Day: February 13, 2022

Final Greetings

2 Thessalonians 3:16-18

Paul’s overall purpose in writing two letters to saints in Thessalonica: provide clear instruction to first-generation Christians in a secular culture about what to believe and how to behave. Errors in both faith and practice had become obvious and needed correction. At the same time, Paul was well aware of what that would mean to believers already experiencing opposition and persecution. To live and look more like Jesus would surely add fuel to the fire, increasing pressure to conform to standard of the world. Specific situation really of secondary importance – if you want to minimize persecution, look and sound and act like everyone else. Christ will not be pleased but most of neighbors will.

Unlike many of Paul’s other letters, are no personal references to members of the Thessalonian church. Seems Paul did not have opportunity to develop relationships with individuals, probably because circumstances dictated short stay for reasons of personal safety. Did not diminish Paul’s affection for the people or his concern for their spiritual well-being.

These closing four sentences serve as both a benediction and reminder/instruction – express Paul’s desire/prayer for the Lord to bless them and reminder of where they should look for peace and grace they will need. The world offers many alternatives, don’t waste your time… go to the source of the real thing. Since persecution by nature includes conflict, greater persecution prompts greater desire and need for peace. With increased pressure to conform to wrong standard comes increased need for sustaining grace. No matter degree of their need, God’s supply more than sufficient

A. peace  v.16a

who from

truly a declaration of promise fulfilled and hope for future – peace that seems so elusive, at times distant, can be obtained

think of the associations: Lord of peace… Prince of Peace… “on earth peace” – he came, he purchased peace, we can experience peace and be at peace… now, in this life, really

man’s best efforts at peace, while commendable and appreciated, only temporary – geopolitical landscape littered with attempts

since Lord of peace is head of his church, peace in the church should be the rule not the exception, both individually and corporately

what it is

read Eph 2.14-20 includes but not limited to absence of hostility, that just gets to neutral; need to keep going to harmony, unity, actually working together to further Christ’s kingdom

when that kind of spirit is present in the church, will extend to other spheres of life… family and state/community

“We need peace in the Church, in the commonwealth, in households, marriages, families, trades, in regard to eating one’s own bread, in regard to opinions, wherein one is often puffed up against another. But not at the cost of the holy war against impurities, but just by means of such a conflict.” Lange

when and where

intention of Lord of peace that his people experience his peace and joy without interruption – if gaps, fault on our side

our peace not dependent on external circumstances – should work other way, our peace has influence on other people, certainly other believers

will often not be true w/respect to unbelievers – they resent our peace, want for themselves but fail to achieve, try to take ours away… misery loves company

do have duty to promote/pursue peace (Rom. 14:19; 2 Tim. 2:22; Heb. 12:14; 1 Pet. 3:11), avoid unnecessary conflict

B. personal relationship  v.16b-17

personally present

having peace present is wonderful blessing – having Jesus personally present is way better, far more encouraging

letter written to those enduring persecution – so much easier when you’re not alone and you know it… have someone with understanding to share the load

don’t have to think too hard to realize Jesus can really sympathize… and he had to do it alone, w/o support even from Father

individual and corporate

word Paul used (παντων) can be used 2 ways – each of you, all of you – each of you individually, all of you as a church family

indicates Jesus’ interest in all areas of life for his people – loved the church and gave himself for her, but individuals don’t get overlooked/fall through the cracks

Jesus present and making peace possible in and through us in the church, in our families, in neighborhoods to extent natural man’s sinfulness permits


his peace is good, his presence is good, but he can’t be seen and touched – by design are sentient beings, we have senses

Paul understood that and its place in effective communication – 1 Thess. 2:18 “Therefore we wanted to come to you; even I, Paul, time and again; but Satan hindered us.”

since in-person visit not possible, next best thing… greeting in own handwriting – didn’t leave it all to the secretary to do

this conclusion not boiler-plate, was the author’s own autograph expressing his affection and encouragement for saints under great pressure

C. grace  v.18

unmerited favor

same as earlier (16a), grace of Lord Jesus, his favor, his blessing poured out on them as individual believers and a church body

like peace, this grace, favor way more than simply Jesus thinking of his people favorably – is favor that results in action

Jesus by his Spirit makes things happen in lives and circumstances of his people, equipping with every kind of resource necessary for godly living: spiritual, physical, emotional

every kind of strength, wisdom, understanding that enables us to profit from circumstances, things God uses to make us more like Jesus each day

from God himself

“our Lord Jesus Christ”, the one to whom all authority in heaven and earth has been given to rule over his kingdom and all things

he sustains and upholds all things by his powerful word (Heb. 1:3), will not be frustrated in his eternal purpose to bring all things under his sovereign dominion (1 Cor. 15:24-28)

not only can do all things, he will do all things necessary for our good and his glory (Rom. 8:28) to the end that we will be “more than conquerors through him who loved us” (Rom. 8:37)

Is a sense in which the degree of peace and grace we experience directly related to our closeness to the source. Yes, God can overcome all obstacles but… we don’t need to make it hard for him to do so. Natural response of love to get closer to the one we love and who loves us. Is especially important we do so when at risk of being overwhelmed, distracted, drawn away, like… most of the time! Use the means of grace, read and meditate on his word, listen to good teaching and good music, may his peace and grace be yours.

Armed for Battle – Equipped for a Purpose

Ephesians 6:11

 “Martyn Lloyd-Jones observes that there are three dangers when it comes to spiritual warfare: 1) Thinking that there is no warfare, 2) Avoiding the warfare, and 3) Fighting with the wrong weapons.” I would add a fourth danger: attempting to engage in spiritual warfare in our own strength.

“The vigor of a man’s arm is derived from the strength of his body. It is only as members of Christ’s body that we have either life or power. It is not we that live, but Christ that liveth in us; and the strength which we have is not our own but his. When we are weak, then are we strong. When most empty of self, we are most full of God.” Hodge, Ephesians

Throughout all this is vital we maintain proper focus – need proper understanding of dangers we face, not so intent on dangers that we forget how things will turn out. Far more to Christian life than simply trying to hang on for duration until we get to good part in next life. Apostle John cautioned his readers about presence and work of Satan / agents in the world, gave them this encouraging reminder:

1 John 4:4 “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

Our God-given purpose not merely to endure, hang on by fingernails until somehow make it through. God expects us to live victoriously, reach end of this life victoriously, here’s why:

Rom. 8:37 “in all these things (tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword) we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”

God has set us up for success in the face of sin and Satan – will supply abundantly all we need to live pleasing to him in spite of all our enemies try to do. Ultimately our success will be demonstrated by our likeness to Christ – becoming like Jesus, being re-made in his image and conformed to his likeness is our destiny. Satan’s desire and intent to completely frustrate God’s purpose. We are equipped with whole armor of God in order to frustrate Satan’s purpose and reach the goal God has for us.

“The Christian conflict is not only real, it is difficult and dangerous. It is one in which true believers are often grievously wounded.” Hodge If we are to persevere and not succumb to wounds but end the battle victoriously, MUST take every advantage God has given… and… put forth necessary effort in his strength to live well. Some people ok with wearing pj’s to Walmart, not going to work in this conflict. Must be properly clothed, equipped and prepared.

A. clothed

purposeful action

are not born with clothes on, are not born again with armor on – requires particular effort / action on believer’s part to get dressed

just like regular clothing, armor needs regular care – periodic cleaning, mending, polishing, make sure is in good working condition… safety depends on it

is daily ritual, don’t sleep in armor, must put it on at beginning of every day, no days / weekends off, no vacation time

all the pieces

pilot learns early on in training how to go through pre-flight checklist – absolutely vital to not miss single detail, matter of life and death

Satan is especially observant, notices immediately if piece is missing – will focus his attack on area that is vulnerable, gives him advantage

need complete / whole / full armor for own protection and so we are equipped to properly support those next to us in the battle

secured with help

can put on pieces by yourself… to a point, but sometimes two hands not enough… and then things that buckle up in back

are parts cannot always see w/o help – need another pair of eyes to see needs adjusting, better securing for better safety

like so much of Christian life, works far better with help – need one another to be thoroughly prepared for conflict

B. equipped


mental preparation for competition/conflict just as important as physical and material – partly why music blasting Korean DMZ

confidence in Commander, trust in equipment he supplies – remember, fighting against an already defeated enemy

must fight well for Commander, must fight alertly to support/protect fellow soldiers, must fight wisely for personal safety/success


more than simple knowledge about what armor pieces are, where they go – remember from last week:

Satan wants to destroy believer’s faith, love for God – if we are to “love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matt. 22:37) heart/soul/mind is where fiercest part of battle will take place

must understand what is required to have good armor in good condition and keep it that way – armor is things like truth, righteousness, the Gospel, faith, salvation, the Bible

must also understand how to use one weapon properly, sword of the Spirit, the word of God – never fear, God supplies understanding


expect entire Christian life to be one of warfare on some level – may be lulls or breaks in action… but only temporary

need mind geared to being in it for long haul, not 4-yr stint but commitment for life, knowing God’s supply of strength/power always more than sufficient for us to be victorious

remember our Commander – he has already been down this road, won greatest victory… that we share in… and is his armor

C. prepared


we know this, Satan described as using “cunning arts, deceit, craft, trickery”, “trick or stratagem practiced for ensnaring or deception” – must be alert and on guard against his wiles

is great strength and advantage in numbers – not all in the group will be deceived by same trick, some will catch on, warn rest

alertness takes away advantage of surprise, harder for Satan to overcome Christ’s people when awake and prepared for him


will elaborate more as we consider each piece, here’s the thing – if we don’t practice using armor, won’t be able to use to advantage in time of need

if faith is weak, knowledge of truth lacking, understanding of God’s word dull, we are vulnerable to attack from Satan and agents

Satan will target the weak first to increase losses in Christ’s army, puts strong at disadvantage when they lose needed support


facing tough things that are part of life is difficult – for many seems impossible at times just to make it through the day – if believe are alone, simply give up

take heart, Christian is never alone… even in solitary confinement – gracious Lord Jesus gives us even more help, one another

and… told us what to do – love one another, build one another up, support and strengthen and comfort one another

Our purpose is to live faithfully for Jesus, standing firm against Satan’s tricks. Most powerful weapon we have against him is truth, especially truth found in God’s word the Bible. That truth must be where our faith rests, where our defense rests, what empowers our offensive weapon against sin and Satan. Brothers and sisters count on us to cover their backs, stand beside them, pick them up when they fall down. With God’s empowering, his word and Spirit to guide us, our faithful Lord Jesus to inspire and encourage us, we can live victoriously and put Satan to shame.