Armed for Battle – Supernaturally Empowered

Ephesians 6:10 

 No surprise, we live in world marked by hostility. Is hostile by God’s decree:  “I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” HCSB Is so in part for our protection… so we won’t be tempted to cozy up to wrong kinds of things. At same time  is our destiny – “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.”  Armor not completely different subject, is part of what we need to be like Jesus, to actually make it through the conflict that is the Christian’s lot in this life.

“Though the redemption purchased by Christ, as described in this epistle, is so complete and so free, yet between the beginning and the consummation of the work there is a protracted conflict. This is not a figure of speech. It is something real and arduous. Salvation, however gratuitous, is not to be obtained without great effort. The Christian conflict is not only real, it is difficult and dangerous. It is one in which true believers are often grievously wounded; and multitudes of reputed believers entirely succumb.” Charles Hodge, Ephesians

As we progress through our study, will be more and more obvious this conflict one that natural man has no resources that will enable him to survive. In fact, only reason our world not littered with corpses because God restrains the Evil One. Left to ourselves, would have little hope for good outcome. That’s the bad news. Good news: God knows that, has made all his people need available for use to reach our appointed destiny. Our text begins to tell in summary what we need, why we need it, and how to acquire it.

A. what?


first of series of imperatives, “do this” kind of statements – lit. “be empowered”, “be invigorated”, also “put forth effort”

not new concept, one used repeatedly to Joshua: “Be strong and very courageous” 6x; further qualified: “the LORD your God is with you”

Joshua at least 70 when told this, probably not talking about physical strength – given what follows in Ephesians, not here either… different kind of strength needed

certainly physical elements in struggle against Satan… remember Job – even for all he experienced, Satan still failed… was strength of mind and spirit he needed most

Satan wants to destroy believer’s faith, love for God – if we are to “love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” () heart/soul/mind is where fiercest part of battle will take place, where we need strength


few of us warriors by nature, even fewer willingly take on force we know is far more powerful… especially one that is invisible

Midianite army learned hard way – between element of surprise and fact they couldn’t see the enemy, Midianites turned tail

we cannot see our enemy, which side attack will come from, when battle will begin – must have courage to stand and fight… wisely

will be sorely tempted to run, give up, wear out strength shadow boxing… swinging in all directions w/o scoring any hits – courage to maintain position absolutely essential


remember Hodge: “between the beginning and the consummation of the work there is a protracted conflict” – is struggle that lasts throughout all Christian life

not only strength of endurance we need, this conflict requires power of action and exertion – not picture of someone simply standing and passively taking all the hits

involves resisting an opposing force, pushing back so we are not pushed over or off course – requires continual exercise of strength over time

while enemy does not have infinite power, has way more endurance than we – don’t buy New Age lie and look inside yourself for strength… it’s not there, must come from outside source

B. why?

for self

without strength from outside, sooner or later you will fail – the enemy will get the better of you, will be painful consequences

failure will slow or stunt your growth in Christ-likeness, make harder to continue forward progress… esp. if godly habits are broken

may even cost you opportunities for eternal rewards – God may instead give those blessings to others now and later

for others

God doesn’t save people by groups, saves them individually but not apart from the group – church called the body of Christ

are both negative and positive aspects of that – body depends on each individual, each individual supports the body and one another

we need to be strengthened / empowered so we can properly fill our role in the body for the continued health of the body

for the Lord

don’t think about this as much as probably should: remember who you are, child of God, adopted into his family, brother or sister of the Lord Jesus

carry his name, wear his uniform, known as follower of Christ, what we do reflects not only on self but also on Jesus and his reputation

to do our part faithfully and effectively to maintain Jesus’ reputation, make Jesus look good before others, we all must have right resources and sufficient strength

C. how?

in the Lord

strength we need has two conditions: it is found only in the Lord and only by those who are in the Lord, joined to him by faith

apart from saving faith in Christ and continued fellowship with him, person left on their own to face Satan and his dirty tricks

in Christ there is full access without any hindrance to all strength necessary to fulfill God’s purpose in our lives – no limits whatever

with supernatural power

no limits whatever to what this power can achieve – it is power of God being channeled through us for his particular purpose

requires supernatural power to engage and prevail against unseen spiritual enemy – the one who supplies the power gets the glory

comes first for reason: not of first importance what equipment we put on, armor not what makes person effective in battle – can hang armor on a mannequin and it will look good… is power within that gets results

It is of “no matter what armour is provided, how finely tempered, how highly polished, or how closely fitted it may be, if there be no strength in the heart, if the man have merely the dress of a soldier, with the spirit of a coward.” John Eadie, Ephesians

that makes you strong

is supernatural power from God that gives “strength in the heart” – Paul: “his strength is made perfect in my weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9)

God is not severed from his power – he continues to keep his hand on the wheel as he exercises his power through us, making us strong – what appears as our strength is really the Lord’s strength in us

What really fires up our courage is confidence in our Commander. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, follow Jesus closely, depend on Jesus’ strength, give thanks for all the other brothers and sisters in Jesus’ army who are there to help protect and encourage you. Trust him and his word and his Spirit to bring you, not just safely, but victoriously through every circumstance of life between here and home.

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