15. Be Reconciled

Matthew 5:23-24 “Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.”


What does it say:

NOTE: in this and next portion Jesus identifies two kinds of people: brother and adversary – is the adversary a brother? possibly…

“bring your gift to the altar” = present yourself for worship


What does it mean:

“therefore” ties back to previous teaching about murder

“has something against you” = source of conflict, hindrance to relationship

“be reconciled” – διαλλάσσω – cause a change of mind

hinted but not stated “you have done something to offend your brother” – could as easily mean brother is offended but w/o valid reason


What is God saying to me:

common approaches to conflict: escalate or ignore – Jesus advocates for third way: resolution

ignoring issue can encourage other party to escalate (hard feelings, resentment, even hatred) if only internally

scenario assumes individual has knowledge of the problem – to needlessly leave it unaddressed invalidates worship

big enough deal should not allow things to interfere with at least effort at reconciliation – how other responds is their responsibility

brotherly kindness in action – regardless of where (greater) fault lies, we should take initiative to resolve it

love for brother requires us to make effort to help him not sin – remember what Jesus just said, goal is for him to be friends with you again

we cannot force reconciliation, we must do all in our power to bring about – especially important for Fellowship around Lord’s Table

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