Day: February 22, 2022

Be Strong and Courageous – Part 1

Numbers 27:12-23 

Meet Joshua first – Ex. 17:9ff; still on way to Sinai, ambushed by Amalekites perhaps 2 months into their journey (3 mos. to Sinai). Chosen by Moses to select group of men to “defend” against Amalek, make Amalekites’ “mistake” painful/costly enough so they wouldn’t do it again. Judged by Moses to be suitable leader of men in risky military situation, God also satisfied with Joshua’s performance: “Write this for a memorial in the book and recount it in the hearing of Joshua,” (Ex. 17:14)

Next: Ex. 24:13; 33:11; group called to base of Sinai to worship and fellowship. Moses called further up the mountain where God would give him tablets. Moses went “with his assistant Joshua”, stayed there 40 days and nights while Moses went further into the cloud. Later after Moses moved his tent outside the camp, God came and “spoke to Moses face to face”. When Moses returned to the camp, Joshua stayed in the tent. Joshua’s spiritual condition such that God had no problem with him being close, was a place Joshua wanted to be.

Approached final destination, one from each tribe chosen for reconnaissance: given instructions what to look for and bring back. Ten spies saw only problems, Caleb and Joshua saw potential coupled with God’s providence. Of all Hebrews 20 years old and up, only those two granted exception Num. 14:30 – they alone permitted by God to set foot again in Promised Land.

Joshua showed willingness to both lead and serve, loyalty to God and Moses, wisdom and discernment in practical matters, faithfulness to God when odds were a million to three. Certainly seems like wise choice by Moses for an assistant and one who had received not only approval from God but also his public commendation opposite the condemnation of all the rebels. Here in our text, Moses has come to understand his life coming to a close. Knew from his study of history and life orderly transition to next leader essential for survival as a distinct people. Also knew God must be the one to officially and publicly endorse Moses’ successor… especially given how prone to rebellion Israelites had been.

A. Moses prepares for death  v.12-14

see but don’t touch

a preliminary account, didn’t actually happen until Deut. 32-34 – perhaps necessary reminder to Moses what he was recording would be overseen/implemented by others

would also not allow people to forget why 40 years from Egypt to Canaan – sin has consequences yet God graciously gave Moses personal guided overview

mercy and justice

good for all generations to not lose sight of important biblical principle – consequences for sin are inescapable regardless of who you are

at same time holy God who must act justly also merciful and gracious – his eternal plan includes adequate provision through work of Christ so he can grant temporal blessing

end of the road

Abarim range, Mount Nebo, Pisgah the summit – 12 mi e of Jordan, 30 mi to Mount of Olives (similar elevation), 60 mi to the sea

land of promise what would fill Moses’ final view, not only hearing report of spies but actually seeing where his “family” would put down roots… and God would manage his arrangements

no question in Moses’ mind about his people’s future – God still intended to keep his promise, get them established in Canaan

B. Moses pleads for a shepherd  v.15-17

God’s wisdom

probably had Joshua in mind, knew his own say-so not nearly enough – took forceful act of God against Aaron & Miriam to end rebellion

Moses content as he had been all along to trust God’s wisdom to direct future of Israelites – God wouldn’t talk with just anyone

God’s plan

Moses knew how dependent he was on God for a plan, his successor no less so… especially given change in circumstances

must be someone to continue role of intercessor/mediator between God and people if they were to be successful

God’s person

believed they needed someone they could see/touch to act as leader – 40 years in Midian taught Moses how needy sheep are

same has been true in every generation, is why God has supplied priests and prophets and apostles and pastors and teachers

God certainly not limited by wrong choice of person, can make his plan happen regardless – less painful, more productive w/his person shepherding the sheep

C. God reveals his plan to Moses  v.18-21


had been trained/mentored for 40 years by Moses… not what God focused on – Spirit’s presence much more important, helpful

can also take it to mean Joshua had spirit of a shepherd, heart for others, temperament and personality to be effective leader… under God’s direction… and who people would willingly follow


selection of Joshua as God’s choice would be confirmed publicly – commissioned by Moses in sight of people with confirmation of high priest Eleazar

further confirmed by Moses “transferring” some of his authority to Joshua – not just words to declare Joshua leader, clearly raised to position of real authority


Joshua to be Moses’ successor but not a dictator – was to be cooperative work between Joshua and high priest to lead people

actual communication with God to be handled by priest, practical management of people overseen by Joshua – order of movement, military details, assignment of land portions e.g.

D. Moses put in office the one of God’s choosing  v.22-23


know from Deut. 31 that it all went just as God said, more on that next time, Moses followed instructions to the letter


also know from Deut. that was really God who publicly commissioned Joshua – Moses had his public part also, another of God’s gracious blessings to both of them

God’s doing

important for everyone to grasp idea none of this was Moses’ idea – was all of God’s doing, any questions… talk to God

The idea of shepherd common one throughout Scripture. Fits perfectly with understanding God’s people are sheep. God graciously provides shepherds for his people… but they really are under-shepherds… serving under the Good Shepherd. Moses and Joshua both had great responsibilities, yet they served under the same Good Shepherd, will see that in chapter 5 of Joshua!

Was presence of that greater shepherd that would give Joshua courage and strength to carry out his God-given task. We can depend on same shepherd to guide us, protect us, nourish and strengthen us… just as David knew and wrote about.