Day: February 27, 2022

Instructions for Use

Ephesians 6:13

 Glass half-filled with water often used as test to distinguish between pessimist, optimist and idealist. Pessimist says glass is half-empty. Optimist soundly dismisses that by declaring the glass half-full. Idealist believes them both to be wrong – glass is completely full… of water in the bottom, air in the top. Since both are essential to life, idealist is perfectly happy. Similar can be said of the Christian life. Sure, it has some good points, but man, talk about challenges, difficulties, hard things and choices. The cup is either half-empty of blessings or half-full of challenges.

Then there is the ideal view – the cup or our life is filled with only what comes to us through God’s loving and gracious hands. Even the difficulties are there by his design and purpose. If all we expect is generous daily blessings of good things, will be unpleasantly surprised. If we focus only on the hard things, will become discouraged and want to give up. Need to be properly prepared for both, not become careless or complacent in the good times or disheartened when life is tough.

Some who hear how difficult it is at times to live like a follower of Jesus might be tempted to give up before starting. Are couple extremes to avoid: perfectionism of the kind that says “if I can’t do it perfectly, I won’t even try.” Other end of spectrum that says “I don’t have to be perfect because Jesus is… close enough, good to go.” First does not give sufficient weight to God’s provision and promises, the second fails to adequately value Lord Jesus’ sacrifice and what it was intended to achieve.

Clear teaching of God’s word is hostility that began in Garden continues and will do so until Jesus returns. For that reason we need to be properly prepared. Because of what we are told in previous two verses – the kind of enemy and strategy he uses – “therefore”, “for this reason” we must act as we are instructed. Good news is: when we do so, can rightly plan for a good outcome – victory is certain, not because of our genius but because of who our Commander is and what he has promised.

A. take up

decisive action

told in v.11 to “put on the whole armor of God”, here to “take up the whole armor of God” – thing in view the same in both, v.13 adds to the action

put on as a uniform – does not work the way Wallace and Gromit’s contraption sort of did – cannot push a button, leave bed and arrive at breakfast table fully clothed

v.18 exhorts to continual prayer – certainly necessary for careful and proper use, just as necessary for putting on

our decisive action to take up this essential armor must be bathed in prayer, and prayer must continue for the duration

all the pieces

word Paul uses one we brought over into English – “panoply of God” – “a full suit of armor, the ‘whole armor’ of a soldier”, OED

this armor custom designed as complete package intended to be worn first by God himself, then by each of his people

cannot expect full protection if we neglect one or more pieces – be certain the enemy will seek out and concentrate attack on unprotected area first

intention to use

section begins with v.10, “be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might” – if first thing we need is God’s mighty power, must be we are headed for active duty

requires strength to put it on, to wear it well, to use it effectively, especially so since we are obvious targets for the enemy

if we walked the mall in a suit of medieval armor, would almost certainly attract attention – our identity as child of God should be just as obvious

B. withstand

defend your position

“they wish the centurions not to be so much bold and adventurous, as men with a faculty for command, steady, and of a profound rather than a showy spirit; not prone to engage wantonly [recklessly] or be unnecessarily forward [hasty] in giving battle; but such as in the face of superior numbers and overwhelming pressure will die in defence of their post.” Polybius, History 6.24 (born BC 200)

remember who you are, child of God, purchased by Christ at great cost, following Jesus and tasked with making followers – must not allow enemies to push off course

defend your neighbor

Christian brothers and sisters depend on our help – this not situation when we act as secret agents doing our own thing

should be just as prepared to help one another defend their own position as would be to help someone stranded on road

as Jesus’ return gets closer, intensity of battle will ramp up… substantially – must be alert and continually depending on God for strength, wisdom, courage

C. do all

utilize all resources

God’s supply room is fully stocked and open – everything we need without any exception is readily available to us from him

we may ask for the wrong thing but God always supplies the right thing, what is appropriate for our need from his perspective

just as we need all pieces of armor, likewise need all resources God has available… if we are to be standing at end of conflict

complete all assignments

this perhaps one of most difficult parts, especially as more of our life is behind – we grow weary, long for end to hostilities

may heartily desire God to take us home or Lord Jesus to come back – fact we are still here evidence we have more to do

may be more progress in our own likeness to Jesus, may be for good of other believers that God desires us to stand firm

D. stand

expect conflict

told to take up armor, never told/given permission to lay it down – don’t ever expect to reach point where armor is not essential

if are expected to continue wearing armor, means we need to stay alert – inattention puts immediately at risk

need not look far to see many examples of Christian ministry leaders who grew complacent or cocky, finished badly… with many other casualties along the way

any list would include names of rich and famous with international reach to those serving in small out-of-the-way places – none are immune to Satan’s trickery

plan for victory

again the good news: if we do as exhorted here, can with God’s help and the aid of brothers and sisters still be standing when our last assignment is completed

God knows what he is doing, has a good purpose in all things for his children, just as his own Son Jesus won the victory he expects us to do the same

If are supposed to stand, must be sure are making right stand for right things in right place. God’s word is absolutely essential, it is our life. God’s revelation to us of who he is, who we are, what he has done for us, what he expects of us, what he has planned for us. Knowing his character, being reminded of his promises gives us courage for today, hope for the future. If we are standing now on God’s word and his promises, can be assured that when we have done all, will still be standing.

 43. Who then can be saved?

Matthew 19:25 When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?”

Read: Matthew 19:16-26; Mark 10:17-27; Luke 18:18-27


on the road from Jericho area (Mk 10:1, 17) going up to Jerusalem with the Twelve (Mk. 10:32)

probably continually changing crowd of followers, coming and going as interest and other demands allowed

Person(s) asking the question:

the Twelve – probably a “summary” question, asked in different ways: huh? what do you mean? what about…?

Question behind the question:

Jesus’ “easier for a camel” like “when hell freezes over”, iow, “it’s impossible”

Isn’t their wealth a reward for their piety? If their piety doesn’t satisfy God, what will?

If their wealth doesn’t make their “good works” more acceptable, what hope do poor people have?

Expected response:

completely uncharted territory for the Twelve – had no gps, no map, no road signs

certainly expected Jesus to say something, probably had no clear idea what he might say

Jesus’ point:

going back further in the conversation, what he told the rich man not to be viewed as conditions that must be met for salvation

Jesus’ take on that: it is humanly impossible to achieve, regardless of socioeconomic status, only possible as result of God’s doing

the Twelve, along with most contemporaries, looking at key principles wrongly… needed radical change

obedience to God and commands evidence of what God has done, not performance standard needed to gain his approval

personal wealth may be a sign of God’s blessing/reward – should never be considered an infallible sign of God’s favor

salvation is all God’s doing and… he can / will save rich and poor alike according to his perfect divine plan/purpose

Modern Application:

presentation of the Gospel as well as our expectations regarding others must account for these principles:

hope and joy are found in following Jesus, not keeping commandments

entrance into the kingdom / salvation not what a person does / does not have

even faith in Christ is something we have and use only after God gives it to us – it’s ours… but we didn’t manufacture it

since salvation is all of God and he made all things including a way to be reconciled to him, no one is beyond God’s reach or ability to save