Month: March 2022

Our Shield of Faith

Ephesians 6:16

Many things are important in warfare, often simplest things or lack of them profoundly influences final outcome. Not only need supplies, must be the right ones to be effective. Just like rifle bullets won’t disable a tank, nothing we can manufacture will be any match for Satan. Think about things already covered – truth, righteousness e.g. Don’t have to think long or hard to recognize gaps and weaknesses in our truthfulness and integrity, failures in our righteousness. Same applies to faith – ours is weak, fragile, even on good day Satan can easily overcome it if depends on our own strength.

Good news is we need not depend on our own truthfulness or righteousness or even faith. Remember: these are all part of the armor of God, armor that he has given to us for our good and safety. That goes for our shield also. And must be something that is really worthy of our confidence.

Perhaps more than previously, we get use of shields now… and people’s insistence on them. Whether shields to minimize transmission of virus or shields used by police departments for riot control, more commonly seen in media footage as well as daily life. Paul’s change of terminology signals a different emphasis from here on – word changes from “having” to “taking”. Sense of greater activity, involvement on part of Christian as focus of attention narrows to conflict itself. The shield, helmet and sword are things we need to take up and use… for our own sake… and sake of fellow Christians.

Remember this also: if these principles were important in the first century, have even greater importance in twenty-first century. Each day intensity of devil’s attacks increases, more determined to stop advance of the Gospel and growth of Christ’s church.

A. what it is


“in all circumstances” ESV – no time / place / circumstance in this life where not at risk – Christian life from beginning to end one of conflict with sin, Satan, enemies of Christ and his church

covers and reinforces body armor – already have belt, breastplate, boots… shield to be outer defense against devil’s darts

no secret… Christian life one of faith – one w/o faith not interested in this shield and what it does, have no access to it

taken two ways: the faith, our faith – Jude 1:3 Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.”

the faith must be accompanied by our faith in order to be effective and protect from devil’s assaults and deceptions


30″ wide x 48″ high – typical Roman soldier 5’5″ – shield covered from shoulders almost to ankles, nearly all parts not covered by armor behind

not designed for one-on-one hand to hand combat – too heavy, unwieldy for close action… much better at a distance

sufficient to cover all life’s situations – “The Holy Scriptures are the only sufficient, certain and infallible rule for saving knowledge, faith, and obedience.” LBCF 1.1


2 planks approx. 2″ thick glued together, next canvas, finally calfskin, iron top and bottom, 25+ lbs

sufficient to protect from whatever the enemy throws at us – stones, pikes, and heavy missiles plus flaming arrows, quenched by water-soaked calfskin

faith delivered / bestowed by God manageable by weakest/smallest, sufficient for most advanced – small child can exercise saving faith, read/memorize Bible, trust God for protection… so can every other believer

B. who it protects


personal faith first for the person – remember Satan’s goal, turn us away from Jesus – faith God gives at root of devotion to Christ, love for one another

given to each – we didn’t generate our own faith but when God gives it to us, really is ours and will be ours for all eternity

exercised by each – when founded on absolute truth of God’s word, together protects individual believer from danger

the group

preventing loss maintains integrity – losses weaken the group, enough may cause to crumble… shield guards against that

the faith defines the group – churches/ministries require agreement with “statement of faith”, common ground of shared belief

fidelity to shared faith holds group together, provides standard to help wayward return to sound faith and practice

maintains courage, direction – knowing foundation is unshakable unbreakable Word of God keeps strong and courageous

staying in close touch with foundation keeps all headed in right direction… following Jesus wherever he leads

testudo formation

Lat. word for tortoise, formation has shell of shields front, sides and top – tired ones in front change places w/ones behind

each individual essential to group, group is essential to each individual – missing shield anywhere opening for devil to do damage

is group acting as a group that protects individuals inside “the shell” – is how it works with matters of faith, church and family

C. what it stops

flaming arrows

arrow itself can cause injury, disability – injury anywhere a problem, one that disables soldier so he can’t fight esp. bad

fire can cause more damage than the point – leather cover must be wet, put out flame before fire grows and spreads

full effect not seen immediately – true for any kind of injury to physical body or body of belief – consequences take time

multi-pronged attacks

from all sides – we don’t live inside bubble, Satan has lots of helpers, plus we live in fallen sin-corrupted world and all its challenges

cumulative effect overpowering – if all these flaming arrows get launched at once at one person, can be too much to handle, more so when is round after round with no obvious end in sight

why we need the tortoise – time in center protected by others… time on perimeter when rested to protect others

sourced in the devil

messengers of his tricks – whether from him or an agent – often some kind of temptation to do what displeases God, seduces our affection away from Jesus

or… insinuation/direct attack on genuineness of our faith – accusations that call our eternal hope into question

guaranteed characteristic: deception – Satan at least knows truth… is committed to distorting it so as to deceive and destroy

unshakable truth only sure defense – when one of those arrows does come our way, what does the Bible say about… – faith, what we believe that is found in God’s word always puts the fire out

certainly need to deploy shield of faith to protect ourselves… and can use it for benefit of other believers under attack, protect them from harm

Most important is this: all the way back to very first mention of a shield in Gen. 15:1 

After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.”

Only way he will be our shield – through faith in his Son, the Lord Jesus. NOTE: God only permits challenges to come our way that we can endure with his help. God our shield protects from all that would overwhelm and destroy. God’s power exercised for us and through us will make us “more than conquerors through him who loved us.”

1 Cor. 15:57 “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Follow Directions

Joshua 2:1-24 

The first engagement with “people of the land” an important one for all various interests involved. Would set tone for much of what followed – effect on confidence, expectations, anticipated difficulties. Preliminary on the ground reconnaissance highly valuable – have only to look at conflict in Ukraine to have idea of that. Reported complaint of Russian President that his spies failed to give sufficient accurate reports of real conditions. Consequently, battle plans have to be redone on the fly, unexpected losses of men and materiel, significant delays, etc, etc. Joshua wanted to avoid that, did a wise thing perhaps based in part on personal experience from 40 years earlier.

Good for us to remember – true faith like Bible talks about not a leap in the dark. God did not expect Joshua to lead people across Jericho with his eyes closed trusting God to somehow make it come out right. We shouldn’t do that either. God expects us to use our wits while we follow his direction, just like Joshua. Get the facts, make the plan, move into action, all while trusting God for wisdom, strength and courage.

If we focus on the stories in the Bible rather than the story of the Bible, can miss significant points about what is happening here. At top of the list – this all hard evidence of God keeping his promise made nearly 500 years before to Abraham. We know from that covenant God intended to purify the land of idolatry, establish his people there, ultimately change the world through one of Abraham’s descendants who would live there. Jewish people would for a time have a homeland; more important was its place in God’s purpose to give all his children an eternal home.

A. Rahab deceives the king  v.1-6

a rat

Jericho near popular ford across Jordan, road with lot of traffic – Rahab probably owner of B&B with number of available services

given nature of business, a wide variety of customers and location on wall of particular value – also good place to pick up intel

possible Rahab knew patron a paid informant, recognized two strangers as Hebrews, wasted no time getting word to king

NOTE: was the “king” of Jericho, one recognized as being in charge of city-state… town and surrounding area (remember Lot)

a risk

many options open to Rahab – look other way, tell spies to leave, get piece of the action, put own life and livelihood on the line

she anticipated what the king would do and acted preemptively – persuasive enough to convince spies to follow to the roof

know from later, had decent size family – my father, my mother, my brothers, my sisters (13) – all potentially in danger from not just king but also many “neighbors”

a ruse

what Rahab said partly true, mostly made up… intentionally – her intent to deceive king’s men, send them on wild goose chase

Rahab between rock and hard place: whatever she did, could not keep all God’s commands – protect human life, speak truth

had to decide which was more important… life won easily – she deceived by both word and deed, in process saving two lives

in fact, James says “Rahab the harlot was justified by works” in keeping the spies from harm, kind of situation many have faced in fallen world… and still do

B. Rahab professes confidence in Yahweh  v.7-11

the report

Rahab along with everyone in Jericho had heard story of Hebrews… from deliverance from Egypt up to latest significant action

even if they wanted to, were too many Hebrews to hide – their presence, their movements no secret to anyone – didn’t live in a bubble so “outsiders” would have heard their general plan

most important, had heard the way backstory – God’s “ancient” promise to Abraham to give them the land – seems all was accurate, they had good information

the response

thought the right way… as far as they went, Rahab being the exception – report had very strong effect on residents of Jericho

lost heart, courage failed, no spirit left – basically demoralized before shot was fired, no will to fight, lock doors, close windows, hope to survive whatever happens

Rahab probably experienced the same but with one big difference – she didn’t stay there, paralyzed by fear and unable to act

Rahab believed Hebrews could be trusted to give her and family protection from whatever was about to happen

the reason

had heard accurate reports of God’s power, his acts on behalf of his people, perhaps had some personal experiences factored in

in all her conversation, zero mention of Canaanite gods or gods of Jericho – only references the true God and calls him by name, YHWH

speaks like she knows him, acknowledges him as God over all creation and supreme over all other gods with power to do all his will and whom no one can effectively resist

C. spies commit to protection  v.12-24

her plea

pleads for mercy for her “father’s house”, iow lives of all her immediate family and protection of their belongings – wants life but not at expense of becoming a burden

presents it as case of simple justice – since she showed life-saving kindness to spies, asks that they show same kind of kindness

ultimately Rahab’s hope not in spies and their ability – “swear to me by the LORD”, another indication her faith was God would deliver them from harm

their promise

express their own confidence in God – “when YHWH has given us the land” – counting on God to make possible for them to keep commitment made to Rahab

put their own lives on the line… but with conditions – reasonable ones, requiring care and diligence from Rahab and her family

Rahab didn’t leave anything to chance – a red rope it would be… that very evening… showing her life and that of her family in God’s hands

their probity

“uncompromising adherence to the highest principles and ideals • unimpeachable integrity” – much different outcome from first reconnaissance mission and its divided report

followed their directions… hiding for three days, then returning to Joshua and giving accurate report of what they saw and experienced

their conclusion: surely God is keeping his promise – also implied, “what are we waiting for, let’s go” – confidence in God and his plan, God already preparing the way for them

Not only Joshua who needed to follow directions, God’s directions, everyone else had same responsibility. Joshua started with a good example, so also did the spies. Now will be up to the people to follow through – God did not intend for three men to do all the work so the people could have a nice gift. Same for us – God does not intend for Jesus to do all the work while everything else comes to us as free gift. God has assigned places for each of his children and tasks to go with the places. All part of God’s big plan of redemption that includes both land and people, yes, even Gentiles.

God doesn’t expect his people to see all the way to the end. Only expects us to see what is next, what he has called us to do… and trust him fully beyond that. Is what Rahab did, what the spies did, what Joshua would do… most of the time… even when it looked impossible.


Our Gospel Boots

Ephesians 6:15

The Gospel with all the important details has been in the public domain for long time, most of 2000 years. Is pretty basic, simple enough for young child to understand. At same time profound enough world’s greatest minds cannot fully explore all of its intricacies. Yet the central truths expressed e.g. in ChronoBridge’s eight words – God, man, sin, death, Christ, cross, faith, life – can be explained using very simple language. Would think by now everyone would have heard those truths – certainly everyone who has heard should have basically the same understanding of them, would be able to easily recall them to memory.

But here is sad and very important truth – millions, probably billions have not heard. Among those who have heard, great disagreement about what Gospel is and what it all means. Just as disturbing, many of those who claim to share same understanding as we have rarely think about the Gospel or how to communicate to ones who still need to hear.

Rom. 1:16-17 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.””

With that in mind, should expect Satan to have Gospel and its proclamation as one of his major targets. Will do everything in his power to neutralize the Gospel – distort it, discredit it, discourage its promoters, destroy its effects any time he can. Throughout history, has had great success and continues to do so, rejoicing every time he scores a hit. If we are to be prepared to take stand in our battle against Satan and evil, must be sure we are standing on the right thing, have the right preparation. Which brings us to the Gospel – we need to hear it, live it, share it.

A. we need to hear it

it gives direction (John 14:21-24)

away from sin – think about what makes the Gospel good news… our problem is sin, required Jesus to deal with it, delivered but not so we can keep wallowing in it

toward Jesus – can’t “just say no”, have to say yes to something… logical one is source of good news, the one who gave up so much so we could have something priceless

most important we say yes to Jesus’ expectations – wants us to follow him, copy him, look/think/act like him… and Gospel keeps us focused on Jesus first

and the lost – Jesus didn’t come to heal healthy people, came to seek out and save lost… copying him means we should/must…

it gives courage (1 Pet. 2:21)

Jesus stood firm – against parents (respectfully), Satan during temptation, religious leaders, Peter, betrayer, anticipation of suffering… anything designed to distract from God-given purpose, saving lost people

Jesus survived – didn’t just disappear and we hope made it to heaven… too many witnesses to deny saw it all

Jesus set the example – was the God-Man, with God’s help we can face everything God sends our way… and be victorious

it gives hope (John 3:16)

a life – if this then that, if saving faith in Christ brought about by the Gospel… then are brought from death to life

that never ends – not just a good life here, a better kind of life than we can imagine that will endure forever

with Jesus – way more than simple promise of heaven, will be Jesus’ answered prayer, John 17:24 

“Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me”

B. we need to live it

deny self (Mark 10:21)

show hope – if hearing and receiving and embracing the Gospel really gives that kind of hope/confidence, it must be obvious… enough so lost people ask about it (1 Pet. 3:15)

prioritize the future –

Russian TV journalist Marina Ovsyannikova, interrupted a live Russian news broadcast holding an anti-war sign. Speaking to the BBC’s Caroline Davies, Ms Ovsyannikova explained that she needed to break free from being a “cog in the Russian propaganda machine”.”

“What do you think your future holds for you and for your children here in Russia?”

“My eldest son said that I have ruined the lives of the whole family. He probably doesn’t understand now but I hope in the future my children will understand this sacrifice was not for nothing. I don’t know what the future holds for us.”

if one who does not know the future can have that mindset, how much more we who do know what the future holds… and live accordingly

invest in others – Jesus didn’t indulge himself, spent time/strength/resources giving help and hope to those who had no hope

take up your cross

display your real identity – before end of day, everyone knew who Jesus was… was on label above his head

exhibit courage – that kind of living not for fainthearted, will be obvious target for Satan et al, tests courage of most devoted follower of Jesus

demonstrate loyalty – if are “wearing” a cross, should be legitimate indicator of loyalty to Jesus, not just to good life principles

follow Jesus

work at faithfulness – automatic for God… and no one else – tough places in road will test faithfulness, Jesus will give a hand

share his suffering – “For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps”

experience his victory – this included in our hope: “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” Rom. 8:37 

C. we need to share it

we have a commission (Matt. 28:18-20)

go – told us to go, gave example to follow, exhorts to put boots on, must mean we are to do precisely that… with purpose

make – likewise clear what we are to make… more followers of Jesus… who have an idea how to do it by word and example

teach – commission doesn’t end with simple proclamation of Gospel… takes much more than that to make a disciple

we have a reason (Rom. 10:13-17)

salvation requires “hearing” – should have similar passion and determination to see lost people come to faith… by hearing

sinners need to hear – we need to hear Gospel, is way more vital for those truly without hope to hear: 636 OD deaths 2021 e.g.

we know what to say – many have not heard, incl. those trying to help the hopeless… we have, know what they need most

we have a story (Acts 26:12ff)

not an argument, not trying to change other person’s mind or worldview – more “let me tell you a story, my story”

the story of creation – need to stick to basics, don’t get far from God… in fact, start with God and what he did, then what happened

the story of Jesus – God’s story continues with his dearly loved Son, sent to rescue sinful man who would respond with faith, love, obedience

our story – make it personal, that you are really convinced of these truths, difference it has made for you and others

don’t have to tell the whole story in one setting – may take several times and repetitions

Expect pushback… from Satan. But remember Jesus’ boots took him all the way to Calvary and an empty tomb, a glorious ascension and a soon return. Our boots can take us to lost and hurting people, to closer fellowship as we follow Jesus, ultimately total defeat for Satan by “the gospel of Christ, …the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes”. Is a story we should love because of what it means personally, one we should love to tell others so they will share in great inheritance God has laid up for us.

46. How did the fig tree wither away so soon?

Matthew 21:20 And when the disciples saw it, they marveled, saying, “How did the fig tree wither away so soon?”

Read: Matthew 21:18-22; Mark 11:13-14, 20-24 


following Mark’s sequencing, Triumphal Entry Sunday – cursed the fig tree, cleansed the Temple, etc. Monday – disciples wonder Tuesday

somewhere along the side of the path (from Jericho to Jerusalem) after leaving Bethany and before reaching the city

“In ancient times a footpath led over the Mount [of Olives] from Jerusalem to Bethany.” Baker’s Bible Atlas

Person(s) asking the question:

probably group chatter among the Twelve (“Jesus… said to themMatt. 21:21), one question singled out probably following Peter’s observation Mark 11:21 

did not expect sudden and obvious sign of Jesus’ curse – tree could have continued to produce leaves w/no fruit; instead, showed in 24 hours it was not just wilted but dead (desiccated) from the roots

Question behind the question:

had seen Jesus use his power for good: healing, providing food, delivering from demons, calming the storm – had not him use his power to destroy

was it really evidence of divine power that brought it about? how did that work?

were they thinking more abstractly? would Israel be cursed by God? and how quickly would result of his curse be seen?

The fig tree was an image often used to depict Israel and its fruitfulness for God (Jer. 24:110; Hosea 9:10; Nah. 3:12), and the idea of a barren fig tree would symbolize Israels fruitless failures (Jer. 8:13; Mic. 7:1) and the necessity of divine judgment (Isa. 28:4; Jer. 7:20; Hosea 9:16; Joel 1:7).1 So this was a natural image for Jesus to use to depict Gods judgment and forthcoming destruction of the temple and the land as well as his judgment upon a faithless people. (Teach the Text Commentary)

Expected response:

this the only recorded time when Jesus did a wonder / miracle / work of power and one of the Twelve asked “how?”

is that an indication they had made a connection between the fig tree and Israel? were wondering what Jesus intended to do about both Romans and “Jews”?

if so, were expecting some kind of “messianic” answer, elements of strategy, timeline, people involved to make it happen

and how could Jesus make that happen with the same rapidity seen in the fig tree?

Jesus’ point:

turned it into lesson on faith and prayer – shifts focus from the work done to the real power performing the work

if is truly God’s power that is responsible, then nothing whatever is impossible… regardless of how it appears from human viewpoint

was Jesus looking/pointing in a direction when he said “this mountain”? if so, which one? Mount of Olives? Mount Moriah?

Modern Application:

God both can and will execute his plan according to his timetable and ultimate purpose… and nothing can hinder him

since that is true, we should not hesitate to ask for the impossible and expect God to do it

A Likely Hero

Joshua 1:1-18

 It’s time! They have all been waiting for it, excited and terrified at same time. Didn’t know it yet but in just a few days supply of manna would end, would depend from then on for local groceries from Canaan. Number of things needed to happen in short space of time according to God’s plan, all would require faith in God coupled with strength and courage. This not some kind of cerebral faith that exists only in person’s mind – would be kind seen in action under all sorts of conditions.

Is time when expect larger-than-life hero to take center stage, gather people together, ride off victoriously into brilliant sunset. But wait, we know who God had selected as leader to follow on after Moses – Joshua not only Moses’ choice of successor, also God’s choice. Yet what do we know about Joshua?

Deut. 1:37-38 “The LORD was also angry with me for your sakes, saying, Even you shall not go in there; Joshua the son of Nun, who stands before you, he shall go in there. Encourage him, for he shall cause Israel to inherit it.”

Deut 3:28 “But command Joshua, and encourage him and strengthen him; for he shall go over before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which you will see.”

Deut 31:7 Then Moses called Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel, “Be strong and of good courage, for you must go with this people to the land which the LORD has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you shall cause them to inherit it.”

Deut 31:23 Then He inaugurated Joshua the son of Nun, and said, “Be strong and of good courage; for you shall bring the children of Israel into the land of which I swore to them, and I will be with you.”

That same thing repeated again to Joshua by God and people in our text – 6x we have record of that Joshua encouraged to “be strong and of good courage” before he ever set foot in Canaan as leader of God’s people. Certainly not the sort of thing stereotypical leader should need – we think it would be leader saying those things to others. Heroes are ones who inspire and encourage others, not ones who need it for themselves.

This represents beginning of new paradigm for Hebrew children – new way of life, new responsibilities, new blessings. For majority, wilderness life had been norm for all of life, only older folk would remember life in Egypt and Joseph’s generation long gone. One thing still the same, the God who loved them and had a plan for their future.

A. God’s charge to Joshua  v.1-9

promise (1-7)

God wastes no time, doesn’t leave Joshua or people to wonder what comes next – know outline of what God’s plan had been but… what now?

continuity expressed here, characteristic of God’s dealing with mankind – terms of his relationship by no means limited to Moses – Moses a significant player but God’s plan from beginning went far beyond Moses and his lifetime

God personally reaffirms his promises… just as given to Moses… and the patriarchs – continue in force even w/admin. change

reaffirms commitment to enable / facilitate the outcome – would absolutely need God’s strength on their side in order to prevail (5a)

word (8)

at this point in time, they have Book of the Law basically complete – all they needed to know for faith and practice contained in it

how to relate to God, to one another, to hostile neighbors all there; answers to “ultimate questions” part of Pentateuch also

could not stay in scroll and be of use, needed to go way beyond simple memorization – “You must memorize it day and night”

mind and heart from Joshua on needed to be steeped in God’s truth so biblical worldview and God’s principles governed thought and action

presence (5, 9)

most important of all: God reaffirmed his continued presence – Ex. 33:15 “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.” – iow, no presence, no point

not expected to be strong and courageous without reason – what could possibly happen to them so long as God was present wherever they went

obviously needed to act prudently, not rashly – at same time, think about all God’s people can accomplish when they are strong, courageous, and unafraid because are constantly aware of God’s presence

B. Joshua’s charge to the people  v.10-15

prepare (11a)

Joshua’s confidence in God apparent immediately: Jordan river in full flood yet he said they would cross in three days

would be further preparations needed later, getting ready for no major undertaking a one-step thing – preparing an act of faith

wasn’t an open-ended thing either – is this time-frame to prepare… for action – if faith truly present, preparing must be followed by some kind of action… even if God changes specific details along the way

possess (11b)

was important for them to have clear goals – short-term, cross the river; long-term, take possession of what God had promised

keep in mind God’s purpose in giving them this land – not divinely sanctioned genocide, nor was it way to give specific people group their own homeland

necessary part of God’s plan of missions – purifying a place from idol-worship, establishing true worship center to light the world

rest (12-15)

promised to all the tribes – 2-1/2 tribes would settle east of Jordan – women and children could stay, men required to help

needed to work together until final goal was reached – couldn’t say Trans-Jordan evangelized, Canaan was 9-1/2 tribes’ problem

graciously promised rest to all the tribes – rest from travel, from conflict, from duties that prevented settling down in peace

if all the church looked after one another the way 12 tribes were supposed to, would be stronger church and fewer UPG’s

C. the people respond  v.16-18

you be with us (16)

may have been 100% sincere and genuine in what they said – tendencies of fallen human nature showed up pretty quickly

was the response God expected them to give… faithful cooperation with leader of his choosing – truly easier said than done

God be with you (17)

again, the right thing to say to Joshua, to pray for him – “the LORD your God be with you, as He was with Moses”

keep in mind what that means for Joshua, how he fills leadership role – also what means for people… need to follow God’s leader

applies to any leader/follower kind of situation, perhaps most especially in church and home settings where spiritual leadership of great importance

you be strong (18)

at this opportunity, did give Joshua encouragement he needed and would continue to need for remainder of his leadership

this not sign Joshua needed to be stroked constantly – more an indication that for most part he had accurate assessment of his own abilities, continual need to depend on God for strength and courage

so long as he remembered that, progress toward reaching God-given goal pretty steady – entirely different when Joshua forgot

So who is the real hero here? the one who would be the hero from this point onward? Joshua had his place for sure, the one God’s people could see and hear and follow down the road. But Joshua not really at front of the line, God was. Is where God belongs and where we belong – behind God and any human leader of God’s own choosing he put in place for our own good. Don’t forget, too, those human leaders need encouraging and strengthening (Deut 3:28) particularly in dangerous and demanding circumstances – e.g. those in Russia, Ukraine, North Korea, inner cities and more.

Our task: as Hebrew children said they would for Joshua, heed our leaders in all things, following them as they follow Jesus.

Our Breastplate of Righteousness

Ephesians 6:14b

 Know from last time: truth is the foundation, essential first piece put on that gives strength and stability to all the rest. But truth doesn’t stand alone – according to God’s design are other things that accompany. When truth falls by the wayside, so also do many other things. Is recognized by justice system here and elsewhere, is why penalties for perjury. If believer is to follow pattern of righteous living, ultimately be viewed as righteous before God, intimate connection between truth and righteousness must be maintained. Not a coincidence that Jesus told disciples “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.”

Connection explicitly stated in the prophets: Read Isa. 59:14-17 

The breastplate of righteousness and the helmet of salvation come from the divine warrior’s arsenal in Isaiah 59:17.

For He put on righteousness as a breastplate, And a helmet of salvation on His head; He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, And was clad with zeal as a cloak.

No one who knows / embraces what Bible teaches about God, his character would doubt that God is righteous. Prophet Isaiah describes God as putting on righteousness, iow putting his righteousness on display. Because God was so displeased with his people, he put righteousness right out there – no mistaking it, no denying the rightness of God’s actions. If no man had enough courage to take a stand, God would have to do it himself. As prophet’s words continue in following chapter, introduces the one who truly embodies God’s righteousness and would finally come bringing light to those in profound darkness.

Consider landscape of our world these days, are many courageous believers who are outfitted with armor of God and taking their stand against “wiles of the devil”. Always room for more to stand beside them, bravely declaring truth in face of deception, fake news, even obvious lies of Satan and those working for/with him. At same time, must be clear what we stand for and how we take our stand. Also must be clear what real basis of our standing before God is – who or what are we trusting in for our eternal hope.

A. nature of righteousness

righteous one of those insider words we often use, most of time w/o thinking through its definition – “Of persons: Just, upright, virtuous; guiltless, sinless; conforming to the standard of the divine or the moral law; acting rightly or justly.” OED

appears 565x in 50 of 66 books from Genesis to Revelation, an important element of God’s character, should be of ours


what is equitable, fair, rendering to everyone what is their due – certainly what we want from our court system

applies to relationships also – want to be treated fairly by others, should do our part to treat them the same way

are happy when God does not treat us fairly – do not deserve just treatment on our own behalf, much happier with grace/mercy

right / upright

has always needed some definition, even more today – what is right and of course wrong must be determined by some standard, ideally one that doesn’t change

best choice for that the standard that accurately reflects God’s character – thank God he wrote it down, even in stone… for us

then he put flesh and bone to it: the one who brings salvation and safety to his people, the LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (Jer. 23:6; 33:16), the Sun of Righteousness (Mal. 4:2) who comes with healing in his wings


this quality, purity, clearly displayed in Jesus’ example and his person – purity of thought, word and deed w/o exception

Paul expressed it: 2 Cor. 5:21 “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

pretty clear that this kind of righteousness needed for armor not something we naturally possess or can manufacture

B. purpose of the breastplate

protection for

think of breastplate like body armor / bullet-proof vest – covers front and back, intended to protect vital organs from harm

important to think back to what words Bible uses about things covered by breastplate, what their significance was

three primary older terms: heart, reins or kidneys, bowels – heart associated with will, control center for the person

reins/kidneys thought to be location of affections or passions; bowels the seat of the tender and sympathetic emotions, hence pity, compassion, feeling

protection from

all are at risk of harm from Satan – he wants to redirect our control center to do his bidding, not remain loyal to Jesus

wants to redirect the rest toward self rather than others – to want what is best for me, not you, stunting or stifling sympathy and compassion for others

his arguments are persuasive, his lies subtle, his agents many – our just/right/pure way of thinking and living must have truth as its foundation

C. source of righteousness

real righteousness

if this piece like any of the rest is fit for purpose, must be the real thing – must be genuine, no pretense, no weak spots

if trusting in own personal righteousness for proper standing before God, your situation is absolutely hopeless

our righteousness not sufficient to satisfy perfect human standard, much less God’s – righteousness like filthy rags Isa. 64:6 

imputed righteousness

if that perfect righteousness only God possesses is ever to protect us from harm, must be somehow granted to us

remember what Paul wrote in 2 Cor… and this: “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” Gal 3:27 

if all Satan sees is our righteousness on the outside, he’ll tear that to shreds in a heartbeat and we’ll be left with nothing, no hope

Paul doesn’t even go there, bases his encouragement on something else: Rom 8:33-34 “Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.”

D. necessary accessories

personal righteousness

this righteousness of Jesus credited to us that makes credible our justification cannot exist all by itself

if Holy Spirit is present and active, he will work at changing us from inside out so we do resemble righteousness we wear as our breastplate

our own righteousness is far from perfect, will not satisfy God’s perfect standard, yet it is real and God graciously accepts it for sake of his Son

holy living

surely Jesus had holy living in mind when he said “deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me” and must be what we daily strive for

it is our duty to do our part to grow more like Jesus every day and in every way – should also be our strong desire

at same time our confidence, our trust for approval before God and protection from Satan must be in perfect righteousness of Jesus and him alone

And one more thing – make sure you encourage others to have the same perspective. Encourage brothers and sisters to trust in Jesus for all things at all times while doing their part to follow him. And do the same for unsaved family and friends – make sure you let them know your hope is in Jesus and theirs needs to be too.

 45. Do You hear what these are saying?

Matthew 21:16 and said to Him, “Do You hear what these are saying?”And Jesus said to them, “Yes. Have you never read, ‘Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise’?”

Read: Matthew 21:12-17; Mark 11:11-19; Luke 19:45-46; 21:37-38


Court of the Gentiles within the Temple complex – either Palm Sunday afternoon or (probably) Monday morning

continuation of excitement and praise that accompanied his entrance into the city

Person(s) asking the question:

had already been challenged by Pharisees to get his disciples under control – Luke 19:37ff

challenged again by chief priests and scribes most closely associated with the Temple

Question behind the question:

This is almost blasphemy, why aren’t you telling them to / making them stop?

This kind of talk has great potential for danger (from the Romans), are you trying to cause trouble?

maybe a few were thinking – if he is really the Messiah, if he really is going to deliver us, he needs to keep it down

Expected response:

knew Jesus well enough by now, probably got something like what they expected

it never turned out well for Pharisees and scribes when they challenged Jesus… but they were too provoked to keep quiet

those few perhaps hoping he would say: “not a problem, it’s all under control, everything’s ready and they can’t stop us now”; majority would welcome more evidence to use against Jesus

Jesus’ point:

what the children were saying… loudly…very loudly was true… and true worship even if it didn’t fit Pharisees’ “style”

how can you argue with “God told me…” especially when it comes from a child

and in this case it wasn’t even close to blasphemy – he truly was the “Son of David” and deserving of all their worship

the small and weak by their genuine praise of the true God put to shame the powerful whose vision was severely compromised

Modern Application:

Ps. 8 says that God ordained worship for Himself from the lips of children. Jesus indirectly claims the prerogative of deity. New Geneva  One of numerous places supporting deity of Christ, useful for apologetics

people are not born atheists, it’s an “acquired” mindset – children often see things more clearly than adults.. we would do well to listen

applies to those with a childlike approach to God and his truth – they often have better grasp of things than highly trained intellectuals

the “cuteness factor” only provoked further antagonism, same true for one speaking with authority (Jesus) – our duty to present truth, Holy Spirit’s work to enable hearer to embrace it

Be Strong and Courageous, Part 2

Deuteronomy 31:1-8 

Not sure what Abraham would think about ways both Jews and Gentiles (at least American ones) view parcel of land at opposite end of Mediterranean. Abraham certainly thankful to God for amazing promises God made as well as amazing blessings he poured out on Abraham. Even for all that, how did Abraham regard land of promise?

Heb. 11:9-10  By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise; for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

Abraham saw land of Canaan not as final destination but rather as the guarantee of an even bigger promise. The place to be really desired, the ideal destination instead “the city which has foundations”, the place which Jesus has gone to prepare for us. So… if Canaan, while real, can be rightly thought of as dim picture of heaven, what place does Joshua’s story have in it? In a way, is continuation of the exodus/wilderness wandering story and the principle that as long as there are enemies around, we’re not all the way there yet.

The things Joshua and his people experienced are the kinds of things we can expect on our journey from deliverance from slavery in sin to possessing the promised land. Many things are different in our world, but one thing can be absolutely certain about – God has not changed nor will he. Same principles that Joshua needed are available to us, should give us courage.

Moses not quite at finish line… is within sight. This his charge to Joshua in hearing of all the people, has words for both… and for us. Keep in mind, Moses’ primary focus on God and what he is doing. Where our focus ought to be also.

A. the LORD crosses over before you  (3, 8)

God first

Moses not permitted by God to cross the Jordan, consequences for sin – even if he had been, God would still have been first

can safely say nothing else matters if God is not first – given sinful nature and human limitations, simply cannot succeed on our own

Hebrew children could never overcome all their enemies – required God and his power to achieve victory, same for us even though enemies are somewhat different

Joshua second

Joshua really God’s designated leader from this point of the journey onward – Moses the one going through the ritual… by God’s direction

order of statements here significant: Moses shall not cross over – the Lord himself crosses over – Joshua himself crosses over

as people followed Joshua, would be able to (with the eye of faith) see beyond him and recognize God out in front – 1 Cor. 11:1  “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ.”

then the people

God and Joshua not going to dispossess the nations – according to God’s plan, required involvement of people to achieve

two things necessary: faith… to cross the river and keep going, followed by obedience to God’s commands – did ok w/first, 2nd not so much

should not doubt either God’s power or his willingness to defend them – already had examples of that from past 40 years

B. the LORD goes with you  (6)

God’s hand in the action

is good, is ok that God is going ahead, can see that Joshua is following God, but… is a long way to the other end of the line

remember, this is Moses’ exhortation to the people – the Lord their God will be present with them while he continues to do his part

should never be a question about God doing his part – he promised to give them success, they would have victory by his doing

the people’s part

God is going, the people need to go also – no cheering God and Joshua on from sidelines, people are to be directly in conquest

same true in spiritual sense… for them… and us – we must take active part in subduing the enemies of our faith and practice

much as we might like it, God never does all the work of our sanctification for us – remember v.5, requirement for obedience

God’s presence overcomes fear

they could be strong and courageous, moving ahead without fear or dread because of who they were following, who was with them

the self-existent covenant making and keeping God more than a match for all their fiercest enemies… including ones within

Hebrew children could see more of their enemies than we can yet God’s power and presence mean we need not be afraid

C. you must go  (7)

sheep need a shepherd

they could see pillar of cloud/fire yet they needed more – needed a leader they could relate to and see… just as they had w/Moses

was according to God’s plan that his instructions to them come through his servant Joshua, one who would listen to them and attend to their needs as well as lead… iow servant-leadership

uncertain leadership doesn’t work

Joshua needed clear objective, reliable communication with commander-in-chief, regular assurance he was doing a good job

lack of certainty in a leader quickly results in confusion, poor morale, loss of courage – will eventually lead to failure even if everything necessary for victory is available

Joshua’s objective to lead the people to victory and possession of the land – our objective to lead those in our care to victory in Christ and possession of their eternal reward

requires strength and courage

Joshua did not need to come up with sufficient strength on his own – as many times as God told him this, should have known all he need do is ask

certainly might be “setbacks” along the way yet the final outcome was known – God had sworn to their fathers to give to them

many enemies between Jordan and full possession – would require courage from looking to God and assured outcome

D. the LORD will be with you  (8)

three essential declarations

the LORD …goes before you – nothing would come their way that God had not already been through… making ready for them

the LORD will be with you – present with you now, will continue to be present with you… beside you… to strengthen and give courage

the LORD will not leave you nor forsake you – matters not what circumstances look like, nothing can persuade God to abandon those who belong to him… even at the cost of the Commander’s life

inseparable from the outcome

those three promises accompanied by faith and obedience are perfect preventive for fear and discouragement

God has same goal for us: victory over all our enemies and possession of the Promised Land, our heavenly inheritance

God has even longer “track record” now than he did 3500 years ago and he hasn’t skipped a beat. His purpose has not failed, he has never abandoned his people, he has provided all that he promised and more. No matter how powerful our enemies and his may appear, how discouraging circumstances may seem, God is still on his throne. He will subdue all his enemies while bringing his people safely home. We can look ahead with complete confidence in all he has promised, live courageously now and trust him to use us to bring others along on the journey.

Armed for Battle – Our Belt of Truth

Ephesians 6:14a

 “It is useless, on the one hand, to seek out the minutiae of far-fetched resemblances, as is done by some foreign divines, and by Gurnall (765226 words, Christian in Complete Armour, foL, Glasgow, 1763) and Arrowsmith (Tactica Sacra, 4to, 1657).  …it is an error, on the other hand, to imagine that the apostle selects at random some graces, and compares them to portions of military harness.” John Eadie

“We must not, however, inquire very minutely into the meaning of each word; for an allusion to military customs is all that was intended.” John Calvin

Will go with this perspective, especially since Paul repeatedly uses same form of expression: “the armor of God” or “God’s armor”. Not simply armor that comes from God, Paul could have said that way… but he didn’t. Is far more than that as Duguid states:

“What God clothes us with is nothing less than his own armor, the same armor that Christ has already worn on our behalf in his lifelong struggle with the mortal enemy of our souls, Satan himself.” Iain Duguid

Belt of truth what girds the one who is the “rod from the stem of Jesse”, the branch from his root.

Isaiah 11:1-5 LXX

1 And a rod shall come out of the root of lessali, and a blossom shall come up out of his root. 2 And the spirit of God shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and godliness. 3 The spirit of the fear of God will fill him. He shall not judge on the basis of repute or convict on the basis of report, 4 but he shall administer justice to a humble one and convict the humble ones of the earth, and he shall strike the earth with the word of his mouth, and with breath through his lips he shall do away with the impious. 5 He shall be girded with righteousness around the waist and bound with truth around the sides.

In time of Jeremiah, God not happy with his people – were behaving badly enough Jeremiah would have welcomed a vacation, a quiet getaway in the wilderness far from their sinfulness. God seemed to agree, identified one thing in particularly troubling:

Jer. 9:3 “And like their bow they have bent their tongues for lies. They are not valiant for the truth on the earth. For they proceed from evil to evil, And they do not know Me,” says the LORD.

Basic human nature hasn’t changed, neither have their pet sins. Hard to know these days where to turn for truthful accurate reporting… regardless of topic / issue. More disturbing, few are “valiant for the truth on the earth” – courageously declaring what is true and right. Matters not what part of life you consider, truth is essential and should be the default for God’s people.

A. initial preparedness

assignment given

pretty simple, stand firm – don’t be pushed around, blown around, distracted or disoriented by war games Satan plays w/believers

requires unfailing strength – Satan didn’t try to tempt Jesus on day 1… waited until had fasted 40 days, then engaged

know the assignment, know the opposition, know to expect the unexpected – need for God’s strength / power is ongoing

belt foundational, first in order

not the belt that goes on last and holds other armor securely and in place – goes on first to prepare soldier for what comes next

foundation may be out of sight, in this case mostly covered by other parts of armor – still is vital to safety and endurance of what is built on top

functional, not ornamental

in Paul’s day, belt not worn during leisure – served to hold robe up out of the way… more freedom of movement, prevent getting feet tangled up in it

wide leather belt provides back support, improves strength and prevents injury – how it works more important than how it looks

B. truth understood

must be unchanging

if expected to take position and hold it, want to be standing on concrete not Jell-O – truth that helps cannot be moving target

only one kind of truth serves that purpose and is fit for Jesus to wear – God’s objective truth settled in heaven and revealed in his word the Bible

truth can be found elsewhere but… before we stake lives on it, must be sure it fully agrees with what God’s word says

must be known

truth of God’s word that stays in God’s word and never enters our minds not helpful – takes repetition to make it stick

yes, have Holy Spirit’s help but Spirit not glorified form of osmosis – must read truth, hear truth, sing truth, make integral part of thinking and reasoning

powerful promise from lips of Jesus: John 8:31-32 “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

must be comprehended

being quick on the draw with “Bible verse six-shooter” may be impressive display of recall, need more than that to stand firm

need to grasp what truth from God’s word means, how it fits together into comprehensive whole – don’t need to understand whole Bible before we can use any of it

must do our part with Spirit’s help to comprehend the truth we do know – remember: God will not test us beyond what he is willing to help us endure

C. truth embraced

gives confidence

knowing and comprehending God’s truth is wonderful – to reach its full usefulness, must be embraced… must make it our own, the core of belief on which everything else rests

public safety official – “how can anyone with wrong worldview go to work each day? I couldn’t. If I die on my shift, I’ll be in heaven, I’m good with that.”

with right worldview, belief founded on absolute truth, God gives confidence to stand firm in his power and face anything he sends our way

orders thinking

is God’s truth that as applied by the Spirit renews our minds, reorients and orders our thinking so we distinguish truth and error

sets us apart from the world in how we act as well as think – right thinking leads to right belief and right behavior

centers on Christ and the Gospel

remember what Satan is trying to do: steal our affection and devotion away from Jesus, ultimately wants them for himself

God’s truth about far more than what we think of as the basic Gospel message, but… that’s the part people need most

Gospel without Jesus no gospel at all – without Jesus we have no hope at all of standing firm for the truth –must be sure Jesus at the center of beliefs, thoughts, actions

Truth important from Jesus’ point of view too. Was part of his prayer in the Garden: John 17:17 “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.” Is God’s truth from God’s word as applied to us by God’s Spirit that purifies us, sets us apart from the world, makes us fit to serve as ambassadors for Christ. Standing firm on God’s truth will make us credible witnesses in hurting and dying world filled with people who need to know Jesus.

 44. How long do You keep us in doubt?

John 10:24  Then the Jews surrounded Him and said to Him, “How long do You keep us in doubt? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly.”

Read: John 10:22-39 


Feast of Dedication – Hanukkah, Nov-Dec, rededication of Temple in BC 165 – Antiochus Epiphanes vs. Judas Maccabeus

John writing to Greek-speaking audience outside Israel, many unclear on meaning of Hebrew words so John translated, likewise under-informed of Jewish celebrations, hence “it was winter”

Solomon’s Porch – covered, columned gallery along eastern wall and perimeter of the Court of the Gentiles, opposite the Temple entrance

Person(s) asking the question:

the Jews who surrounded Jesus – Jews usually refers to Jewish leaders in John’s Gospel, probably does so here

close to Temple especially would be religious leaders who were first in challenging Jesus

Question behind the question:

What kind of a Messiah are you?

What is your strategy? Tell us enough so we can plan… whether to help or hinder

Why should we trust you over someone else?

Expected response:

given event they were celebrating – what eventually led to deliverance from Syrian control and measure of self-government – hoping for same thing with Romans

emotionally charged time and place, would not require much to push toward broad acceptance of Jesus or (as it turned out) similarly broad rejection

doesn’t seem majority were surprised by Jesus’ response – pretty ready with stones as soon as Jesus gave excuse to use them

Jesus’ point:

their biggest problem was lack of belief, not lack of information – “I told you and you do not believe.”

they were not of the elect, whom the Father sent the Son to save – iow, they were not among Jesus’ sheep

for that reason, were looking for different kind of Messiah, were not interested / did not desire Jesus’ terms of leadership

Modern Application:

Jesus would have been the hero had he told the people what they wanted to hear – he was their enemy b/c he told them what they needed but refused to hear

belief or unbelief does not change true reality – whether someone likes/believes or dislikes/disbelieves truth doesn’t change truth

pointing out the errors / flaws / inconsistencies in a person’s statements and worldview can provoke vigorous and hostile response

sometimes b/c individual knows the problem exists, refuse to deal with truth, gets defensive when someone else notices

try to be sure their anger/hostility is toward the truth and not an insensitive way of presenting truth