Day: February 20, 2022

Armed for Battle – Know Your Enemy

Ephesians 6:12

 If #1 priority: “love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Matt. 22:37) heart/soul/mind is where fiercest part of battle will take place and all must be engaged in battle using resources – strength, armor and weapon – supplied by God, empowered by Spirit, fueled by Word, applied by God-given wits. Satan will use his resources to make something other than God more desirable to us, convince us other parts of life more important than our souls, encourage us to think in wrong ways about important things especially relating to God, his word and fellow Christians.

Important to recognize this warfare engaged in not like much military action today – more like video game than combat in Paul’s day. Our conflict mostly hand-to-hand, each in other’s personal space. To be effective, must rightly identify the enemy and must engage courageously / confidently. If you think you will fail, you probably will, Satan has gained an advantage. Key to confidence is Lord Jesus, what he has achieved, who we are in relation to him.

Also important to remember Satan a created being – different, more powerful than us… still created, and not God. Satan not able to be present more than one place, does not have unlimited power, does not know all things. Means that most if not all the time, we engaged in battle with an agent or instrument of Satan, yet at same time very powerful and dangerous.

A. who the enemy is not


we all live in blended families, blend of believers/unbelievers – one or more may act in way that seems hostile, antagonistic

can also be far more subtle, mask over hostility, working to persuade to their point of view – may even be genuine believer, temporarily deceived and being used to deceive others

deceived believer can be very useful to Satan – others don’t have filter turned up, more readily pulled off course

whether family member, close friend, neighbor… they have been tricked… may not even know they are helping Satan – our real enemy not “flesh and blood”


real easy to view gov’t at some level in particular place as the enemy – easy b/c gov’t/political individuals are faces of unjust treatment

government one of those things that requires certain people acting in particular ways to have any meaning, often act wrongly

very tempting tools for Satan to use – one or few in gov’t can make things really difficult for lots of those who belong to Jesus

many politicos genuinely convinced are doing right/best thing even in places most hostile to Christians, still are acting to carry out Satan’s agenda


depends on the decade which specific “evil” the one Satan must be using, esp. to ensnare young people, steal them away

rock ‘n roll, color television, cell phones, internet… and of course there’s more – they don’t exist w/o people

is people who use and misuse technology – is Satan’s dark influence persuading people to pervert and misuse good for evil

is most times true for lots of things that banning technology not the solution… especially when it can be used for good

B. who the enemy is


ones who influence from within – demon-possession not limited to one place or time, even Jesus’ presence in world did not prevent it… remember some of his miracles

Satan will send other fallen angels to target those in positions of power – our task not to try to figure out who’s who

the real power behind the ones pulling levers of government and corporate action to do evil comes from poster child of evil

deceived or not, those people do bear some responsibility for their evil actions – as awful as actions are, the people are not beyond reach of God’s saving grace


ones who influence from beside, persuading of untruth and encouraging practice of evil behavior – those who work in abortion clinic are at least persuaded the evil they do is somehow good

and don’t forget God’s people who work in positions of influence and authority – they are especially at risk, pray for them

while believers cannot be demon-possessed, Holy Spirit prevents that, Satan’s associates will definitely try to influence

the devil

the one who leads the rest, coordinating spiritual forces of evil – to extent he can, gets all his forces to work together to push his agenda forward

don’t need to look for Satan or his hosts of wickedness, do need to recognize their deceptions, use only effective weapons we have… against unseen spiritual forces

and… don’t be distracted by QAnon conspiracy theory and others like it – diverts focus from real, greater danger, Satan

C. why we can have confidence – see Col. 2:13-15 

Satan’s real goal for believers: “push” them back to where they were before they came to faith in Christ; our task not to crusade against Satan and try to defeat him, ours to stand firm against his “push”, help others do the same


our enemies have no weapon guaranteed effective against our armor or weapon… God’s word – God’s truth supplied to us in his word the Bible will unmask their deception

no matter how great our intelligence, reasoning ability… cannot match Satan’s – yet God’s word cannot be broken (John 10:35)

fact is, Satan’s greatest weapon completely taken away: threat of death for failure to keep God’s Law, no longer applies to believer since was satisfied by Christ


their defeat by Lord Jesus at cross and empty tomb not carried out in secret – done publicly for all the world to see, hear about

Satan’s power clearly shown to be insufficient in face of Lord Jesus – can make all kinds of claims, obviously lacks power

this kind of public shame especially irksome to Satan, direct insult to his pride – his anger, resentment fuels his desire to destroy


Satan not permanently locked up but is defeated – not without resources but… both Satan and resources are strictly limited

spiritual forces of evil can only do what God permits and… God will not allow his people to be overcome – his indwelling Spirit guarantees that

Enemy still dangerous, very dangerous. But… have the best protection, best protector – armor of God, commander who is Jesus.

What God clothes us with is nothing less than his own armor, the same armor that Christ has already worn on our behalf in his lifelong struggle with the mortal enemy of our souls, Satan himself. Unlike armchair generals who watch the fighting from a safe distance, Jesus has himself worn the armor and won the victory. You are called to wear the armor of God not because that’s what Jesus would do if he found himself in a similar situation; you are called to wear God’s armor because that is what Jesus has already done, wearing God’s armor all the way to the cross. Iain M. Duguid

This is armor that has been tested and proven fit for the conflict. Need not fear the outcome, instead trust in Jesus – his armor, his presence, his promises, his completed work of redemption on our behalf.

 42. What do I still lack?

Matthew 19:20 The young man said to Him, “All these things I have kept from my youth. What do I still lack?”

Read: Matthew 19:16-26; Mark 10:17-27; Luke 18:18-27


on the road from Jericho area (Mk 10:1, 17) going up to Jerusalem with the Twelve (Mk. 10:32)

probably continually changing crowd of followers, coming and going as interest and other demands allowed

Person(s) asking the question:

a man who was “young”, νεανισκος, Matt. 19:22; had great wealth (lit. many possessions) Matt. 19:22; Mark 10:22; in a position of authority over others, “ruler”, αρχων, Luke 18:18 

Question behind the question:

why do you seem to expect so much less than the religious leaders?

how can you be sure it is so simple?

even if that’s good enough, what will make it absolutely certain?

Expected response:

perhaps an explanation how religious leaders were overzealous

wanted reassurance he was in good shape, nagging feeling he wasn’t

maybe if he showed enough interest/persistence, Jesus would let him in on the “secret”

Jesus’ point:

he thought he lacked a good deed, Jesus helped him see he lacked understanding

as with Jesus’ other questioner (Matt. 22:36ff) Jesus was content to argue from base of two summary commandments, in this case starting with the second one (in importance)

his logic: if loving neighbor more than self (Matt. 19:19) really summarizes #5 thru 10, then keeping the spirit of that command would look like this

and actually following through would likely bring him into compliance with the first command, trusting God in all things because he loved him

and btw, saying so doesn’t make it so – there will be evidence if it is true; keeping those commands according to God’s standard required action, one the young man was unwilling to perform

Modern Application:

Jesus did not sugar coat the truth neither was he mean in how he used it – Jesus didn’t judge the man but his declaring truth pushed the man to judge himself… and come up short

Jesus did not dispute the man’s claims, he didn’t at least in his own mind accept them as fully accurate – he required evidence to show the claims were true

perfectly acceptable for us to have similar expectations of those who claim to be Christians – the Bible says … will be true if you are a genuine child of God, if you can rightly expect eternal life