Month: January 2022

Walk This Way

2 Thessalonians 3:1-15 

Still some important things to say as Paul moves toward close of letter. “Finally” occasionally does indicate close of letter or presentation. Here, not exactly – more along lines of “the last important issue I need to address…” Two parts to this: need for specific prayer, problem of idleness among some in the church. Both can be connected to misunderstanding about Second Coming Paul was seeking to correct.

At same time was important for relatively young church to be clear on how to live day-by-day in kind of world described in chapter 2 – place where forces of evil are gaining traction every day. More than one way to measure believers vs unbelievers, have been both since very early in earth’s history. Only very brief time when believers were majority, been other way ever since. Even if percentages stay level, raw numbers have been increasing. Some principles here to help keep believers focused, on right track when truth increasingly hard to come by.

One important thing Paul only mentions in passing: his apostolic authority, v.9, and his not using it. Example esp. here displays vulnerability and humanity. Really the opposite of those who claim apostolic succession. One of several places where Paul makes plain his dependence on prayers of others. Connects success of his ministry with regular intercession of others on his behalf. Also brings in factor of personal safety, even his own survival – knows w/o God’s protection and prayers of his people his own life not worth much.

Easy to reach conclusion from 2 Cor. 11:22-28 and other evidence from NT that Paul some kind of superhero, able to endure all sorts of hardship and just keep going. Never at loss for words, never lacking for energy, traveling thousands of miles with no thought of danger, running on just a few hours of sleep a night. Know that wasn’t so from his prayer requests and exhortation to others.

A. pray for us  v.1-5

the “word of the Lord” to run

more than just praying for good results, “pray for us” – essential we pray for those who are serving on the front lines

“word of the Lord” often taken to mean “the Gospel” – includes but is broader than that, embracing all of God’s truth

really needed to run in 1st century, limited “print” availability… few copies, few languages, great distances, job not done yet

biblical truth absolutely vital for hindering work of Satan and agents and taking territory away from him, people not technology primary mode of delivery then as now – personal visits plus mail

the messengers be kept safe

message needed to be kept safe from being distorted / diminished / diluted – messengers also needed protection from harm

saved and lost alike cannot hear God’s truth from discouraged/delayed/diverted/dead messengers – need living voices to share living truth

messengers need courage in face of danger, diligence in face of deception – best thing possible to pray and ask for prayer

since one behind “curtain” pulling strings is really Satan, these two – prayer and God’s truth – only “weapons” available to us that will be effective against him and agents

the converts to grow in faith and practice

true, the Lord will provide and protect, confirm and direct but… is presumptuous to simply take it for granted he will do so

can be certain these things included in Paul’s prayer labors for Thessalonians, expected they would pray same for others

whether new churches in other parts of world, new or vulnerable ones here… good thing to pray on their behalf

B. follow us  v.6-12

seems to be different group from those spreading misunderstanding about 2nd Coming, probably present in Thessalonica since missionaries first arrived, continuing to be problematic

a good example

Paul, Silas, Timothy went above and beyond call of duty, working to plainly demonstrate to 1st-generation Christians how they should live in order to please Jesus

self-discipline obvious, not wasting time, staying focused and productive, iow busy about right kind of things, not “make work” work

some but certainly not all of labors were for purpose of “earning a living” – self-discipline extended to ministry preparation / performance

example in all of life one of orderliness – Thessalonians had no excuse for behaving otherwise, were given sufficient example

a biblical work ethic

this text no exception, witness is clear throughout Old and New – work not result of curse, came before Fall and frustrations

place and importance of work embedded in Ten Commandments (#8 and 10) – don’t steal what someone else has worked for, don’t desire what they have worked for

is referenced throughout Bible in numerous ways, expected that since we are designed for work we will be doing so

failure to give work proper place in welfare programs unhealthy, encourages all sorts of bad behavior

sloth leads to trouble

had to ask question some months back, BLM and January 6 e.g. – don’t those troublemakers have jobs? if not, why not?

perhaps extreme situations, but really only matter of degree – “idle hands are the devil’s workshop” and sure is true

C. don’t burn out  v.13-15

unregulated zeal not good either

are seeing in workplace what unrelenting stressful demands do to people – are finite human beings, not some kind of machine

this part of missionaries’ example too… a necessary element of proper self-discipline – factored in necessary accommodations to human limitations

in spite of what family thought, Jesus did take opportunities to decompress – time with just the Twelve, or the three, or his Father

choose friends wisely

some are good for us to spend time with, others not so much – should discern between, choose those who encourage sanctification

if we need to be selective in what we choose to be doing, should also be selective in who we do it with

must also be careful to avoid encouraging wrong behavior in others whether slothfulness or troublemaking

don’t give up

if one resistant to godly counsel is really a Christian, minimize time and closeness of relationship but don’t shun them

cannot be an influence for good when have nothing to do with them – and God may use our words to bring about good

God will only do that if we are purposeful when we are together, warning other person of God-designed consequences for sinful behavior

Wherever we go, whatever we do, need to live each day taking Jesus’ name with us and wearing it well – declaring his truth to others, depending on his grace for own needs.

Armed for Battle – Worthy Walkers

Ephesians 4:1-7

 Variety of political systems / systems of government in history of humanity – simplest addresses government of one person, what is of importance to the individual. Pure democracy tries to make that work for loose gathering of individuals. More complicated is government of a group, seeking to meet requirements of the group as a group with little if any consideration of discrete individuals. Communism with its emphasis on the collective reduces unique individual to simply a cog in the larger machine of the group with a number and not a name. Most successful governments somewhere in between two extremes, also where we find the church with a place for both individuals and the group.

Like other of Paul’s letters, this one addressed to saints, in fact some early copies lack place name – written to saints, individuals, in various places throughout Asia Minor. At same time are 9 explicit references to the church. Church not incidental to Paul’s thinking/writing, neither were individuals – is important his readers give sufficient weight to both group and individual as Paul did.

Since church body is made up of individual parts/members (see 1 Cor. 12), is important for all the parts to know what is expected of each. For the body to function properly and be complement to the head, Lord Jesus, each part must be in proper working order. Each member of the body must be walking “worthy of the calling with which they were called”. Looking ahead to chapter 6, imagine trying to get dressed in “whole armor of God” when all parts going in different directions. No wonder we have this strong encouragement to live in way that keeps family of God in good repute. Exhorted to walk worthily together in dependence on God’s grace.

A. walk worthily  v.1-2b


“walk as one not afraid of the cost”, life and reputation that may get you locked up… for sake of Christ and the Gospel

if afraid of being shot at, don’t join the army – problem is, Christ’s army not volunteer… come to faith and are automatically enlisted

both governments and individuals becoming more hostile toward truth and those who stand for it, Christians will experience opposition in all parts of life

Paul speaks from POV one who paid high price for following Jesus – for sake of Christ and his kingdom, well-being of one another, must walk faithfully


too many in world either lost or never found purpose – trudging along aimlessly one step at a time, accomplishing little of substance

should not be true of Christian – each have place / purpose within body of Christ / world, vocation / way of life to which are called

non-negotiable part of calling is “good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” Eph 2:2, 10; Phil. 1:27 

called to walk different road in different way with different destination from world’s way – is what puts at odds with world


recent craze: self-identification; ok, let’s go with it, how did Jesus self-identify? Matt. 11.29 “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

walking worthy of the Gospel means being like the one who embodies the Gospel, Jesus – viewing self and others as God does

will need powerful protection to survive since can expect to be treated by Satan and world much the same as Jesus was

B. walk together  v.2c-6


entire section here like many others in Bible that emphasize just how “up close and personal” and “in your space” Christians are to be with one another

doesn’t take much effort to be longsuffering, to bear with one another or maintain unity when is an arm’s-length kind of relationship

makes perfect sense given more than 40 exhortations in NT relating to aspects of one-ahothering, all requiring some level of close knowledge/understanding/contact

oneness in the Spirit

lot of groups started by people who have one thing in common – particular need or issue that unites… for a time… until no longer need or issue or something bigger comes along

foundation of our oneness God himself, in particular Holy Spirit that all believers have in common – ludicrous to even think about disunity in Godhead

if walking in the Spirit, led by the Spirit, should be prevailing sense of oneness even when not full agreement on fine details, yet still at peace with God and one another

one confession

seven elements, perfect/complete unity under “umbrella” of the Spirit

one body – members of a body and one another under headship of Christ ministering to and with one another – all local bodies faithful to Christ actually portions of single body of believers

one Spirit – not only one in the Spirit, are one because of the Spirit – is continual ministry of Holy Spirit that makes us one

one hope – social/economic/geographic/temporal/ethnic/marital status of no importance – all believers have same hope

one Lord – only one leader/ruler/commander – should be getting no mixed messages/instructions… only one path and purpose

one faith – makes perfect sense, not something we manufacture but “is the gift of God”, includes the faith delivered in Bible

one baptism – thru baptism we display oneness with Christ (death, burial, resurrection) and commitment to follow him alone

one God and Father – is Father’s purpose to “gather together in one all things in Christ” (Eph. 1:10) – each person of Godhead working in unison to accomplish God’s purpose

C. walk in grace  v.7

presented to each

just like grace of salvation given to individuals, so particular grace (gift) granted to each individual for benefit of entire body

body has varied needs in daily life, corporate life, military life – requires range of skills used together under Jesus’ direction

given on basis of need and God’s purpose, not earned or deserved by individual – iow, gracious gifts we must depend on

profuse measure

remember who is giving grace: “blessed with every spiritual blessing… in Christ”; “riches of his grace which he made to abound toward us” (Eph. 1:3, 7-8)

if any lack resources to meet need, problem on our end and not with supply – more than enough available from God’s storehouse

particular intent

God’s purpose in all things his own glory and good of his people… Christ’s church – our oneness and togetherness brings glory to God

is God’s intent that we live this way so he will be glorified and we will be brought safely home, saved and sanctified for all eternity

Is to those who walk this way that armor issued by God will be most effectual – those who wear it will indeed be able to “stand against the wiles of the devil”. Important reminder: God does not expect us to manufacture our own faith, our own strength, our own provisions, our own protection. Will fail miserably if we try. God’s store is open for business, he urges us to come to him and receive all we need to walk worthily:

Isa. 55:1 “Ho! Everyone who thirsts, Come to the waters; And you who have no money, Come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk Without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance.”

 40. Why then did Moses command to give a certificate of divorce, and to put her away?

Matthew 19:7 They said to Him, “Why then did Moses command to give a certificate of divorce, and to put her away?”

Read: Matthew 19:3-12; Mark 10:2-12, Luke 16:18



headed generally in the direction of Jerusalem, healing and teaching as he traveled – “accosted” by hostile Pharisees on subject of divorce

Person(s) asking the question:

Pharisees whose desire was to test (and perhaps entrap) Jesus, somehow break his hold over the people and diminish/end his influence

Question behind the question:

If God’s intent / plan from the beginning was no divorce, did Moses contradict God? Was it really Moses’ idea?

If so, how did Moses get away with that?

If not, why does it appear he did? How can divorce be justified?

Where does that leave us on marriage and divorce?

and perhaps the disciples’ “question” – isn’t it better not to get married at all?

Expected response:

Moses the first in line leading down to Hillel and Shammai, providing commentary/explanation/application of divine law

just as for marriage, God’s intent for the rest of life communicated in Ten Commandments – but wait, there’s more, 613 Mitzvot

God’s law expressed to man recognizes need for accommodation in all areas

Jesus’ point:

need to give sufficient recognition to the Fall… and that the Fall did not change God’s absolute standard… no sin of any kind

God’s Law given (in part) to teach how we should live, make need for a Substitute/Savior obvious, facilitate survival of humanity since mankind doesn’t live the way they should

divorce permitted as a means to reduce domestic abuse, provide for two-parent household in case of adultery w/o death penalty

when properly regulated, an encouragement to faithfulness… to marriage, to family – figure it out, work it out, stay together

Modern Application:

Corrective first: adultery and abandonment by an unbeliever not the only biblical grounds for divorce – they are the only biblical grounds for remarriage after divorce, death of the other party being the exception

see Matt. 19:9 and 1 Cor. 7:12-15 

if two people cannot live together in God-honoring marriage because of “hard heart(s)”, divorce is permitted

divorce for the primary purpose of remarriage is not sanctioned by God under any circumstances

God Has a Plan

2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 

 Based on his writing, edifying or building up Christian character in others something always on Paul’s mind. Nearly 20 times in epistles makes reference to it. Certainly a factor in why he believed needful to address some subjects – sometimes for correction, for encouragement, for instruction, for warning. Portion of letter immediately previous to this intended to correct Thess. thinking about Jesus’ return, give further instruction on some details, and provide warning… heads-up about what to expect.

Number of possible responses to his teaching. Thanks for letting us know so we’re not caught off guard. I knew they were wrong, thanks for the “ammunition”! Why did you have to tell us that, I’m already worried/discouraged enough. Was this last one Paul most wanted to avoid – need to give the warning, also need to encourage.

Was method used for a while in WWII and Vietnam called carpet bombing – covering area with bombs like a carpet. Is not the method God will use at the end. His plan encompasses the big picture and everything in it while at same time addressing small groups and individuals. Here is encouragement and instruction for how to live in culture increasingly influenced and dominated by the evil one, world where it becomes more difficult daily to live like a Christian.

Starts by giving answer to one of the ultimate questions: who am I? where did I come from? why am I here? where am I going? how do I know? Question of identity being answered in ways that rapidly diverge from one given in Bible. Paul doesn’t do that, he covers full sweep of God’s decrees from before creation to next life. Focus here as it should be on God, what he has done, is doing, will do… the only safe foundation on which to build confidence.

A. who you are  v.13-14


we often start with “you made profession of faith”; “prayed for salvation”; “asked Jesus to be your Savior” – all may be true

our action can be fragile foundation, God’s action is much better starting place… same as John, 1 John 4:10, 19

In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”

“We love Him because He first loved us.”

confidence / hope for future must rest on God’s love for us, not our love for him… for all the obvious reasons – his faithfulness, power, grace and mercy


moving on from there, since we (incl. Thess.) are “brethren beloved”, what comes next – what are natural consequences of God’s love for his people – “God demonstrates his own love toward us” (Rom. 5:8)

confidence of destiny must rest on God’s choosing – a lot more to God’s choosing than simply picking people out of a crowd

chosen for a purpose and an end: salvation through sanctification – process of sanctification involves purpose, salvation indicates the end

know from elsewhere: salvation is from sin and its curse, is to good works, and ultimate destiny is full removal of all effects of sin… soul and body

is accomplished by power and action of Holy Spirit in concert with truth of God as found in his word the Bible


two calls in view here: external call and effectual call – external call the outward means God uses, proclamation of Gospel calling sinners to repentance

only brings about good results when is accompanied by God’s effectual call, when the Holy Spirit does his work to enable sinner to respond to Gospel call

ultimately, the big goal is to be so changed that believer can actually be in Christ’s presence and share in his exalted glory

God shows by his electing and calling his purpose to do all necessary to accomplish his purpose… and nothing can thwart him

NOTE: all this together reinforces principle that “salvation is of the Lord” (Jonah 2:9), all of grace and as sure as God’s nature

B. what to do  v.15

stand fast

since all this is God’s part, and we know he is faithful, what is our part? in spite of / in light of warning about man of sin…

this another principle Paul emphasized: stand firm / fast – don’t wobble or wander, stay put… stay focused…

is an exhortation to not be pushed around… by circumstances, by influences and influencers – stay true to sound principles

hold the traditions

important practice recovered at time of Protestant Reformation – ad fontes – depend on original, not secondary sources

can safely cling to traditions / teaching / truths / principles found in God’s word – Bible must be starting place for beliefs/worldview

beware of new / exciting / innovative when it comes to God’s truth and its application – trust Holy Spirit, wisdom of God’s people, trusted teachers

NOTE: our particular circumstances surely not known by Bible writers… but were fully known by God – he moved them to write what they did intending it to be relevant then and now

principles adequate / suitable to guide people of God in 1st century and before still adequate for us in 21st century, don’t need to be reimagined or reinterpreted for modern culture

C. how to do it  v.16-17


Son and Father are in it together, have common purpose – God’s glory and good of his people, have not deviated from it nor will they ever do so

grace past, present and future is ours – don’t have what we do for any other reason, will not ever need to try and earn it in order to maintain supply of blessing

if ever tempted to doubt God and his goodness, remember his past mercies… and that his present mercies not a whim / spur of the moment thing / new idea with God

we aren’t in this alone, should not try to live at any time, much less ones like these, in own strength and wits


reminder: comfort does not equal console – does mean strengthen, encourage, and is way more than simple feel-good message

especially significant since this isn’t limited to minds, it goes right to the heart of the matter… core of our being

doesn’t matter how convinced we are intellectually of something – if heart is uneasy, uncertain, will be reflected in all of life

only God can do this, no one else can reach that deep, yet he does use means – word and Spirit the primary ones he uses


icing on this part of the cake – is Father and Son who gives confidence, we don’t have to try to manufacture our own

obviously need to be doing our part but… God gives us confidence/strength/keep rightly focused in all we do and say

bottom line is that we can depend on God to keep our feet where they belong even when there is great pressure to move

World and its people full of uncertainty, fear about all sorts of things. Christian may experience uncertainty and fear at times. However… should not be constant thing and definitely should not be rule of life. Remember your identity – loved by God, chosen by God, called by God, blessed, comforted and established by God… because you belong to him and are member of his family. Not only heirs of God, are destined to share in Christ’s glory. Given who God is, what more could we ask for?

Armed for Battle – Faithful Saints

Ephesians 1:1-3

 No one here would argue with the principle that God is a good Father, even the best Father. Jesus himself made that very point, Matt. 7:9-11 

“Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!”

Kind and compassionate human father doesn’t tell children everything, especially things not good for them to know at given time. Same true of God, yet Heavenly Father has told us all we need to know of his plan, the kinds of situations we can expect to experience in this life. Much of what was between lines of OT spelled right out in NT. We could at least in part guess the ending from the first few chapters and suspect that for some things won’t turn out well. God confirmed that as he revealed more of his plan for mankind. Has also given strong warnings about enemy first seen in Gen. 3, his character, his agenda, his methods. Loving Father has also told of some positive things given for our help and protection.

No surprise, we as people of God have mortal enemy, name is Satan. Relationship between Satan and allies and Christ and his people marked by ongoing conflict.  Described using military type terms (among others) in NT. Some of same principles important for military action in physical realm also apply in spiritual realm. Things like training, preparedness, teamwork, regular maintenance of equipment and the like. Is essential to know the enemy, to know who is on your side, how you are expected to serve, what you have available for resources. Will be addressing each of those in next several weeks Lord willing.

One more thing: history is a line, not a circle. God’s plan has both beginning and end. Do not know exactly where we are in relation to end… how much time we have left before God sends the Lord Jesus back. Do know this – are closer to the end than any previous generation. Also know Satan not complacent, lazy – not safe for us to be either.

A. warning

Satan is limited but loose 1 Pet. 5:8 

are limits to Satan’s effectiveness – Gospel applied by H.S. takes away territory from him, God’s truth illuminated by H.S. hinders

not just Christians who respond to truth, unbelievers can recognize and be persuaded by it on some level

must not forget what took place at Cross and empty tomb – Satan can influence but cannot enslave those who belong to Jesus, can no longer threaten them with death

don’t get cocky, weakened and limited and ultimately doomed Satan still extremely powerful enemy, can do great damage

is vital people of God to stay alert… and use their wits! must not let emotions, esp. fear rule life… actions and decisions – Satan wins when we “sleep”

seeks out weakness 1 John 4:4 

like any capable strategist, knows frontal attack alone most costly, least effective – far better to focus on area of vulnerability

thanks to captivity in sin, unbelievers much weaker, far more susceptible to Satan than believers – Satan doesn’t have to spend as much time/effort enlisting their help

does focus effort on weak sleepy believers – H.S. in them can overpower Satan… when believer is in good spiritual health and cooperating with Spirit’s work

John makes clear is Holy Spirit who is greater and more powerful than Satan, not believer’s strength / genius that prevails

avoids identification Eph. 6:11 

that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” – schemes, methods, tactics – best strategy football team has ineffective when opposing team has their playbook

Satan a deceiver, does his best to avoid detection / identification, tries to cloak actions and influences to look like are from God

not just believers who avoid cooperating with Satan, many good-hearted unbelievers would avoid it if they knew his identity

B. what to expect

increased intensity  Rev. 20:7-9 

typical strategy to keep up pressure, then final push to bring conflict to crisis – Satan not a dummy, knows clock ticking toward end

remember ultimate goal: to destroy “the encampment of the saints, the beloved city” and its ruler, Lord Jesus – not a game

more allies

as if God has Satan on Flexi leash, thumb on button – time of God’s choosing, takes thumb off, lets Satan loose, still some restraint

makes the rounds, convinces nations of the world to unite against common enemy, Christ’s church, the one who has kept them from achieving their “good” goals

is possible b/c of strong delusion – 2Th 2:11 – unbelievers trying to do own thing, get away from God, he lets them have their way and prevents from recognizing truth

greater territory

as all this takes place, more of world becomes more hostile to Christians – what is good and right and true has smaller place

true across spectrum: individuals, civil government, business, religious institutions incl. ones formerly identified as Christian line up in opposition to Christ and his people

C. who is equipped


not all bad news – good news is we know how it all turns out, who wins and who loses… and we know believers have resources

keep in mind: all stuff promised in chapter 6 given to ones identified here in chapter 1 – saints who are faithful in Christ Jesus

yes, is a gathering of individuals but don’t be fooled into thinking you can effectively defend against Satan all by yourself

who are faithful

something else about what is promised later on – wonderful resources given to equip believers depend on continuous connection with the group in order to be effective

most of all, depend on continuous connection with the head, the Lord Jesus – apart from him and faithfulness to him we’re toast

and blessed

here’s why: we are blessed with amazing blessings that all come to us through Christ – he controls their distribution, directs their use, makes them effective in the field

will hear more about nature of opposition in few weeks – this is spiritual warfare, has physical consequences but need spiritual resources to be effective in spiritual battles

are blessed with every spiritual blessing – nothing we need to prevail is missing, nothing second quality, nothing forgotten by God or inaccessible to us

may be somewhat of arms race going on, nothing anyone else has can even compare with what Lord Jesus supplies to those who are his

Two of Enemy’s favorite and powerful weapons: fear and discouragement. Tries to use them whenever possible. One other strategy highly effective in countless situations, even in natural world: isolation. If predator can cut their prey off from rest of the herd, is usually all over but the eating. Beware of anything that serves to isolate you from the rest of the body or from the Lord Jesus.

Take heart, be encouraged, those amazing blessings are ours, right now, and will continue to be ours as long as we stay close to Jesus.

Correction: About the Day of the Lord…

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 

 This portion of NT especially could be compared to recent use of particular kind of road sign: reduced speed limit ahead: yellow diamond, arrow, new speed limit. No further information, next sign may be within sight, may be around bend in road. Don’t know exactly how far, how long. Do know is coming right up with minimum of time to make adjustments.

Thessalonians all worked up, afraid had missed important sign announcing event is now, Jesus is here.. get in line. Are given encouragement here: will be two warning signs first, ones you really shouldn’t be able to miss. Some like to think of this as a timeline – not so, instruction deals with sequence, not timing of events. Purpose to chart middle course between anxiety and complacency – kind of anxiety that paralyzes reason, mindset where important event completely disappears from sight and thought.

At time of writing, only one other written authoritative teaching available on subject, 1 Thessalonians, providing detail on how Jesus / Messiah connected with end times. OT certainly supplied big picture overview, not level of detail NT believers needed. More would come, written accounts of Jesus’ words (Gospels) plus additional teaching from apostles. Paul beginning to fill in those gaps, counteract false teaching beginning to make itself known.

One more thing: Bible not written to scholars, seminary professors, educated elite. Was written to people of God, saints in churches, people across the spectrum of humanity. Sure, Christ has blessed his church with pastors and teachers… but don’t start with them, start with the Bible. Once again, “day of the Lord”, “coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” and “day of Christ” treated as single occurrence… day when Jesus comes to gather all his people to himself and judge the world. But… will be warning signs, things that must take place first.

A. disquieted  v.1-2


Paul may have known source of misinformation, could have been multiple sources – whatever was, had gotten Thess. shaken up to degree ability to function affected… couldn’t plan for future, even rest of today

some who claimed direct revelation from Holy Spirit about things to come, or in this case things that had already come to pass

may not hang out in that part of cable tv dial, section in Borders, have been out there and still are even though not as notorious – question… have we passed the warning signs yet?


some then, many today who speak as if they have authority, knew with certainty that what they were teaching was correct

one simple way to filter out some: what is response of genuine Christians to their teaching? if fear, anxiety, something’s wrong


apparently pseudo-apostolic letter(s) making the rounds, claiming Jesus had already come back and Thess. had missed him

regardless of exact details, was something that promoted misunderstanding of truth – easier for us to compare with genuine, have all of NT for basis

NOTE: sources of information, misinformation, disinformation about end times abound: print, radio, tv, internet – are just as much at risk as Thess., maybe more so – God’s Word absolutely essential so we are not deceived, distracted, deluded

B. deceived  v.3-6

NOTE: is possible to not be deceived… requires concerted effort to acquire and apply adequate correct knowledge / discernment

the man of sin

first: falling away / rebellion / apostasy – comparable to modern “defection”, Korea e.g. – radical change of citizenship/loyalty from one to another on unprecedented scale

involves transfer of allegiance / worship from true God to one who claims all the prerogatives of God – possibly but not necessarily a single individual in appearance

described as “man of lawlessness”, “son of destruction” – law to himself, exercising power for purpose of destruction

opposes God

every element of his agenda contrary to God, biblical principles – take biblical worldview, reverse / distort every aspect of it

God brings about good even when appears harmful at first – this one brings about destruction by presenting appearance of good

e.g. prenatal testing, amniocentesis to reduce pain and suffering of children with birth defects, burden on families and governments, not by fixing defects but killing babies

destruction not accidental by-product from well-meaning efforts – destruction at very heart of total agenda, its reason for being

to be clear, not every agent / employee knows the boss’s motives, might not even agree if they were fully understood

like God

everything cloaked in what looks true and good and right, iow, God to all outward appearances… for purpose of deception

“if you really love God, you would show love to your neighbor this way….”; “it’s the job of gov’t / CDC / WHO / doctor to know what’s best”

substitutes an authority, source of knowledge, a power most benevolent and worthy of regard not only in place of God but actually superior to God

NOTE: keep in mind, Paul’s audience in the church; unbelievers already trending away from God and truth, risk is that churched folks will do the same… is already happening

long history in liberal church: reason above scripture on issues of miracles, marriage, gender, qualifications for leadership

evangelical church: can worship and pray and study Bible via videochat and still be the church; oh yes, pay tithe automatically with PayPal… and what happens when internet is out or no cell service

and is what is seen really real or has it been altered in some way, digitally or otherwise, according to an agenda

C. distracted  v.7-10


God has been restraining sin and its most destructive manifestation for long time – was already at work 2000 years ago, still is

true identity not as obvious while under restraint, the one behind the scenes pushing destructive agenda – beast and false prophet not always associated with the dragon

while somewhat restrained and true identity masked, can easily be distracted into identifying wrong enemy – political figures, world authorities and the like


power, signs, lying wonders, all will be on display… at least for short time before truth comes out… when Jesus comes back

then… will be obvious which is which – will be no misunderstanding who is the real deal, who is the impostor and who is the one behind the curtain pulling strings

people of God not left in the dark with no guide: have Bible, Holy Spirit, ability to discern what is true – must be using right weapons against right enemy as we stand for Christ and truth

D. deluded  v.11-12

Delusion is deception from want of knowledge. …an erroneous view of something which exists indeed, but has by no means the qualities or attributes ascribed to it.

believe the lie

have all either had or seen dog straining with every ounce of strength to go where leash and owner prevent – is true of all who are captive to sin

are convinced the lie is true, determined to follow it, God lets go of the leash and leaves them in their fog of deception

believe the truth

even when confronted with truth, what is rational and true, many persist in refusing to believe it… push it aside and pursue what gives pleasure… even if it is a perverse pleasure

those who are not deluded see reality, truth clearly and rationally – deluded ones cannot see / believe truth, is only God’s power that can break through their delusion

Is one who can be trusted in all circumstances – we have his Word and Spirit… and he has given us warning signs. We know what to expect, who the real enemy is, what resources he has given to equip us for spiritual battle. Stick together, watch each other’s back, follow Jesus, stand on his truth, be ready when he shows up.

God With Us

2 Corinthians 13:1-14 

God by design present with his people from time of Creation. As matter-of-fact as Moses writes about it, Gen. 3.8 daily in-person fellowship between God and mankind seems to have been the norm… until sin changed it. Yet as horrible as sin was, God’s response not “never again” – instead promised means of reconciliation. Meanwhile, did not make himself completely absent – made presence known to his creatures in various ways – pillars of cloud and fire, e.g. Said much through prophets, later by Son about God being present, putting both name and face to the concept:

Isa 7:14 “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.”

John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 14:18, 20 “I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. …Because I live, you will live also. “At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.”

Paul planning another personal visit to believers in Corinth, had that on his mind… kinds of issues that weighed heavily on him. At same time, theme runs through his closing remarks – theme of God with his people and why it is so important to keep that idea prominent in our thinking. Without conscious effort, will easily be like Elijah, looking for wrong kinds of evidence of God’s presence. Can even become like Corinthians, focused more on secondary things than what is of most/greatest importance.

A. Christ… mighty in you (3)

they wanted proof about Paul

some really persuasive individuals working the crowd in Corinth – rather than demonstrating own good qualities, determined to tear Paul to shreds, “demanding proof that Christ is speaking through me” (NET)

may have even convinced Corinthians to call Paul’s bluff – all blow and no show, plenty of talk but no substance or follow-through

didn’t seem to connect all the dots: if Paul not credible, then his Gospel really not credible and they are left holding the bag/hopeless

they already had proof in themselves

claimed understanding of / commitment to Christian principles – definitely not where they started, steeped in polytheism or Judaism

if Christ not speaking through Paul, what brought about their conversion? certainly not something manufactured by themselves

bigger question for them, was what they believed really the truth? if so, who told them and where did he get it from? could his sources be verified?

Christ’s power evident

remember how this letter is addressed: “To the church of God which is at Corinth” – something happened to make individuals who they were, bring them together in group that could be called a church

careful observation would clearly show great power present and active among them – only one who would exercise power in that way, Christ himself

that Christ exercising his power in and through them adequate proof of Paul’s ministry, sufficient to give genuine hope for future

B. live… by the power of God (4)

he died but is not dead

is important to know what we can about power that is at work – how it is used, its magnitude, how confident should/can we be

death by crucifixion not obvious display of power by one who died – looked more like weakness, actually far from it… only someone with God’s power could endure and accomplish

God’s power raised him to life

all the while he looked weak, power being restrained until right moment – had to wait until could show his power to conquer death

only one with power to give life can bring to life again – true for Jesus himself, and for all those who are one with him by faith

power of Christ not some secondary derived kind of power – is full power of Triune God possessed and exercised by God

God’s power raises us to life and draws us together

elaborated more at beginning of Ephesians, here’s the point – this power by which Christ works in us same power that raised him from the dead

this the power behind some of big declarations of Scripture:

“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Rom. 8:37

“He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4 

and here’s the big one: “on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” Matt. 16:18 

C. Christ… in you (5)

not only his power or its evidence

comforting, encouraging to know amazing conquering power available to us, esp. when circumstances make us feel powerless

reassuring to recognize evidence of his power at work, even when we have to look hard to recognize it in self or others

is Christ himself

power is wonderful, presence far better, esp. since are designed for relationship – power only one aspect, need fellowship w/ him

Jesus’ name promised – Emmanuel – his words promised – I will not leave you orphans, I am with you always – as God-Man he is best suited for role

present in us

present with us definitely huge blessing, demonstration of God’s grace and love – yet… “with us” seems to include potential distance

reality is Christ even closer than that – some of his last words: “I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one”

Jesus went one better than that: “Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.” John 14:23 

D. the God of love and peace… with you (11)

God who is love

not just God who loves, who prompts love from others, talking here about the God whose very nature is to love, love cannot be separated from who God is and what he does

John repeats same principle Jesus stated: “God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him” 1 Jo 4:16 

brings love and peace along with his presence

no good reason why when God is present in each of his people we should not live as he expects: encouraged, in unity (of one mind), in peace and fellowship with one another

equally important, brings his grace along with his presence – grace, love, fellowship from God what make love and fellowship with one another possible

his power will prevail over any possible obstacle / hindrance – are talking resurrection power, nothing less at work in and through us

Bottom line – look for Emmanuel, God with us, Jesus himself, not just confirming evidence. Look for God, not just his gifts. We have promised to follow him, most important he has promised to be with us and in us, to make his home with us. No matter what the world throws our way, “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” and “in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”

39. Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason?

Matthew 19:3 The Pharisees also came to Him, testing Him, and saying to Him, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for just any reason?”

Read: Matthew 19:3-12; Mark 10:2-12, Luke 16:18



had left Capernaum in Galilee, traveled south through part of Samaria, then across the Jordan continuing south through Perea; crossed the Jordan back into Judea near Jericho

headed generally in the direction of Jerusalem, healing and teaching as he traveled – “accosted” by hostile Pharisees on subject of divorce

“The issue of divorce had become quite controversial both for political (the divorces of Herod Antipas and Herodias, discussed in Mark 6:17–29) and religious reasons. There were three views in ancient Judaism: an open view (held by the followers of Hillel) that allowed divorce for any reason; a narrow view (held by followers of Shammai) that followed Deuteronomy 24:1 and allowed it only for immorality; and a closed view (held at Qumran) that did not allow divorce and remarriage. In Judaism only a man could initiate divorce, while in the Gentile world both husband and wife could seek divorce. In both the purpose of divorce was to allow remarriage.” Grant R. Osborne, Teach the Text

Person(s) asking the question:

Pharisees whose desire was to test (and perhaps entrap) Jesus, somehow break his hold over the people and diminish/end his influence

Question behind the question:

How much respect do you have for the Law of Moses?

Whose side are you on: conservative vs. liberal; political vs. religious; Jewish vs. Gentile?


Expected response:

hoped for response that would open Jesus up to criticism or even consequences – remember John the Baptist

some probably expected he could beat the Pharisees at their own game, a composite position not directly opposed to either school

did not expect him to take position clearly contrary to Mosaic Law – tradition maybe, but not the Law; certainly did not expect Jesus to appeal to a higher authority than Moses

Jesus’ point:

went back to God’s original intent, design not only for family but also for the church – marriage came first… from God

is important to start at the foundation, in this case, Creation and things God established then

whatever comes after counts as an accommodation (adaptation to particular need), not an abrogation (annul, abolish, repeal)

foundational principle still in force, what adaptations need to be made b/c circumstances have changed… sin entered the world

Modern Application:

marriage as established and sanctioned by God a big deal, so are the people involved in a marriage

for starters, be as certain as possible the intended marriage is one God would approve

if is a union God sanctioned, don’t look for a way out – look for ways to stay in


Praying Always

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 

 Paul begins body of letter with concise summation of what will take place on that Day. Some repeat information, stating again things Jesus himself said who reiterated things OT prophets declared. Goes further, not minimizing significance of final judgment, rather adding insight into more God intends to bring about on that Day. He will be glorified in all that happens, especially so when he is “glorified in His saints” and “admired among all those who believe”.

“Therefore”, in view of that and “persecutions and tribulations” they were enduring, he describes purposeful action taken on on their behalf. Since no one except the Father knows day and hour of Jesus’ return, is valid for us to follow this model in our own day. Also, in light of what Bible says about world conditions as that Day approaches and signs we see around us, praying this way has even greater sense of urgency.

Paul’s desire for brothers and sisters in Thessalonica fits in category of “perseverance of the saints”. This a doctrine that received much emphasis early 17th century, church council held in Dordrecht, Holland. University professor, Jacob Arminius, over period of time taught some things different from what was broadly accepted in protestant church. Council was called to officially determine and declare church’s position on five issues, last one had to do with this: whether or not someone could “fall from grace” or lose their salvation. Arminius was in doubt, followers eventually came to believe is possible.

Paul here praying they would persevere… but more than that: that God would by his grace preserve them in their faith and that they would persevere well.

A. incessant prayer


referring back to names at top of the page… Paul, Silvanus & Timothy – certainly right to think each of them praying for this need

since each recognized need, would have also prayed together, perhaps more specifically based on first-hand personal knowledge

was on their church’s prayer list, sure to come up when gathered for corporate prayer – individual, small group, entire church praying for particular needs of believers in another church

also pray always

continual need prompts continual prayer – persecution / tribulation ongoing and increasing in intensity, faith continually being tested

God doesn’t need to be reminded of need but… prayer is instrumental means by which he has chosen to meet those needs

serves to encourage those in hard circumstances to know believers elsewhere continue to intercede with God on their behalf

NOTE: vitally important: if you tell someone you’ll pray for them, be sure to follow through, don’t let them down

for you

could have said “we pray for all the saints in every church” – equivalent: “God help all the Christians in the world” – perhaps better than no prayer, not what it might be

they were praying as particularly as they could… based on general knowledge and understanding of specific people/roles in Thessalonica

kept up on local news, what was happening in surrounding culture, reports / prayer requests from inside the church family… then interceding on that basis

B. request list

God would count you worthy of this calling

not implying they were at risk of failure, is convinced they cannot reach the goal without God’s help – not able to “survive” persecution on their own

that they have persevered so far testifies to genuineness of their faith and God’s faithfulness in preserving them from spiritual harm (not necessarily physical harm/difficulty)

praying that God would continue meeting their need in their circumstances so they would be shown worthy when Day comes

not what we mostly want or pray for… to be taken out of or insulated from persecution… rather glorify God in their suffering

fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power

prays that God would finish what he started – is his good pleasure to make believers like Jesus, prayer that God would make it happen… by His power

also asking that Thessalonians would be empowered by God to actually do the good things/works they desired to do

this a good reminder to believers: cannot simply power through suffering in way that brings glory to God – must depend on him… remember strength/weakness thing in 2 Cor.

that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you

if Christ is to be glorified in them when he comes, he must be glorified in them in the meantime – must have holy lives between now and then

Paul’s desire that God’s power be evident in how Thessalonians persevere, how faith is strengthened (even if shaken) by circumstances

this really main purpose for living… to glorify God, and encourage others to do the same – Matt. 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

and you [be glorified] in Him

here’s the bit about finishing well – he is glorified in us in this life, we are glorified in him when he comes back and we share in his glory

here’s the thing – have to get through rest of this life in order to enjoy that… regardless of how we exit, need God’s help

is the prayers of the saints that “activate” God’s power – we do not command it, he condescends to use prayer as conduit

C. how it can/will happen

according to the grace

no aspect of holy life that glorifies God that is result solely of human effort – is all and only by grace that our efforts produce good

same is true of ability to endure persecution / suffering… impossible without grace – amount of glory God receives commensurate with amount of grace he bestows

since more grace => more glory, prayer is for saints to receive / God to bestow more grace – is continual need, not something we can store up and have own personal supply

of our God

James 1:17 “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

every undeserved favor we receive has its source in God – he is the Sovereign Creator and sustainer of all things

and the Lord Jesus Christ

those good and perfect gifts and undeserved favors come to individual believers through Lord Jesus and no one else

is only when joined to Christ by faith that we have access to blessings we need to live holy lives, be effective ambassadors

We aren’t passive recipients of God’s grace. Are instead willing instruments as God works his power through us to achieve his good purpose for our own good, the good of others, and ultimately / most importantly his glory.

Is good prayer model for us to use when interceding for believers in other parts of the world as well as our own. Can add to it, personalize it based on knowledge we have: reports from our missionaries, from news media, personal contact. Keep in mind: if resources needed to meet challenge of suffering seem to be inadequate, is not because God ran out. May be a supply chain issue, a bottleneck somewhere that would be cleared up by persistent prayer. Can be absolutely confident of this: his grace is sufficient, even when our strength is weakest.

The Best Spending Plan

2 Corinthians 12:11-21 

 Paul in a really difficult position, unlike us many times… not of his own doing. Influential people in Corinth seriously damaged Paul’s reputation, along with it his credibility as an apostle. Might not seem like big deal at first, just shrug it off or ignore it, keep going. Not that simple – his opponents knew… discredit the man, discredit the message. Paul determined that so far as was up to him, full message of the Gospel would remain intact and credible. He couldn’t just let it go… yet at same time… intended this conflict not destroy relationship/friendship he had with believers in Corinth.

Has spoken plainly, confronting and seeking to correct sinful behavior – all necessary but… doesn’t want letter to end on that note. Through remainder of this chapter he seeks to summarize and bring to close his addressing past history, then shift focus in next chapter to the future and planned third visit. In verses of our text Paul still answering criticism – and opening window into his heart for ministry, explaining how he and we should live out calling to be witnesses for Christ. Paul’s intention was that he would spend his resources and himself for sake of people and their souls all under umbrella of bringing glory to God.

A. on people, not things  v.11-14a

not for personal acclaim

against his (new) nature to boast but circumstances made it necessary – even then drew attention to what God had accomplished

not empty words, really did believe he was nothing, especially in comparison to one he served – how unlike so many today and search for self-esteem

any tendency he might have to emphasize his own abilities kept in check by that wonderful gift from God… his thorn in the flesh

certainly not for personal gain

could have used his apostolic authority to demand support from them rather than supporting himself with difficult manual labor

was skilled in persuasive argument and reasoning as anyone – didn’t use that to coerce some kind of payment for his “services”

even went so far as to declare outright: “I don’t want your stuff” – practical reasons aside, not motivated by adding to personal possessions or wealth

concerned for their good

100 years ago James Montgomery Flagg designed a poster: “Uncle Sam wants you” and everyone knew what for – to defend our nation in time of war

Paul told Corinthians “I want you”… and he meant he wanted them devoted body and soul to the Lord Jesus and his Gospel

was determined to do all God permitted to prepare / equip for that service – knew would take more than one generation to evangelize the world, Paul laying foundation for future generations

B. in all things for edification  v.16-21

neither Paul nor those he sent took advantage

had sent Titus and Timothy, perhaps others to encourage work going on in Corinth – they all had same ministry philosophy

for starters, wasn’t simply a career choice, was a calling from God – for others, viewed as easy way to make a living… just another form of public speaking

if they were ones God appointed as means to spiritual growth of believers, God could be trusted to provide – didn’t need to fleece the flock to put food on own table, pay for travel, etc.

NOTE: “walking in the same spirit”, “walking in the same steps” (18) not coincidence – happened because Paul invested in them, mentoring – more of that needs to happen

2 Tim. 2:2 “And the things that you(2) have heard from me(1) among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men(3) who will be able to teach others(4) also.”

four generations: Paul, Timothy, faithful men, others – basic pattern for leadership / ministry development in the church – see results in v.18

labored to increase their Christ-likeness

greatest concern for spiritual well-being of others – not the only concern but the primary one, must not lose sight of it

sure, many have compassion needs: food, shelter, clothing, clean water, medical treatment, comfort, transportation, etc.

addressing each of those needs should be thought of and acted on as opportunity to not only show love of Christ but also speak truth of Christ in love

just as needful for believers to be built up as for unbelievers to hear Gospel – is continual process to become more like Lord Jesus

is especially important in culture drifting, perhaps running, farther away from God – so many have no idea what it means to follow Jesus, our evangelism must be followed by purposeful discipleship

really what Paul is referring to when he wrote “all things… for your edification” – Great Commission says make disciples, not simply converts

desires their full repentance

hard to believe Paul writing to professed Christians in a church! fears he may find “quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, slander, gossip, arrogance, and disorder… uncleanness, sexual immorality, and promiscuity”

far more than simple affirmation “I’m a Christian”, statement “I prayed to receive Jesus” – must be outwardly visible evidence of turning away from sin followed by commitment over time

C. for eternal reward  v.14b-15

spending for their future

compares relationship to parent-child, children don’t save up for parents’ future, works other way round… same for him and the church

his appointed task to invest in their future with whatever resources were most appropriate, striving to give away more than received

not only willing to do so, gave him great pleasure to invest in them… especially when they responded well, growing spiritually

perhaps best part when they followed his example, spending and being spent for sake of others and their edification – “opened my mouth and my mother’s words came out”

especially their eternal future

his view that nothing was more important than their souls – their holiness of far greater significance than their happiness

truly a matter of life and death which begs the question: what is the value of a soul? how much is it worth for a soul to have eternal hopeful future?

really wonderful thing is we are granted privilege of working alongside God to bring about salvation of others – he expects us to be part of the process

holding back nothing

knew he didn’t need to hold back anything to have something for later – God had his eternal future and theirs all under control

because of that, it mattered less to Paul how they responded to him – of greater importance how they responded to truth

would continue spending and being spent knowing that God would oversee results, make it all come out right according to his plan

Paul a good example, Jesus the ultimate example – 2 Cor. 8:9 “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.”

Jesus didn’t hold back anything either. He knew the outcome, looked toward the joy he would experience when every individual he died for will be present with him. Certainly not what the world’s financial advisers would say, spend everything you can in this life. When we do so for the sake of Christ and his kingdom, the rewards, the joys will be far beyond anything we can imagine. Remember the cross, look to the one who not only authored our faith but is committed to completing it. Spend and be spent just as our Savior has on our behalf.