view of that and “persecutions and tribulations” they were enduring, he describes purposeful action taken on on their behalf. Since no one except the Father knows day and hour of Jesus’ return, is valid for us to follow this model in our own day. Also, in light of what Bible says about world conditions as that Day approaches and signs we see around us, praying this way has even greater sense of urgency.

Paul’s desire for brothers and sisters in Thessalonica fits in category of “perseverance of the saints”. This a doctrine that received much emphasis early 17th century, church council held in Dordrecht, Holland. University professor, Jacob Arminius, over period of time taught some things different from what was broadly accepted in protestant church. Council was called to officially determine and declare church’s position on five issues, last one had to do with this: whether or not someone could “fall from grace” or lose their salvation. Arminius was in doubt, followers eventually came to believe is possible.

Paul here praying they would persevere… but more than that: that God would by his grace preserve them in their faith and that they would persevere well.

A. incessant prayer


referring back to names at top of the page… Paul, Silvanus & Timothy – certainly right to think each of them praying for this need

since each recognized need, would have also prayed together, perhaps more specifically based on first-hand personal knowledge

was on their church’s prayer list, sure to come up when gathered for corporate prayer – individual, small group, entire church praying for particular needs of believers in another church

also pray always

continual need prompts continual prayer – persecution / tribulation ongoing and increasing in intensity, faith continually being tested

God doesn’t need to be reminded of need but… prayer is instrumental means by which he has chosen to meet those needs

serves to encourage those in hard circumstances to know believers elsewhere continue to intercede with God on their behalf

NOTE: vitally important: if you tell someone you’ll pray for them, be sure to follow through, don’t let them down

for you

could have said “we pray for all the saints in every church” – equivalent: “God help all the Christians in the world” – perhaps better than no prayer, not what it might be

they were praying as particularly as they could… based on general knowledge and understanding of specific people/roles in Thessalonica

kept up on local news, what was happening in surrounding culture, reports / prayer requests from inside the church family… then interceding on that basis

B. request list

God would count you worthy of this calling

not implying they were at risk of failure, is convinced they cannot reach the goal without God’s help – not able to “survive” persecution on their own

that they have persevered so far testifies to genuineness of their faith and God’s faithfulness in preserving them from spiritual harm (not necessarily physical harm/difficulty)

praying that God would continue meeting their need in their circumstances so they would be shown worthy when Day comes

not what we mostly want or pray for… to be taken out of or insulated from persecution… rather glorify God in their suffering

fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power

prays that God would finish what he started – is his good pleasure to make believers like Jesus, prayer that God would make it happen… by His power

also asking that Thessalonians would be empowered by God to actually do the good things/works they desired to do

this a good reminder to believers: cannot simply power through suffering in way that brings glory to God – must depend on him… remember strength/weakness thing in 2 Cor.

that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you

if Christ is to be glorified in them when he comes, he must be glorified in them in the meantime – must have holy lives between now and then

Paul’s desire that God’s power be evident in how Thessalonians persevere, how faith is strengthened (even if shaken) by circumstances

this really main purpose for living… to glorify God, and encourage others to do the same – Matt. 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

and you [be glorified] in Him

here’s the bit about finishing well – he is glorified in us in this life, we are glorified in him when he comes back and we share in his glory

here’s the thing – have to get through rest of this life in order to enjoy that… regardless of how we exit, need God’s help

is the prayers of the saints that “activate” God’s power – we do not command it, he condescends to use prayer as conduit

C. how it can/will happen

according to the grace

no aspect of holy life that glorifies God that is result solely of human effort – is all and only by grace that our efforts produce good

same is true of ability to endure persecution / suffering… impossible without grace – amount of glory God receives commensurate with amount of grace he bestows

since more grace => more glory, prayer is for saints to receive / God to bestow more grace – is continual need, not something we can store up and have own personal supply

of our God

James 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

every undeserved favor we receive has its source in God – he is the Sovereign Creator and sustainer of all things

and the Lord Jesus Christ

those good and perfect gifts and undeserved favors come to individual believers through Lord Jesus and no one else

is only when joined to Christ by faith that we have access to blessings we need to live holy lives, be effective ambassadors

We aren’t passive recipients of God’s grace. Are instead willing instruments as God works his power through us to achieve his good purpose for our own good, the good of others, and ultimately / most importantly his glory.

Is good prayer model for us to use when interceding for believers in other parts of the world as well as our own. Can add to it, personalize it based on knowledge we have: reports from our missionaries, from news media, personal contact. Keep in mind: if resources needed to meet challenge of suffering seem to be inadequate, is not because God ran out. May be a supply chain issue, a bottleneck somewhere that would be cleared up by persistent prayer. Can be absolutely confident of this: his grace is sufficient, even when our strength is weakest.

Persevering and Persecuted

2 Thessalonians 1:3-10 

Pervasive issue in our nation and one to the north frequently pushed aside by other more “pressing” issues – pain and how to deal with it. Underlying mindset… don’t want to experience it, make it stop. People have devised numerous ways to address the issue, range all the way from a couple aspirin to a suicide pod, death on demand for single occupant when escape is deemed the best option. Somewhere in the middle, those who try to put dollar value on “pain and suffering”, have a price list for insurance companies and juries to use… as if somehow bank accounts and backaches are connected.

Paul had much different approach to pain and suffering, his own and that of those he loved. Looked beyond merely physical component to see what it signifies and produces in believers who endure suffering. He saw much to commend in Thessalonians and what God was producing in them through suffering. He did not encourage them to cheer up because First Church of East Eurasia was way worse off than them. He did encourage them to look up and take heart in God was doing among them and how his plan for the future included them.

A. growing faith  v.3-5

encourages other believers

first thing encouraged… growth in faith, confidence and dependence on Lord Jesus – substantial enough that it showed

persecution was pushing them closer to Christ, making them to be more like Jesus… and they were not fighting it

were certainly individual and corporate examples in community, their example an encouragement to other parts of Christ’s church

Paul didn’t ask God to relieve their suffering, remove from it – instead thanked God for them and their growth, that God was using their trials for their good and his glory

demonstrated in love, patience, faith

not something said just to make them feel good (shouldn’t do that anyway) – was solid evidence that convinced Paul commendation was “fitting”, rightly expected

love for one another continually increasing – this the mark Jesus emphasized to disciples

“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:35 

persecution, affliction on the rise, would be for another 3 centuries in that part of world… and they were enduring it well

not down-in-the-mouth guess I can suffer through till Jesus comes, instead continuing to move forward in spiritual growth while enduring great hardship

worthiness confirmed by suffering

God made right call about his work in them to make them worthy of citizenship in Christ’s kingdom through experience of suffering

suffering produced good things in them by God’s design, also confirmed to them and observers he considered them worthy to suffer for his sake

their enduring produced blessing / benefits for the church in all ages, testified of God’s power and faithfulness to his people

the kind of thing Peter refers to:

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ,” 1 Pet. 1:6-7 

NOTE: Jesus set example for many things, incl. mindset that enables endurance through suffering: “for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame”  Heb. 12:2

not a “grit your teeth and suffer through it until it’s over” kind of endurance – is a “keep your eyes on Jesus” while moving forward toward goal of heaven and final Christ-likeness (1 John 3:2)

B. promised rest  v.6-8

things will change when Jesus comes

w/o question, Jesus first coming changed the world… not in ways people automatically notice… real but quiet and unobtrusive

next time… different story – “revealed from heaven with His mighty angels” – absolutely no way he can be ignored or overlooked

will be no need for fact-finding, investigation – Judge will come already possessing full knowledge of all that has taken place, what God’s purpose is in all of it, what justice and grace will require

will be both rest

those who are troubled / afflicted / oppressed – primary emphasis on persecution that comes from enemies of Christ and his kingdom

important to keep in mind: all the body suffers in some way when part is afflicted including the Head who takes it very personally

and retribution

may seem like enemies of Christ get away with all kinds of evil – reality is God has mercifully postponed judgment, granting time and opportunity for repentance

at same time, he has appointed the day when all enemies called to bar of justice, will receive proper treatment for their actions

don’t be discouraged: God is faithful and just toward all mankind, true justice will not be denied, all based on standing with regard to Gospel

C. Christ glorified and admired  v.9-10

a busy day

much to do on “that Day”, involves both mankind and created order… everything under the Curse – result is final judgment, final glory

not mutually exclusive principles: God is glorified in all his works – first things first, wicked sent to judgment, away from glory of God and his power

all the rest: drawn into God’s immediate presence who not only experience his glory but also display his glory in their full redemption

a contributing cause

saving faith is only authorized qualifier for existence in God’s presence – don’t forget, no individual manufactured their own faith

our salvation from beginning to end is all God’s doing including saving faith he gives to those who are his – we get no credit… another reason for saints glorifying and admiring and worshiping him

the main thing

yes, our good is wrapped up in all this, is secondary to God’s glory displayed in its fullness on that Day, acknowledged by saved and lost alike

lost may rail at God, curse and blaspheme, yet will have no option but to acknowledge who he is… Sovereign Ruler of all things

saints will begin eternity of being continually awed and amazed at his power, perfections, all that makes him God and not us

Can relate in some measure to saints in Thessalonica. Certainly at times feel what Edmund Sears wrote in Christmas Carol – the “woes of sin and strife”, “two thousand years of wrong”, “life’s crushing load”. Yet based on God’s word the Bible, we know several things that give courage:

1. everything we experience in life has purpose according to God’s plan

2. means he has a good purpose in suffering / persecution we experience

3. have his assurance that Jesus is coming back and put his stamp of approval on our suffering

4. will also put stamp of approval on all of his works in and through us

5. when we see him as he really is, we will be totally blown away

With his help, in full dependence on God we can persevere through whatever God sends our way. In the process, will be an encouragement to others and they to us, all for glory of God.


Grace and Peace to You

2 Thessalonians 1:1-2 

 Argument from silence but… seems that fond desire Paul/Silas/Timothy had to visit personally had NOT come about – 1 Thess. 3:10 “night and day praying exceedingly that we may see your face and perfect what is lacking in your faith”. Prior to first letter had sent Timothy when couldn’t stand it any longer, then wrote to them. Some time (don’t know how much) has passed, still not possible to make trip and wrote second letter instead.

Have been scholars who contend two letters not written by same person, claim they present conflicting teaching about end times. Yet we have evidence from early 2nd century that was accepted in church as genuinely from Paul. To think Paul did NOT write it raises more questions / difficulties than simply taking at face value what it says, especially since Paul’s name appears at beginning and end of letter, claiming to be penman who wrote final benediction.

A. senders


some time after first letter, probably around AD51; confirmed by reference to things taught in “previous epistle” (2:15)

issues addressed indicate response to first letter not all it should have been, necessary to give further instruction/clarification

that Paul did not assume they would figure it out for themselves but wrote second letter shows degree of love, level of concern


ministering still as a team, jointly expressing concern for Thessalonians with Paul as spokesman for the group

good example for anyone serving in leadership – when came to difficult issues, no confusion over who was leading – at same time, not acting as Lone Ranger

typical of Paul and any good leader – whenever possible mentor others: explanations, experiences, example

leadership development in others in some ways more important than direct ministry – is essential for future generations

is vital in frontier missions, places at leading edge of Gospel advance – must train local/indigenous leaders for service, then let them lead according to wits Holy Spirit supplies


first thing addressed in letter is ongoing persecution – nature of it is rarely if ever decreases, only increases until something big happens to change it… e.g. Constantine, “legalizing” Christianity AD313

need for increased understanding of difference between “sudden” and “soon” in relation to Jesus’ return and “Day of the Lord”

problem present when missionaries were there, when first letter written, still a problem – idleness and improper meddling in affairs of others w/i the church

not random but interconnected issues – persecution + misunderstanding + idle busybodies a recipe for disaster anywhere

B. recipients


not identified by name or other personal description – letter has value and application for individuals… at same time was written “to the church (called out) of the Thessalonians”

is ok to think of Bible as “God’s word to me”… but… should think of / interpret / apply it as “God’s word to us” first

“Jesus Loves Me” and “The Church’s One Foundation” both good and correct – remember this: exhortation in Eph. 5:25 “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her


their recognition by God as a church based on much more than their meeting together in one place and calling themselves a church

“it is necessary to notice — that by a Church in God and Christ is meant one that has not merely been gathered together under the banner of faith, for the purpose of worshiping one God the Father, and confiding in Christ, but is the work and building as well of the Father as of Christ, because while God adopts us to himself, and regenerates us, we from him begin to be in Christ.” Calvin Commentary

this the first piece of encouragement: standing before / security in God all his doing, not dependent on their theological prowess

true for all the church in all places at all times as Paul said about himself, “by the grace of God I am what I am” (1 Cor. 15:10)

C. needs


this a far cry from “I just want you to be happy” way of thinking – is really “I want you to be holy”, lasts for an eternal lifetime

substantially more than being viewed favorably, really is being treated favorably / given favors we don’t deserve, cannot earn

side note: prayer, then, really asking God to do me/them a favor – may be additional considerations like God’s promise, track record, character… starts with unmerited favor

need to remember: God not obligated to reward bad behavior – should be doing their/our part to show appreciation by obedience


similar, much more than being at peace – means that and being given peace / having peace, state of being and of relationship

“the tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and content with its earthly lot, of whatsoever sort that is” Thayer

young lady, years ago, being very rebellious – asked pointed questions about situation, response: “you’re messing with my calm”

what are things that typically mess with your calm? uncertainty, unjust treatment, hardship, powerlessness – none of that can overwhelm / overcome kind of peace in view here

from God

favor with men not inconsequential, cf. Jesus, Luke 2:52; peace with men worth pursuing and a real blessing, cf. Rom. 12:18 

from the Father – his favor along with peace transcends all others, should be pursued first, requested by us for others

can certainly intercede particularly, have examples of that (Eph. 6:19, etc) – hard to imagine a greater blessing to ask from God for others… along with specifics

through the Lord Jesus… alone – God doesn’t need to use means, can simply decree and it happens… yet has chosen from beginning to bring about amazing things through the Son and him alone

John 1:3 “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.”

Father continues to act through the Son today and will for rest of this age – no one comes to Father exc. thru Jesus, grace/mercy/peace come from Father thru Jesus

Birth of Jesus essential for our eternal good and so is knowledge of it. Christmas goes way beyond giving gifts that can be unwrapped. Jesus can’t be unwrapped yet he is greatest gift ever as the one who saves from sin, reconciles to the Father, mediates on behalf of his people, will judge the world and set all things right. The world needs to hear about the Christ of Christmas and why he is so important. Good for us, his people, to be reminded: Jesus’ work for us didn’t end at the cross or empty tomb. He is one keeping us reconciled to God, distributing all the good things from his heavenly treasury to his people.

Concluding Remarks

1 Thessalonians 5:23-28 

 Kind of an abbreviated ending compared to other letters from Paul. No lengthy list of people he sends greetings to, simply a benediction and handful of one-liners. Makes sense if this one of his earliest letters – relationships still developing, also his writing style. What he has to say no less important because of brevity – packs great deal of content in few short sentences. Note of interest: if Paul’s secretary wrote on his behalf, Paul himself almost certainly wrote the final lines, at least v.25-28 (1st person pronouns).

Perhaps another reason for a personal closing to the letter – Thessalonians quite fragile, distressed and tending toward hopelessness b/c they lacked understanding. Was death of some in the church sign of God’s displeasure, had they missed Jesus’ return, what did all this mean about their own salvation? Was vital that the new first-generation believers be reassured and confirmed in their faith… and not by amanuensis but by the pastor himself. Everything in this conclusion designed to get them set back on their feet, pointed in the right direction, facing a genuinely hopeful future as children of God.

Another small point: learning about situation and people in Corinth in morning worship, Thessalonians in the evening. Brings out two very different aspects of Paul’s character – he could be tough, down to earth, no nonsense when situation required. Could also be gentle and compassionate and affirming (in a good way) when that was appropriate and most needed. Having those qualities along with discernment/wisdom to know which is most needed are characteristics of good shepherd.

Benediction first expressing his heartfelt desire for them, next a powerful and reassuring promise, finally an exhortation to continued faithfulness in light of Jesus’ return.

A. a desire  v.23, 28


emphasized things about God’s character most pertinent to audience – desire not for them to have peace but God would give peace by his personal presence

would be lasting b/c would directly answer their greatest fear… that something was wrong/missing in relationship w/God

when they experienced God’s peace, would naturally flow out into interpersonal relationships… individually and corporately


the one who answered this desire also the one who satisfies need for peace… indwelling Holy Spirit, giving continual assurance of standing with God

yes, we cooperate in process, Holy Spirit the initiator and performer of sanctifying work – only happens thru his agency

not completed at death unless… coincides with Jesus’ return – whole person in view here, body and soul made like Jesus

contra Greek and now New Age thought, even some evangelicals that body is necessary evil – move beyond to higher level of existence or body doesn’t matter much, only gonna rot in the ground


third person, the Son, appears in final line of benediction – takes a complete God to satisfy his plan for Thessalonians completely

provides complete “envelope” for letter – 1Th 1:1 “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

reminder and further assurance that blessings from God not earned but entirely gracious… and coming from one they thought they had “missed”, he certainly had not abandoned them

B. a promise  v.24

God is faithful

again, contra Greek gods, made in image of men who worshiped them – could not be trusted, did as they pleased in the moment

God’s elective call something missionaries probably covered when there, here giving reassurance God’s promises never fail

God doesn’t go from event to event, has comprehensive plan moving forward day by day – also has authority to work his plan

God is powerful

real easy to pick on candidates for political office, people and businesses/agencies across the spectrum do same thing – make all manner of promises, then lack power to make things happen

not so with God: has power to go with authority, exercises both to carry out his eternal plan for his glory, good of his people

good for all to be reminded – God doesn’t have some power, he has all power – Rom 8:35-38 makes plain nothing can impede

their destiny as called of God is secure

salvation begins with God, is way more than him graciously making it possible – he chose us (Eph. 1:4), predestined us (Rom. 8:29), called us (Rom. 8:30; 1 Cor. 1:9), made us accepted (Eph. 1:6), redeemed us and forgiven us (Eph. 1:7), and so much more

in every one of those statements without exception, God is the one acting – over and over in Eph 1 is clear God has done all this for his own glory

God cannot be God and fail to keep any of his commitments/promises – their security (and ours) depends wholly on God keeping his children… alone (John 10:28-31)

refer to “perseverance of the saints”, contra falling from grace/losing salvation – is true, genuine believers will persevere… b/c God preserves them in faith

C. an exhortation  v.25-27

three essentials to living well in light of Jesus’ return – final 3-part instruction/exhortation to answer question: if we didn’t miss the Second Coming, what do we do now?


this a really big deal for Paul, refers to prayer 40+ times in his letters – knew from personal experience how much he needed it

especially needed prayers of others, not b/c more prayer equaled more power but b/c prayers of God’s people what moves God to act on their behalf

this along with following two given to the church – yes, church made up of individuals, ones who are called: from former way of life, out of world, together


don’t know about you, virtual handshakes and air hugs are unsatisfying in every way – kind of fellowship in view here cannot happen remotely, at a distance

works that way by God’s design, how he has made us as sentient beings – he knows how important face-to-face communication is… that’s why he sent Jesus… into a world filled with germs and sick people

encouragement from fellowship one of blessings God gives to strengthen us to cope with life outside the sanctuary


not going to rank these three in order of importance, all are essential… yet without scripture, are clueless about the rest

personal Bible reading good and important, public reading of God’s word in ears of all present has absolutely no effective substitute

strongest statement of the three: “I put you under oath” – not just practical benefit from it, was intent of original writer and Holy Spirit that God’s word be widely and frequently read

Yes, is important to keep Jesus’ return on our radar, understand we’re that much closer than 1st century believers were. At same time, can’t be so consumed with end times that we fail to serve God effectively in present time. Must be people of prayer who fellowship with one another and for whom scripture a rule of life. All are essential if we are to live for Jesus so that when he returns he will find faith on the earth.

Closing Bullet Points

1 Thessalonians 5:12-22 

 Seventeen bullet points here, divided into three basic categories focusing on leaders, one another and life in general. Really describe expected conditions found within a healthy local church. This instruction / reminder especially important to Thessalonian church – were doing much that was good and right, yet… were 1st-generation Christians in young church. If their development as church family was not to be stunted, needed some kind of framework to grow within.

Principles given here apply to more than worship time, really extend beyond church life to home life. Very real sense in which life in a local church should mirror life in Christian family. Ideally would be reflected in community at large, have to wait for heaven for that.

Meanwhile, some things those new to Christianity need to learn, those more seasoned can profit from being reminded. In light of the next big thing on God’s timeline, how should we make the most of each day? How can we best prepare for (beyond the next big thing) the next life? And… What does it mean for the church to be the church? These a few important guiding principles.

A. leaders  v.12-13

Christ’s church needs those who work, lead and admonish

not just a NT thing, God’s people in OT described as sheep needing faithful shepherds who provide loving care and guidance

not an easy task – involves work and at times doing what is hard / painful, speaking plainly about things that need to change

Christ’s church needs people who treat their leaders well

stands to reason those who labor in that way deserve to be treated well – highly regarded not for position, but production

loving regard for leaders right kind of response to leaders’ loving care – love begets love starting with God’s love for us

Christ’s church needs to be at peace

is enough conflict in world, doesn’t need to “infect” Christ’s church – more importantly, unity (John 17) and peace go together

conflict dishonors Christ, destroys ability to carry out his mission – cannot be unity based on compromise but rather oneness in Christ and the Gospel

B. one another  v.14-15

love one another

true love both tough and gentle, depends on need of the moment – every church from time to time has those undisciplined, idle, irresponsible, lazy… be firm, tell ’em to smarten up

then those overwhelmed by circumstances, overcome by temporary situation – need encouragement and strengthening

and of course, some need lots of help lots of the time – regular assistance to maintain right course w/o being turned aside

be kind to one another

talking about sanctification here, not conversion – is process, not an event, often requires multiple lessons / attempts for mastery

just a reminder: when tempted to lose patience, consider your own appreciation for God’s patience with you, extend that to others

people we spend most time with have greatest opportunity for influence – best way to avoid payback to be with brothers/sisters

pursue good for one another

this given as alternative to payback – requires both understanding of what is good and understanding of other person

particular kind of good in view: what will reverse the “evil” done by other person – takes effort, discernment to figure out

and… what will be good for other person as well as rest of church family – need to really know them, more than faces you recognize from seeing 2 or 3 times a week

C. in all things  v.16-22)

right attitude

probably reason for song “Work on Your Attitude” is that it takes work, constantly, perhaps b/c we don’t keep right focus

joy looks beyond immediate to anticipation of some future good – “the joy that was set before him” (Heb. 12:2) – to rejoice always requires continual thought for our future joy

not always on knees, hands folded, eyes closed – more a habit of attitude to seek God’s help / guidance / strength in all things at all times – continually mindful of dependence

too often thankfulness and things go together – yet what is God to us apart from things, how much he has given to us in himself

joy, prayer, thanksgiving all get us outside ourselves – they make us focus on God and his goodness poured out on us

right authority

are numerous authorities we deal with in all of life, one authority above all the rest: God, as revealed primarily in his word the Bible

following conversion, primary work of Spirit to illuminate and apply Word – have ability to resist Spirit’s work in both spheres

can hold on to wrong ideas about what Scripture says and how it applies – neither one appropriate for Christ-follower

should also give proper regard to human agents God sends to declare and apply his truth, be open and receptive to teaching

yet all of that should not be accepted wholesale and at face value – need to know Bible for ourselves, verify that what is being taught can really be found in / confirmed by God’s word

right principles

more important than what is appealing, what is good – another reason for making sure Bible is our authority above all others

important when what is good and true is being challenged that we don’t let go, don’t get influenced/persuaded to compromise

evil in some of its forms can “masquerade” as good, esp. with help from Satan/agents – Word and Spirit help us not get sucked in

Since we have all of God’s word, Christ has given pastors and teachers to the church, bottom line then is “trust God and do what he says”. Can say it pretty simply, much more effort to put into practice in all of life. Don’t forget: we have the Bible, we have the Spirit, we have godly leaders, we have one another. iow, we have access to all we need to follow Christ and live pleasing to him.

Don’t Sleep in Your Walk

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 

 Song penned sometime around 1951 starts this way:

“Troublesome times are here, filling men’s hearts with fear / Freedom we all hold dear now is at stake / Humbling your hearts to God saves from the chastening rod / Seek the way pilgrims trod, Christians awake.

Jesus is coming soon, morning or night or noon / Many will meet their doom, trumpets will sound / All of the dead shall rise, righteous meet in the skies / Going where no one dies, heavenward bound.”

If Robert Winsett thought that way 65 years ago, what would he think today? Would probably spend most of his time standing outside looking up… at least figuratively! Early Christians, especially the Eleven who saw Jesus leave, might have been tempted to do the same in their day, too. Paul has reassured Thessalonian believers that they hadn’t missed Jesus’ return, those who had already died wouldn’t miss out either. Brings up the next question: between now (whenever now may be) and Jesus’ return, how should we think and live? What are things we know, based on those truths, then what?

This isn’t theoretical theological thoughtfulness, is directly related to living how Jesus wants us to so he finds us doing what pleases him when he arrives. Is good to periodically make sure we are actually using what we know from God’s word as framework for daily life and thought. Prevailing sense that comes through Paul’s encouragement here is to not live on autopilot. Live confidently, not in fear, and with eyes open.

A. uncertain certainty  v.1-3

the day comes

apparently saints in Thess. knew some about Jesus’ return, were confident it would take place, didn’t know all of how to think and act in meantime

apparently also knew Jesus would not come back same way he came first time… both at birth and beginning of ministry

return is presented with just as much certainty as if had already happened – no qualifiers like perhaps, may, to raise uncertainty

sound basis for doing so – think of how many times prophets and others as well as Jesus himself declared that Day will come


only careless and unsuccessful thief gives any advance notice – goes to great lengths to keep from giving warning/alert

will be no advance notice whatever when Jesus returns – he will just appear and do all he comes to do: resurrection, judgment, end this age/begin the next

will hear and see simultaneously, what’s done is done with no time to undo, no last minute changes / conversions

suddenly and surely

this next greatest event on God’s timeline not anywhere on unbelievers’ radar – will have total confidence in own mastery of situation, complete grasp of all that is important

when are most self-satisfied will be moment of Christ’s return – absolutely no sense of impending doom, how life will suddenly change

labor only ends with delivery, no shortcuts or way out – same for the lost, unprepared or not will be no room for excuses or escape – once trumpet sounds, outcome is certain, will be no switching sides at last minute

B. day and night  v.4-7

light reveals signs

all this is true yet… Christ’s people not in the dark, are not left without any indications by which to recognize return is imminent

God has graciously given “signs”, indications of what will happen as Jesus’ return approaches – enough so should not be caught completely unaware – don’t know exact time but…

in order to be aware, need to do two things: look at the Word and look at the world – Word so we know what to expect (what signs are), world to see trends… in more than just our own country

light governs actions

those of the light, of the day have standard to follow – doing what is acceptable in the light, theme John camped on in 1st epistle

1 John 1:5-7 “This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

since we know Day is getting closer, know how to understand signs of increasing intensity, are encouraged to be more intentional

Heb. 10:24-25 “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”

can’t take attitude “Jesus is coming, it doesn’t matter” – Jesus is coming and what matters most matters even more

light influences alertness

low light, darkness tend to put people to sleep, bright lights energize and keep awake – walking in light helps us be more alert

having light of truth to understand and recognize signs added incentive to be watchful, attentive to what God is doing in the world

C. confident hope  v.8-11

ready for battle

don’t need breastplate and helmet in time of peace – do need them as essential equipment for engaging in spiritual warfare

signs given to inform God’s people really visible evidences of intensifying spiritual conflict, Satan against Christ and his church

Lord Jesus does not expect his people to sit this one out on sidelines, also does not expect them to wage warfare alone in own strength – he is in thick of it with us

Christ is our confidence

God destined us for salvation, nothing can change that, and… sent Jesus to accomplish our salvation so that we would live with him regardless of how we get there

whether we die first or he comes back first, are destined to be with him, guaranteed by his death and resurrection

will be no getting caught in cross-fire, destiny does not allow for that – no miscarriages of justice either, innocent being punished with the guilty

strengthen and build each other up

all these resources / blessings not granted to us solely for own use – certainly are good gifts from loving God to help us individually

at same time, he expects us to use our light to build up brothers and sisters – help them grow in Christ-likeness, encourage when are overwhelmed

not wrong to get overwhelmed, shouldn’t stay overwhelmed by circumstances – with God’s help and help from one another, can live pleasing to God in some really difficult times

NOTE: not much said about being delivered out of circumstances. No encouragement to take attitude “world’s going to pot, come on back Jesus and get me outta here”. More like “come on back Jesus so we can be together and the rest won’t matter”.

Best part is Jesus doesn’t have to come back for us to be with him… is what comes next after this life for believers anyway. True, gets better at his return, bodily resurrection and all that. It is all certain, sure because of God’s sovereign appointment, we should be using that truth and understanding of the times to encourage one another and… by living that way, encourage others to turn to Christ now.

Sorrow in Hope

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 

 Greek poets between Malachi and Matthew, typical of basic mindset of Macedonians in NT period.

Theocritus: “hopes are for the living; the dead are without hope”

Catullus: “The sun can set and rise again; But once our brief light sets, There is one unending night to be slept through.”

Not much this early in NT church history for written material / teaching, only had word-of-mouth sharing of teachings found in Gospels. Apparently Paul hadn’t gotten that far in teaching them while in Thessalonica. Had perhaps gotten introduction to future events from converted Jews, lots of things missing that we know from NT writings (they didn’t have yet). Had questions, communicated them to Paul, answering one of great importance in surrounding culture – not much different from now, fueled by worldview that this life all there is, make most of it.

Apparently they did have understanding that Lord Jesus would return at some future time, had been instructed in some of what to expect (see 5:1-11). In fact, this part of NT commonly used for teaching about Jesus’ next coming – next section in chapter 5 where Paul focuses on that. Here he is answering another question: what about believers who have died already? Since they died before Jesus’ return, is there any hope for them? And if same happens to us, any hope for us? And is this a pointless question, did we miss the big day?

Also, keep in mind what Paul wrote a few years later to Corinthian church in both letters, further detailing distinction between soul and body. Will help to remove potential confusion about what is meant in this letter. And, be careful about using a text to prove a point the original writer did not intend.

A. hope assured  v.13-14

sorrow moderated

does not minimize death of believers or impact on loved ones – is real loss, real changes, real sorrow/grief should not be denied

expects that what comes next will put limits on sorrow – both believers and unbelievers grieve/sorrow but not the same way

moderated in both degree and length – to grieve with unbounded intensity a tacit denial of hope; to continue in grief denial of future change

for Christian, in effect a rejection of entire basis of genuine hope… the reality of Jesus’ resurrection

cause for hope

contrast indicates there is real cause for hope… don’t sorrow like those who are hopeless, sorrow as those who have hope

hopeless sorrow looks only at past, what has been and is now lost, has no basis to look at future with any kind of hope

Christian sorrow changes over time – begins same way, past and what is lost, transitions to future and glories that await

resurrection guarantee

is hope/confidence with real foundation… death/burial/resurrection of Jesus, iow nonnegotiable core of the Gospel

just as certainly as Jesus died and rose again, so everyone who dies in Christ will rise again – not hopeless eternal sleep

there’s more: in meantime, those who sleep in Jesus, who died in Christ (not their sins) have existence apart from their bodies

if that not true, Jesus couldn’t bring them with him, v.14, prior to bodily resurrection, v.16 (no “soul sleep”)

B. gloriously reunited  v.15-17

each in turn

will be two groups of believers at moment of Jesus’ return – those who previously died, those still alive – hope applies to both

souls of those who come with Jesus will be reunited with resurrected bodies, raised with new characteristics fit for eternity

those still alive will not experience death, separation of soul and body, but will have souls purified and bodies changed on the fly after others are raised

will take place in particular order but… end result the same – salvation of both soul and body finally complete and… believers already dead not forgotten/left out

can’t miss it

hard to believe how the Lord’s cry of command, the archangel shouting and blowing his trumpet could go unnoticed by anyone

much more believable Jesus’ return is described this way to give Thessalonians, even all believers, confidence they need not worry about missing or missing out on it

will be glorious reentry – is exalted Lord Jesus, cannot return any other way but on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory (Matt. 24:30)

permanent change

different qualities: will be changed so as to be completely and perfectly suited for unending life in presence of God himself

different circumstances: know God is omnipresent, is near yet in ways still distant – no longer any kind of separation / hindrance to communication and fellowship

everything connected with Jesus’ return guaranteed by reality of his resurrection, something confirmed by witnesses and Bible

C. strength renewed  v.18

genuine hope encourages

meditating on / being reminded of these truths lifts spirits, gives confidence to do what is difficult… persevere to what awaits

Heb 12.1 “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us”

believing in Jesus’ resurrection fortifies belief in crowd of Christian witnesses cheering us on through life to finish line

encouragement increases strength

discouragement weakens, can even sideline from competition – encouragement does the opposite, esp. from one alongside

also increases determination to overcome obstacles and reach goal of seeing Jesus face-to-face along with fellow-believers who got there first

comes from outside

world says look inside, find strength / courage to rise to challenge – God’s model is that it comes from outside ourselves

starts with Lord Jesus, continues with help of fellow believers walking beside us, speaking words of encouragement

are times when we need that from one another, other times we can be the one encouraging and strengthening

Should be impossible to think about these truths and not be encouraged, strengthened, have our joy increased. Should not be any doubt in minds whatever that these glories are what awaits us. I know, not there yet, hard miles between now and then. Remember this:

Rom. 8:18-21 For I consider that our present sufferings cannot even be compared to the glory that will be revealed to us. For the creation eagerly waits for the revelation of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility not willingly but because of God who subjected it in hope that the creation itself will also be set free from the bondage of decay into the glorious freedom of God’s children. 

Is being mindful of that, helping others be mindful of it that keeps us pressing on in hope with joyful hearts.