Walk This Way

2 Thessalonians 3:1-15 

Still some important things to say as Paul moves toward close of letter. “Finally” occasionally does indicate close of letter or presentation. Here, not exactly – more along lines of “the last important issue I need to address…” Two parts to this: need for specific prayer, problem of idleness among some in the church. Both can be connected to misunderstanding about Second Coming Paul was seeking to correct.

At same time was important for relatively young church to be clear on how to live day-by-day in kind of world described in chapter 2 – place where forces of evil are gaining traction every day. More than one way to measure believers vs unbelievers, have been both since very early in earth’s history. Only very brief time when believers were majority, been other way ever since. Even if percentages stay level, raw numbers have been increasing. Some principles here to help keep believers focused, on right track when truth increasingly hard to come by.

One important thing Paul only mentions in passing: his apostolic authority, v.9, and his not using it. Example esp. here displays vulnerability and humanity. Really the opposite of those who claim apostolic succession. One of several places where Paul makes plain his dependence on prayers of others. Connects success of his ministry with regular intercession of others on his behalf. Also brings in factor of personal safety, even his own survival – knows w/o God’s protection and prayers of his people his own life not worth much.

Easy to reach conclusion from 2 Cor. 11:22-28 and other evidence from NT that Paul some kind of superhero, able to endure all sorts of hardship and just keep going. Never at loss for words, never lacking for energy, traveling thousands of miles with no thought of danger, running on just a few hours of sleep a night. Know that wasn’t so from his prayer requests and exhortation to others.

A. pray for us  v.1-5

the “word of the Lord” to run

more than just praying for good results, “pray for us” – essential we pray for those who are serving on the front lines

“word of the Lord” often taken to mean “the Gospel” – includes but is broader than that, embracing all of God’s truth

really needed to run in 1st century, limited “print” availability… few copies, few languages, great distances, job not done yet

biblical truth absolutely vital for hindering work of Satan and agents and taking territory away from him, people not technology primary mode of delivery then as now – personal visits plus mail

the messengers be kept safe

message needed to be kept safe from being distorted / diminished / diluted – messengers also needed protection from harm

saved and lost alike cannot hear God’s truth from discouraged/delayed/diverted/dead messengers – need living voices to share living truth

messengers need courage in face of danger, diligence in face of deception – best thing possible to pray and ask for prayer

since one behind “curtain” pulling strings is really Satan, these two – prayer and God’s truth – only “weapons” available to us that will be effective against him and agents

the converts to grow in faith and practice

true, the Lord will provide and protect, confirm and direct but… is presumptuous to simply take it for granted he will do so

can be certain these things included in Paul’s prayer labors for Thessalonians, expected they would pray same for others

whether new churches in other parts of world, new or vulnerable ones here… good thing to pray on their behalf

B. follow us  v.6-12

seems to be different group from those spreading misunderstanding about 2nd Coming, probably present in Thessalonica since missionaries first arrived, continuing to be problematic

a good example

Paul, Silas, Timothy went above and beyond call of duty, working to plainly demonstrate to 1st-generation Christians how they should live in order to please Jesus

self-discipline obvious, not wasting time, staying focused and productive, iow busy about right kind of things, not “make work” work

some but certainly not all of labors were for purpose of “earning a living” – self-discipline extended to ministry preparation / performance

example in all of life one of orderliness – Thessalonians had no excuse for behaving otherwise, were given sufficient example

a biblical work ethic

this text no exception, witness is clear throughout Old and New – work not result of curse, came before Fall and frustrations

place and importance of work embedded in Ten Commandments (#8 and 10) – don’t steal what someone else has worked for, don’t desire what they have worked for

is referenced throughout Bible in numerous ways, expected that since we are designed for work we will be doing so

failure to give work proper place in welfare programs unhealthy, encourages all sorts of bad behavior

sloth leads to trouble

had to ask question some months back, BLM and January 6 e.g. – don’t those troublemakers have jobs? if not, why not?

perhaps extreme situations, but really only matter of degree – “idle hands are the devil’s workshop” and sure is true

C. don’t burn out  v.13-15

unregulated zeal not good either

are seeing in workplace what unrelenting stressful demands do to people – are finite human beings, not some kind of machine

this part of missionaries’ example too… a necessary element of proper self-discipline – factored in necessary accommodations to human limitations

in spite of what family thought, Jesus did take opportunities to decompress – time with just the Twelve, or the three, or his Father

choose friends wisely

some are good for us to spend time with, others not so much – should discern between, choose those who encourage sanctification

if we need to be selective in what we choose to be doing, should also be selective in who we do it with

must also be careful to avoid encouraging wrong behavior in others whether slothfulness or troublemaking

don’t give up

if one resistant to godly counsel is really a Christian, minimize time and closeness of relationship but don’t shun them

cannot be an influence for good when have nothing to do with them – and God may use our words to bring about good

God will only do that if we are purposeful when we are together, warning other person of God-designed consequences for sinful behavior

Wherever we go, whatever we do, need to live each day taking Jesus’ name with us and wearing it well – declaring his truth to others, depending on his grace for own needs.

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