Tag: Revelation

The Woman, the Dragon, and Her Son

Revelation 12:1-6

The seventh trumpet having brought us again to the Second Coming, we begin a new vision/section. It presents in great detail the nature of spiritual conflict of which we are a part. You will remember the seal judgments and trumpet judgments both covered the full scope of this present age ending with the return of Christ. Between the sixth and seventh judgment in each cycle was an interlude, an opportunity for John to offer hope to the persecuted church of his day. It also serves to inform us about the work of the church in this age and the kind of opposition she will face.

John discusses seven main characters–in symbolic form, of course–who are the primary combatants in the cosmic war between Christ and Satan during this present age: the history of the Dragon (12:7-12), the history of the woman (12:13-17), the history of the Beast (13:1-10), the history of the False Prophet (13:11-18), the history of the 144,000 (14:1-5), the history of the angelic proclaimers (14:6-11), and the history of the coming of the Son of Man (14:14-20). The antagonists in the story are the dragon (who is Satan), and his primary henchmen, the beast and the false prophet. Together, these three enemies of God form a counterfeit “trinity” of sorts, and attempt to lead the world away from Jesus Christ.

Like the previous two cycles, this one also covers the period “spoken of by John as the “last days,” “the great tribulation,” “the thousand years,” “the forty-two months,” and the “1260 days.”” We are given this insight into the nature of the present conflict so we will recognize our enemy, be able to resist his attacks, and not lose heart.

“The reader who is too rigid and unimaginative may have severe problems dealing with this text. …John is not starting from scratch, but he is “Christianizing” ancient pagan myths in order to tell the story of God’s triumph over evil. As John stretches the Christian story over the frame of the pagan myth, the fit will not be exact. Furthermore, this chapter uses the language of mythology, not the language of a historical narrative.” Smyth & Helwys

“The abrupt transition to ‘another sign in heaven’, the Woman Clothed with the Sun pursued by the dragon, followed by war in heaven between the archangel Michael and Satan, introduces a complex of visions that has affinities with ancient popular culture and roots in earliest Christian mythology. Similarities between the Woman Clothed with the Sun and various figures, including Isis and Leto, the mother of Apollo, suggest that this image would have resonated with John’s readers and hearers.” Revelation, Kovacs & Rowland

Highlights foundational problem within Christian church today: what do you believe about the Bible? and which way does influence and authority go? These two examples absolutely upside-down – “ancient pagan myths”, “ancient popular culture”, “Christian mythology” influence how God’s Word is understood, interpreted, applied.

Is contrary to examples given in Bible itself how should be interpreted – Bible is its own interpreter. God’s Word is the standard, all other words must yield to its authority. If that is being “too rigid and unimaginative”, so be it – Revelation had source in God, intended to be part of canon of Scripture. Basis of interpretation must be Scripture, not folk tales that bear some resemblance.

A. the woman v.1-2

a composite figure, not single individual (NOT mother of God, Queen of heaven as Roman Catholics teach); also not limited to Israel as some would say

striking resemblance to Joseph’s dream – Gen. 37:9-10 – this not the first “sign” from God, was one in long line

earlier basis – Gen 13:16; Gen. 15:5; Gen. 22:17 – why wasn’t numbering the dust enough of description? important they be recognized as a people with heavenly identity in addition to earthly roots

see both connections in woman adorned with sun, moon, stars – the one the woman represents clearly has spiritual significance

need to go back further than to Abraham… all the way to Eden – Gen. 3:15-16

her Seed – is her seed that will change course of history, result of conflict with the serpent; quickly see this more than comic book warfare – is real war with real consequences

in pain – “cried out in labor and agony to give birth” HCSB – why such incredible pain? remember curse – “multiply pain”… because of sin

parallels with Eden

1. A woman and the serpent – deception no longer, is flat-out war, but remember… is primarily spiritual yet with physical consequences

2. Enmity between the woman and the serpent – several thousand years of festering frustration; will only grow stronger

3. Conflict between her offspring and the serpent – described more fully in v.17

4. Childbirth (first mention in Genesis, last mention v.13)

5.The woman will experience labor pains – as promised, even Messiah didn’t enter world without painful labor

makes perfect sense: Bible opens with creation of perfect place with perfect people intended to worship God in his presence

sin broke all that, yet story has happy ending: perfect place re-created with redeemed and restored people able to worship God without hindrance forever

includes Mary, mother of Jesus, and child she delivers refers of course to Jesus; but same woman also brought forth other offspring (v.17) who are target of Satan’s assaults

comprehensively: the church, both Old and New Testament; true Israel, which gave birth to both Lord Jesus and NT saints

B. the dragon v.3-4

“pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” – Wizard pretty much harmless, not the fearsome character he tried to project

just opposite for dragon – far more fearsome and destructive than appears, strives to keep true identity hidden so deception continues to be effective

Satan with his various “disguises” removed (know from v.9); not to imply that in reality Satan appears as a 7-headed monster.

was created as angel and would have angelic appearance; description here given to indicate his character and actions

identified v.9, shown here to have immense influence

heads and horns – extensive power manifested in many ways throughout the age – at least pretending to have complete power

diadems – blasphemously pretending to mimic God’s completeness, power and authority, rivaling the king about to be born

tail – attacks God and his ordained order throughout the universe, showing his power is not limited to planet earth

indication even here of deception – trying to evidence own heavenly connection

woman has stars in her garland, Satan can exert power over stars himself, maybe even take the twelve away from the woman

purpose consistent with character – destruction

declared intent: devour/destroy the Child before he has opportunity to accomplish anything – remove #1 threat to existence and effictiveness when “Child” is most vulnerable

as with the woman, a composite figure – primarily (as identified) the serpent, the devil, Satan

also included, those entities under his direct influence and control – demons, political powers, forces of evil and chaos in general (throughout humanity and nature)

Satan the individual evil behind evil in all its forms, evil personified, in its ultimate form

C. her son v.5

no composite here – male child… a Son – see Ps. 2:7-9

a male child, a son, God’s son who would rule the nations: indisputably the Lord Jesus

“to devour” – angelic army at birth; King Herod; temptation; storm; demonic activity; Judas and company

Satan behaves foolishly but is not stupid – knows he cannot go head-to-head with God and win, so doesn’t try… yet

Satan was counting on limitations of Incarnation – God “confined” in human body – to give him adequate advantage

endpoints of Jesus’ earthly life identified – birth, Ascension; intervening details assumed

apocalyptic understatement: birth, ascension, everything in between implied and understood – escape to Egypt (from Satan’s tool, Herod) and return to Nazareth, childhood, preparation, temptation, ministry, death, resurrection

D. the woman again v.6

frustrated revenge – the Child escaped, focus on next in line

another source of frustration for the dragon: his enemy was snatched away out of his almost grasp, unable after numerous Satanically engineered attempts to kill the Redeemer.

Herod, temptation, attempted stoning at Nazareth, storm on Sea of Gallilee, various encounters with demons, Garden of Gethsemane, Calvary

Satan’s rage and enmity building with each failed attempt – will not be contained, he takes on whatever comes within reach

God’s protection and provision

yes, is the woman, but now she is NT church and probably most important line relative to us, God’s people, right now: “she has a place prepared by God”

yes, can be touched… but not overcome – Jesus’ words Matt. 16:18 “on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it

extent – 1260 days, not 1259 or some other number

at no time during her existence is Christ’s church left on her own, unprotected and unprovided for; and… at no time in this age is earth left without witness to Christ’s truth

“The major point that God is going to make to His followers through John in this text, is that their lives are not being driven by the fickle winds of fate. It is not the capricious whims of chance that make life difficult for God‘s people. It is not some unknowing, unseeing force that confronts Christ-followers. Behind the evil of this world is a person and John describes him as a dragon.” Jerry Nelson

Absolutely nothing relates to life of Christian that occurs outside God’s purpose – for God’s glory and for good of his people. But remember – are in a war, war for eternal souls of men women boys girls. Our weapon the word of God. Our path the one Christ our forerunner has already traveled. Our goal to overcome evil, the wicked one, the world.

1 John 5:4-5 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world; our faith.Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

Let us move on to victory, confident and unafraid as we follow the Lamb who subdues and conquers all who oppose him.


Thy Kingdom Come

Revelation 11:15-19

240 years ago group of men enumerated 27 reasons why King George III could rightly be considered a tyrant; viewed as sufficient justification to seek freedom from tyranny using force if necessary. Am very thankful for God’s choice in ordaining USA to be place of my earthly citizenship. Many will celebrate national holiday and cause of freedom tomorrow. Are some important things to keep in mind: life under thumb of earthly tyrant can be painful and difficult, but is only temporary. King George not the only or even most evil tyrant; Satan is far worse tyrant than any human being. Freedom from bondage in sin far more important than freedom from any earthly tyrant. Human sovereign we recognize as having authority over us has little bearing on next life; whether or not we acknowledge King Jesus does have a bearing.

“When Britain’s Queen Elizabeth was a child, her parents held a garden party at Buckingham Palace, but a rainstorm forced the party to move indoors. Elizabeth and her younger sister wandered into the room where the guests had gathered and were politely bombarded by questions. During a pause in the conversations, Elizabeth pointed toward a nearby wall and a painting of Jesus on the cross. She remarked, “That’s the man my papa says is really king.”

Highlights primary reason why God’s last written word to us was given – Do Not Be Afraid! Why? King Jesus is the one with ultimate authority. For those who live in submission to Christ’s lordship, is easy to be disheartened, even fearful because of what John has described, how things appear in world today. For example:

“Christians in Russia won’t be allowed to email their friends an invitation to church or to evangelize in their own homes if Russia’s newest set of surveillance and anti-terrorism laws are enacted. The proposed laws, considered the country’s most restrictive measures in post-Soviet history, place broad limitations on missionary work, including preaching, teaching, and engaging in any activity designed to recruit people into a religious group. To share their faith, citizens must secure a government permit through a registered religious organization, and they cannot evangelize anywhere besides churches and other religious sites. The restrictions even apply to activity in private residences and online. Following a wave of Russian nationalist propaganda, the laws passed almost unanimously in the Duma, the upper house, on Friday (06/24/16) and in the Federation Council, the lower house, today (06/29/16).” Christianity Today

This trumpet, even though describes Second Coming, focuses on triumph – the joyous finale of Christ’s triumph. With that in mind, (read Heb. 12:1-3)

Revelation chapter 11 ends first half of letter and focus on temporal warfare; chapter 12 begins greater focus on spiritual nature of present conflict. As Lord Jesus reveals to John more of his plan for this age, will gain further insight into details. Opening of seventh seal introduced idea that God has awesome ending planned for this age. Sounding of seventh trumpet lets us know it will encompass both judgment and triumph. Final bowl reveals justice of God’s actions in light of spiritual condition of mankind.

After seventh seal, heaven was holding its breath waiting for God to move, to come “out from his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity” (Isa. 26:21). Not a mystery to those in heaven what comes next: prayers of the saints will be answered, their persecution over, God will receive glory due to him, opposition to God’s righteous rule over earth will end, effects of Curse will be removed and creation restored. These things and more cause for great rejoicing, now is the moment when God in time and space will have final triumph over sin and death.

The sounding of the seven trumpets signalled the fall of the city of Jericho, so the seventh trumpet signals the end of the “city of man”, the kingdom of the world. Labor pains are over, time for which creation has been expectantly waiting has arrived. God begins to move in a visible and universal way like never before since days of Creation. Righteous saints and angels celebrate God’s accomplishment of his purpose.

A. victory achieved v.15

God’s plan complete – Rev. 10:7

but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, the mystery of God would be finished, as He declared to His servants the prophets.”

no longer a mystery what God is about: plan and its outcome plainly revealed for all to see – read 1 Cor. 15:51-54

sin will be finally conquered, never more to have any power or effect on God’s people; all of Christ’s enemies will be forever subdued; death itself will be completely destroyed, nevermore to threaten any of God’s creation

even more important: God himself is revealed in his fullness to all mankind

God has come out of his place, Lord Jesus revealed in his exalted majesty as Sovereign Ruler over all things

during time of ministry, Jesus majesty cloaked by his humanity – partial glimpse came through at Transfiguration, yet not full display of his ascended exalted glory

when he returns, “Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” Luke 21:27 – no holding back

also see 1 Cor. 15:24-25

think of Jesus as king on his throne, ruling from heaven; some say will rule as king for millennium; here says “forever and ever”

if there is a best kind of government, this is it: monarchy with King ruling over his subjects – in this case, perfect King ruling over perfected subjects forever

so what will eternity be like? King Jesus reigning over his blood-bought subjects; glorified saints worshiping Christ, serving Christ, obeying Christ, loving Christ, working for Christ, experiencing the joy of his presence, his pleasure, his provision eternally

B. joy in heaven v.16-19a

seventh seal vs. seventh trumpet – silent worship vs loud worship

is a time for silence in worship – “Be still… and know that I am God” Ps. 46:10; is hard for us to hear God when making noise

is proper to make noise, loud noise in worship… when we respond to God – what he has said, what he has done

proper worship has right object: true God, the almighty all-powerful one, unchanging and eternal who acts for own glory and good of his people

joy cannot be contained – must have release in worship and praise

consider what God has done – John paints with broad strokes: final judgment summed up in v.18, further detail to come later

wrath of the nations will be met by wrath of God, don’t need to wonder what happens, what outcome is:

they are judged, those who destroy/corrupt the earth will be destroyed; meanwhile God’s people of all walks and stations of life will be rewarded

how can we not be joyful – everything that has been wrong with the universe since the Fall will be set to rights by God’s overwhelming power

real temple opened to full view, ark of covenant the center-piece

remember from study in Hebrews – tabernacle/temple on earth a shadow of real temple in heaven where Jesus entered to appear in presence of God for us (Heb. 9:24)

both justice and mercy signified by ark of covenant – lid vs contents – demonstrates both “sides” of final trumpet/judgment

inside the ark… a copy of stone tablets with 10 commandments, God’s law and standard justice demands; on top… the mercy seat

God’s holiness demands justice be satisfied; God’s love makes provision of a perfect substitute, God satisfying his own demands for justice

on that day all who are in Adam, satisfied with their own goodness, will hear only words of condemnation: ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.’ (Matt. 25:41)

all who are in Christ, depending solely on Christ’s goodness, will hear words of commendation: ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world’ (Matt. 25:34)

represents presence of God with his people – further cause for rejoicing: Emmanuel, God with us without hindrance forever

further elaboration in Rev. 21:3Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.”

God himself, King Jesus, will for all eternity be physically visibly present with his people – will be their King, their God, their “all in all” (1 Cor. 15:28) “God will be all things to all his saints, immediately without the use of means” Gill

C. disaster on earth v.18-19

real destructive actions, parallel to Great Flood – God’s full retributive justice does not happen quietly

rage of nations met by burning wrath of God – “ lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail.”

is time of destruction: the wicked who remain in their rebellion, all their corrupt structures and accomplishments

will also be time of renewal and restoration – must wait until later in Revelation for John’s description of that

time of mixed emotions – sorrow over fate of those who rebelled to end, joy that Christ has triumphed

we know that sorrow will be temporary – God will wipe away all tears – but sorrow will be genuine; at same time, joy not in our own achievement, is in what Christ has achieved for us

will be real sorrow that countless men, women, boys, girls determined to be free of God’s rule remain eternally enslaved in sin

real joy for God’s people that since the Son makes us free, we are free indeed – in part now, in full after that great Day

Don’t need to wait until second coming to experience some of joy of victory. Christ’s kingdom has come and it will come. Meanwhile, keep Horatio Spafford’s words in mind:

But, Lord, ‘tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait, / The sky, not the grave, is our goal; / Oh trump of the angel! Oh voice of the Lord! / Blessèd hope, blessèd rest of my soul!


My Two Witnesses, Part 2

Revelation 11:1-14

Last week, identified numerous things from OT John alludes to in ch. 11: Ezekiel’s temple (ch. 40ff), Daniel’s seventy weeks (ch. 9), Zechariah’s olive trees (ch. 4), beastly kingdoms of Daniel 7 and 8, for example. Showed from Daniel 9:24ff, how Herod’s temple & city of Jerusalem destroyed bringing end to sacrifice in middle of the 70th week of years. Leaves 1/2 week, or as John describes here 42 months / 1260 days from destruction of Jerusalem to consummation (Second Coming).

Clearly God has a dwelling place… in midst of hostile surroundings. Clear distinction between his dwelling in hearts of his people, those outside who tread Christ’s kingdom underfoot. This active and passive resistance to God’s truth and rejection of it is way of it for rest of this age. Take comfort – God’s temple endures… in spite of all efforts to crush it. Stakes are high – territory being fought over is eternal souls of men women boys girls.

John’s attention drawn first to the temple of God, then two witnesses – put the two together… the witnessing church. The setting: an environment where there is much hostility to the witnesses and their message. Do not be afraid, though, God has it under control!

B. the witnesses v.3-13

their work (3)

commissioned, empowered to prophesy – to declare God’s truth with power and authority, not their own but granted by God

most powerful force ever displayed – that of God’s word: “God said… and there was”; “upholds all things by his powerful word”

word has been entrusted to witnesses, sword of the Spirit – the one weapon people of God authorized to use in battle

remember: Deut. 19:15“One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established.”

twelve sent out (Mark 6:7), so were seventy (Luke 10:1) two by two; Paul and Barnabas, Paul and Silas; appoint elders; biblical pattern – two or more, not Lone Rangers

notice also duration (it’s significant) – 1260 days = 42 months (30 days each) = 3-1/2 years; iow, from time of John until Second Coming

their identity (4)

clear reference to Zech. 4:11-14, two olive trees full of oil – often symbol of Holy Spirit, who equips and empowers witnesses

oil also source of energy for light from lampstands – in view here the local church and its people, together the light of the world

remember what Jesus said about light: Matt. 5:14-16“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

will come back to this but… question not if are witnesses; is what kind of witnesses – dim lights, flickering lights, hidden lights, steady bright lights

have never-failing more than adequate supply of oil for our lamp – our task to use it to its best advantage as God directs

their protection (5-6)

matters not who opposes them, who tries to overcome them – two witnesses, the church, is invincible until her task is complete

again, remember what Jesus declared: not even powers of hell can prevent church from accomplishing her God-given mission

may appear that way to us, individuals w/i church may not achieve particular goals and may give their lives yet Christ and kingdom prevail over all his enemies

need to back up to beginning ch. 8 – prayers of God’s people ascend before his throne, he hears and responds with all sorts of calamities

just like miracles in days of prophets and apostles – prayed to God, God exercised power through them in response to prayer and need

the conflict (7)

universal conflict has local skirmishes – Sodom, Eqypt, Jerusalem – city known for its sexual immorality; country/culture known for its gross idolatry and worship of creation rather than Creator; city who welcomed a hero, then turned on him days later

those who are in love with their sin don’t give it up easily, resent being reminded of it; especially true when comes from the top

can look around world, across sweep of history, see numerous empires/dynasties/governments committed to pursuit of evil

Kim dynasty in N. Korea, repression of the church; Nero, lighting gardens with Christians as human torches; Spanish Inquisition

for a time, God permits them to appear as if they have defeated Christ’s church – in part to build faith of believers

nations of the West not far behind – trend here at present is accelerating toward fewer restraints on evil, more tolerance of openly sinful behavior

the result (8-10)

evildoers celebrate: whether outwardly or not, rejoice because continual reminder of sin-darkened hearts/minds no longer in their face

show utmost disrespect for those who truly deserve most respect – those who stand for truth of Gospel; advertise and glamorize defeat of the Church

much stronger reaction, greater enthusiasm than probably expect – why such fervor? Witnesses to God’s truth are torment to evildoers: cause emotional and intellectual suffering that drives to desperate actions

what is in view here is Church, not individual believers – appears the Church has been defeated; may be true for individuals… but there is hope

their resurrection (11-12)

very soon after work of church is ended, hear that call from heaven – come to life, souls reunited with bodies, or bodies reconstituted “on the fly”

nothing hidden or secret about this either – everyone hears, everyone sees, everyone knows God is doing something big

when God calls his witness out of the world, that’s it… all done… nothing left but final judgment when all acknowledge “God wins!”

side note: not a very strong case here for postmillennial view, the concept that this era ends with some sort of Golden Age of the Gospel w/peace on earth for extended period of time

oops (13)

too late for repentance, giving glory to God now only grudging because its required – shows no real change of heart – impossible with witness removed from world

“every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord” – because obliged to, not out of love and desire

C. the third woe v.14

coming quickly – the end is near, 2000 years nearer now than when Revelation was written… means we must be busy

Phil. 2:14-15Do all things without grumbling or questioning,that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world

Quote by Rev. George McCloud (a Scotsman): “I argue that the cross be raised again at the center of the marketplace as well as at the steeple of the church. Jesus was not crucified on a table between two candles but on a cross between two thieves, on a town garbage heap, at a crossroad of politics so cosmopolitan that they had to write his title in Hebrew and Latin and Greek, and at the kind of place where cynics talked smut [indecently] and thieves cursed and soldiers gambled. That is where he died and that is what he died about and that is what Christ’s followers ought to be about.”

iow, need to take up our cross… and not lay it back down – Christ-follower should be recognizable as such at all times in all places w/o exception

must be discerning witnesses

in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world

compare Facebook and real life; bloopers when mic was “off”; things you hear from other room – most everyone (including self) wears mask of civility (some don’t bother wtih mask!)

need to see behind mask, recognize true problem, declare God’s solution to the issue – not that person needs to change their life, stop being stupid, try harder to do right

Human beings live actively accountable to the true God who knows and weighs us. Life has to do with God. We are intimately and thoroughly worshipers, lovers, fearers, trusters, believers, obeyers, refugees, hopers, seekers, desirers of something or other. This is not a general background truth but a specific foreground truth, playing out in every motion of the soul. The human heart and the intricate multitude of responses — behavior, emotion, cognition, memory, anticipation, attitude, and so on — are ruled. We heed either the true God, Savior, and Lord, or a host of identifiable lies, lusts, idols, voices, and pretenders. Human beings are thus fundamentally “depraved”: morally bent, dark, insane, and unholy vis-a-vis the God who made, sustains, sees, and evaluates us. He must personally intervene to straighten, enlighten, make sane, and sanctify.” Powlison

do need to repent of sin, turn to Christ in faith, do what he says, depend on him for strength and ability – everyone without exception is somewhere on that spectrum

must be credible witnesses for Gospel in dark world

“in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world

focus on how we live – shine – not as much on what we say; consider current political situation, strong temptation to think: your lips are moving, you must be lying

should not be that way for Christian – daily life, choices, priorities should bear clear testimony that you practice what you say

truth is: your life, apart from what you say, shows clearly who or what rules your heart and responses – does life match words?

if Christ is first, what keeps you away from prayer and Bible study? gathering with fellow-believers for worship? corporate prayer?

God expects his people to be credible witnesses, Christ expects his church to be a credible witness of his truth. It is his truth and that alone that sets people free from bondage to sin and self and Satan. We, the people of God must know God’s truth, love God’s truth, live God’s truth, declare God’s truth as faithful and credible witnesses.

My Two Witnesses

Revelation 11:1-14

Have had few instances earlier of John making reference to familiar Old Testament themes. Connecting those dots very helpful to gain understanding of what John intended to communicate. Here in chapter 11 John pulls in numerous things from OT, some not merely helpful but essential to reach right understanding about what is in view. Include: Ezekiel’s temple (ch. 40ff), Daniel’s seventy weeks (ch. 9), Zechariah’s olive trees (ch. 4), beastly kingdoms of Daniel 7 and 8, for example.

Need to look at Daniel 9:24ff, file something away for future use: series of sevens, 7 sevens, 62 sevens, 1 seven, starting with Cyrus. After 69 sevens, iow beginning of week 70 Messiah cut off. The city and sanctuary destroyed, end of sacrifice in middle of the week. Leaves 1/2 week, 3-1/2 years, 42 months from destruction of Jerusalem to consummation (Second Coming).

John’s attention drawn first to the temple of God, then two witnesses – put the two together… the witnessing church. The setting: an environment where there is much hostility to the witnesses and their message. Do not be afraid, though, God has it under control!

A. the temple v.1-2

purpose – shows that God does indeed have a dwelling place, once again emphasizing nature of our existence and battle we are all engaged in waging: a spiritual one

2 Cor. 6:16For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.”

imagine encouragement was to John to gauge size of church – from humble beginnings in Jerusalem, 3000 added at Pentecost, by John’s day encircled the Mediterranean

similar encouragement for us: every country in world has Christian presence, not every people group… yet – God’s temple has grown substantially since Jesus’ declaration he would build His church

boundaries – here’s where bittersweet nature of little scroll from 10:9-10 becomes obvious: there’s an inside and an outside

clear distinction in God’s view of definite boundary, who is on inside representing his dwelling, all those on outside as his enemies

how sweet that Gospel message has run throughout world, drawing men women boys girls into its net and safety w/i temple

at same time: bitter truth is message of hope found only in Christ is highly offensive to majority of people, trample it underfoot

sweet is knowledge that those who worship in temple of true God, who are temple of God are absolutely secure in his keeping… forever – securely protected from all that would keep us from total victory over sin, Satan, death

bitter the understanding of what assuredly awaits all those who are outside the temple, nations and peoples who have rejected God and his truth

duration – 42 months, aka 2nd half of Daniel’s 70th week, entire duration of this age, until Lord Jesus’ return

God’s temple, the church, the people of God going to live in hostile surroundings yet under protecting care of God

for all of its existence in the world, enemies will try to trample it, tread it down, hinder its growth in size and influence

remember, objective in battle is conquest of souls with eternal destiny in view – primary weapons not physical ones

spiritual battle often has real physical consequences – desperate people using desperate measures to gain advantage

take guns away from mass murderer, nuclear warheads away from tyrant, will find other means to threaten and kill… to follow example/directives of the one they worship

see the Gospel of Christ applied by powerful Spirit of God… mass murderer or tyrant becomes useful servant of God

leader of “the Gentilies” – Satan, the deceiver, mixing error with truth so as to neutralize it, render it powerless, so it will be discarded / treated as trash/litter

don’t be surprised when church is attacked, discredited, marginalized, oppressed, persecuted – is how Christ said it would be for his followers

B. the witnesses v.3-13

their work (3)

commissioned, empowered to prophesy – to declare God’s truth with power and authority, not their own but granted by God

most powerful force ever displayed – that of God’s word: “God said… and there was”; “upholds all things by his powerful word”

word has been entrusted to witnesses, sword of the Spirit – the one weapon people of God authorized to use in battle

remember: Deut. 19:15“One witness shall not rise against a man concerning any iniquity or any sin that he commits; by the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established.”

twelve sent out (Mark 6:7), so were seventy (Luke 10:1) two by two; Paul and Barnabas, Paul and Silas; appoint elders; biblical pattern – two or more, not Lone Rangers

notice also duration (it’s significant) – 1260 days = 42 months (30 days each) = 3-1/2 years; iow, from time of John until Second Coming

their identity (4)

clear reference to Zech. 4:11-14, two olive trees full of oil – often symbol of Holy Spirit, who equips and empowers witnesses

oil also source of energy for light from lampstands – in view here the local church and its people, together the light of the world

remember what Jesus said about light: Matt. 5:14-16“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

will come back to this but… question not if are witnesses; is what kind of witnesses – dim lights, flickering lights, hidden lights, steady bright lights

have never-failing more than adequate supply of oil for our lamp – our task to use it to its best advantage as God directs

their protection (5-6)

matters not who opposes them, who tries to overcome them – two witnesses, the church, is invincible until her task is complete

again, remember what Jesus declared: not even powers of hell can prevent church from accomplishing her God-given mission

may appear that way to us, individuals w/i church may not achieve particular goals and may give their lives yet Christ and kingdom prevail over all his enemies

need to back up to beginning ch. 8 – prayers of God’s people ascend before his throne, he hears and responds with all sorts of calamities

just like miracles in days of prophets and apostles – prayed to God, God exercised power through them in response to prayer and need

the conflict (7)

universal conflict has local skirmishes – Sodom, Eqypt, Jerusalem – city known for its sexual immorality; country/culture known for its gross idolatry and worship of creation rather than Creator; city who welcomed a hero, then turned on him days later

those who are in love with their sin don’t give it up easily, resent being reminded of it; especially true when comes from the top

can look around world, across sweep of history, see numerous empires/dynasties/governments committed to pursuit of evil

Kim dynasty in N. Korea, repression of the church; Nero, lighting gardens with Christians as human torches; Spanish Inquisition

for a time, God permits them to appear as if they have defeated Christ’s church – in part to build faith of believers

nations of the West not far behind – trend here at present is accelerating toward fewer restraints on evil, more tolerance of openly sinful behavior

the result (8-10)

evildoers celebrate: whether outwardly or not, rejoice because continual reminder of sin-darkened hearts/minds no longer in their face

show utmost disrespect for those who truly deserve most respect – those who stand for truth of Gospel; advertise and glamorize defeat of the Church

much stronger reaction, greater enthusiasm than probably expect – why such fervor? Witnesses to God’s truth are torment to evildoers: cause emotional and intellectual suffering that drives to desperate actions

what is in view here is Church, not individual believers – appears the Church has been defeated; may be true for individuals… but there is hope

their resurrection (11-12)

very soon after work of church is ended, hear that call from heaven – come to life, souls reunited with bodies, or bodies reconstituted “on the fly”

nothing hidden or secret about this either – everyone hears, everyone sees, everyone knows God is doing something big

when God calls his witness out of the world, that’s it… all done… nothing left but final judgment when all acknowledge “God wins!”

side note: not a very strong case here for postmillennial view, the concept that this era ends with some sort of Golden Age of the Gospel w/peace on earth for extended period of time

oops (13)

too late for repentance, giving glory to God now only grudging because its required – shows no real change of heart – impossible with witness removed from world

“every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord” – because obliged to, not out of love and desire

C. the third woe v.14

coming quickly – the end is near, 2000 years nearer now than when Revelation was written… means we must be busy

Phil. 2:14-15Do all things without grumbling or questioning,that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world”

Quote by Rev. George McCloud (a Scotsman): “I argue that the cross be raised again at the center of the marketplace as well as at the steeple of the church. Jesus was not crucified on a table between two candles but on a cross between two thieves, on a town garbage heap, at a crossroad of politics so cosmopolitan that they had to write his title in Hebrew and Latin and Greek, and at the kind of place where cynics talk smut and thieves cursed and soldiers gambled. That is where he died and that is what he died about and that is what Christ’s followers ought to be about.” Living as credible witnesses for Gospel in dark world.

No More Delay

Revelation 10:1-11

About 100 years ago, Emperor Menelik II ascended to the throne of Ethiopia, leaving footprints that stabilized a nation for generations to come. Among his lengthy achievements were the first modern bank in Ethiopia, the country’s first postal system, a nation wired for telephones, paved roads for automobiles, and cities plumbed for modern efficiencies whether they existed or not. If there was a higher standard of living elsewhere, Menelik wanted it for Ethiopia.

Having read about a new contraption known as the “Electric Chair,” the king was determined to have one not for executions but rather for the hot-seat’s reputation for lowering crime. Menelik ordered the deluxe model even though Ethiopia had no electrical power plants to provide the necessary juice. His idea was to use it as a visual aid to discourage crime. Where better to showcase the foreboding electric chair than as the king’s royal throne. Sure enough, while Menelik sat on his “throne,” Ethiopia’s crime rate fell.

But Menelik’s wisdom failed in his use of the Bible. The king’s faith was not based in what the Scriptures teach but in the pages themselves. He believed the Bible had the power to cure illnesses; therefore, every time he felt sick he ate a few pages from God’s Word. It was the king’s one-a-day multi-vitamin.

After suffering a serious stroke, Menelik prescribed for himself a strict diet of 1st and 2nd Kings. He ate both books, page by page which led to internal complications resulting in his death.

The Bible is not a book of magic, but it is a book that shows us truth. When used as God intended, is vital resource in our battle against sin. Is battle raging around us and within us – much of God’s Word focused on battle within, revelation emphasizes battle against sin and Satan, spiritual warfare going on in world.

So what are the saints doing while all the mayhem described in chapters 8 & 9 is going on? Here, chapters 10 & part of 11, John sees two different scenes from different angle. Trumpets and woes picture what happens primarily with respect to the wicked here on earth. Time period – from Ascension to Second Coming. Acton – God’s just wrath directed at rebellious sinners, giving opportunity and incentive for them to repent. Which brings up question: how will unbelievers / unchurched figure out what’s going on? How can they know God intends for them to repent? One answer to question here in our text.

Just like what comes between 6th and 7th seal tells of God’s providential care of his own, so our text relates to what God expects of his people. John first sees a powerful Angel who makes an announcement and then issues a commission.

A. the angel v.1-3

appearance (1, 3a)

some difference of opinion who this mighty / strong / powerful angel is – a special representative sent from God or God Himself?

Matt.26:64 “coming on the clouds of heaven”; Mark 14:62 “coming with the clouds of heaven”; Luke 21:27 “coming in a cloud”

Eze. 1:28Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD.”

Matt. 17:2He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.”

Exod 13:21 “And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light”

Rev. 5:5 But one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.”

can there be serious question? has appearance of God of both Old and New Testaments – covenant-keeping God of the rainbow; who faithfully led people through wilderness; transfigured before apostle John himself; promised to return in a cloud; Lion who roars with authority and judgment (thunder) follows

no longer a crown of thorns on his head, instead a crown of glory; not a picture of one who is humiliated, subject to whims of raging crowd and weak politicians – instead one who comes in triumphant majesty bringing divine message

book (2a)

has a book or scroll in his hand, this time open – identified as a small book, and unlike sealed scroll of ch. 5 this one is open

intent of this Angel to reveal contents of book, not keep hidden – is this perhaps a vision parallel to John’s commission from chapter 1?

don’t forget opening promise of Rev. 1:3Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.”

and closing promise Rev. 22:7 “Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”

authority (2b; also 5, 8b)

further indication given here of just who this powerful angel is: “he set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land”

Ps. 110:1 The LORD said to my Lord, “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”

1 Cor. 15:25 For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet.

he is Creator, Owner, Sovereign Ruler over land and sea – iow, ruler with supreme authority over all things

here is significant point in book of Revelation – must look beyond the obvious to see what is real

get all exercised about various authorities, misuse of power, miscarriage of justice, misappropriation of resources

is absolutely right to be distressed by evil and evildoers; but… remember: is a higher authority who is ruling over his creation – even those who do evil are still under his authority, what they do ultimately serves his purpose

Jesus said: “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me”, he meant it and he is right now exercising it

B. his announcement v.4-7

his command (4)

important to our doctrine of scripture, how do we have God’s word the Bible – John wrote what he was commanded to… and only what he was commanded

important to our understanding of God – by God’s design, cannot know all there is to know: some things belong to God

if seven thunders represent God’s perfect judgment on evil fulfilled, entirely possible we couldn’t properly handle knowledge

his oath (5-6a)

Heb. 6:17-18So when God desired to show more convincingly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable character of his purpose, he guaranteed it with an oath,so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us.”

as surely as God is God, will be no other big event between John’s day and Second Coming – that is next big thing without fail

the seventh angel will blow his trumpet, “the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout” of command, “with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.Therefore comfort one another with these words.” (1 Thess. 4:16-18)

just as God announced through his prophets, redemption of his people will finally be complete – requires redemption / restoration of both soul and body, leads to re-creation of world presently under bondage of corruption

urgency (6b)

seems like people today working overtime trying to fill every available moment with some kind of activity… for themselves… for children… and have to travel 20 over limit to get there and do it

too few have same sense of urgency about being prepared for Jesus to return and set all things right – when that 7th trumpet sounds, will you be ready? how about your family? neighbors? co-workers?

if you do believe being prepared for Jesus’ return is of pressing importance and requires prompt action, do friends and neighbors see that in your conduct, hear it in your conversation?

people of God should be more excited about him setting all things to rights than anything else – can anything be more important, more exhilarating than the next thing on God’s to-do list?

outcome (7)

cries of martyrs, of those unjustly imprisoned, of widows and orphans will be answered; Sovereign Lord of universe will declare his final judgment – welcome to righteous, condemnation to the wicked

groans of creation, groans of God’s people will be heard and answered – “And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.” (Rom. 8:23)

C. the commission v.8-11

go, take (8)

yes, groan for time when God’s plan for this age will reach its conclusion – however, John wasn’t there and neither are we

is work to do as outlined in revelation (little book) given by Christ to his servant – notice Jesus didn’t say “here it is”, put it in his hand; John had to make effort, follow command

take, eat (9)

then follows command from the one “who stands on sea and earth”, the one who must be obeyed – take and eat

take this revelation from Christ himself and make it your own – God’s word intended to permeate and change reader

some say “you are what you eat” – should be true of us and word of God: and as we are shaped by it, should overflow in our speech and actions

mixed reviews (10)

for one who loves God and his word, it is sweet to taste – God’s promises, encouragement, hope for future all provide pleasure

yet same judgments that deliver God’s people often have different effect on God’s enemies – destroys those who persist in rebellion, causes great pain and suffering for those who eventually come around

we can certainly rejoice in triumph of Christ’s Church over all her foes, at same time grieving those who are eternally lost

the task (11)

prophesy again – cf. Matt. 28:18ff – are to go make followers, not simply converts… baptizing and teaching them how to follow

peoples and nations and tongues and kings need to hear the truth – God does not have wonderful plan for those who reject him and his truth, quite the opposite

Rom 10:13-15For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”But how are they to call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?And how are they to preach unless they are sent? …So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.


The Missing Seal

Rev. 9:1-9:21

Once again, have text before us that has been used to promote all sorts of wild interpretations. For example: “star fallen from heaven” – Pope Boniface III (7th c.), Martin Luther (16th c.), the Antichrist, and Muhammad. Similar speculations about the army: must be China because of size (200 mil.) and coming from east, bringing their helicopter gunships spraying nerve gas from their tails. Those are the sorts of conclusions well-meaning Christians can reach when fail to follow essential principle of biblical interpretation – the Bible is its own interpreter.To rightly understand God’s word, must begin with context of God’s word and historical setting of the human author, not today’s newspaper. Revelation was relevant and understandable in 1st century, same is true today. And… it has the same meaning, although specific application may vary.

Certainly frightening, even horrific images that come to our minds as we read – I’m sure was also true for 1st century readers. But don’t lose sight of purpose of this revelation – is to encourage the church! The people of God are to not be afraid. Is to give us accurate insight into real high-stakes warfare going on around us, to prepare and equip us to live pleasing to God in midst of tribulation.

Here for first time in John’s letter true nature of present life is being uncovered – begin to understand most significant battle now going on is battle for souls of men, women, boys and girls. War was declared in the Garden – Gen. 3:15And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.” We know the final outcome, the Lamb wins. Meanwhile, we have work to do.

Just as judgment gets more intense as turn pages of Revelation, God’s judgment on evildoers gets more intense as pages of history turn. The suffering portrayed here, the mass of resources thrown into the conflict will only increase as we approach Christ’s coming.

A. the locusts v.1-11

like to think / have been conditioned to think of God in warm friendly terms – God is love, is best Father can imagine, has good of his kids in mind

like to think in similar way about Gospel message – if unsaved friend/family member/neighbor/co-worker just heard Gospel or heard it in way they could understand, would get saved

reality is: God is love, etc. and much more than that – “the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, and abounding in loyal love and faithfulness, keeping loyal love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin. But he by no means leaves the guilty unpunished” (Ex. 34:6-7)

and also: “we are a sweet aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing – to the latter an odor from death to death, but to the former a fragrance from life to life.” (2 Cor. 2:15-16)

in our text and in our neighborhoods, see more of the unpleasant realities of sin-corrupted world and how God deals with it – smoke from bottomless pit has brought spiritual darkness, working to extinguish light of Gospel in the world

not real locusts (4)

sin-plagued spiritual darkness has power to cause real hurt – pictured by John using powerful imagery of locusts and scorpions – would have conveyed sense of profound suffering and hardship, even death to 1st century readers

e.g., locusts plague, 1866, Algeria – 3 provinces of country = 3x Texas, 200,000 dead; Russia, 2016: “Officials say at least 10% of the south’s farmland has been destroyed – with aircraft used in an attempt to disrupt them. The Russian Ministry of Agriculture has declared a state of emergency but seem powerless to combat the locusts. One farmer: ‘There is nothing left of the corn, he said.’ ‘The locusts ate it all, from the leaves to the cobs.'”

The venom of the death stalker scorpion produces a number of severe symptoms. These are fever, coma, convulsion, increased heart rate, high blood pressure and increased fluid secretion into the lungs.”

real locusts strip landscape of anything green: grass, leaves, corncobs; remember devastation by locusts in ten plagues

these locusts under strict orders from God limiting / focusing their devastation – just like in Egypt, did not harm people of God

targets those without the seal (4)

locusts, symbols of God’s judgment, forbidden to harm anything other than one class of people – those with missing seal

God in his providential care guards those who are his, have his seal (indwelling Holy Spirit) – they do not endure suffering God brings on his enemies

Church does not escape unscathed – lost people incited to more evil deeds will make life difficult for Christians; however…. God uses that for our good, our growth in holiness and likeness to Jesus

torment without relief (5-6)

no escape for the lost – at least mental and spiritual, maybe physical too, anguish that drives people to desperate measures

think God wouldn’t do that? Deut. 28:15, 27-29, 34, 65-66 “if you ignore the LORD your God and are not careful to keep all his commandments and statutes I am giving you today, then all these curses will come upon you in full force: …The LORD will afflict you with the boils of Egypt and with tumors, eczema, and scabies, all of which cannot be healed.The LORD will also subject you to madness, blindness, and confusion of mind.You will feel your way along at noon like the blind person does in darkness… You will go insane from seeing all this. …the LORD will give you an anxious heart, failing eyesight, and a spirit of despair.Your life will hang in doubt before you; you will be terrified by night and day and will have no certainty of surviving from one day to the next.”

is limited, for now – 5 months, not eternity although will seem like it; as Jesus’ return gets closer, torment will be more profound

deception (7-9)

as you might expect: demonic forces have deception as primary strategy of war – pretend to be something other that reality

appear to be source of help/pleasure/comfort – have as only goal to torment, maim, kill if possible; would definitely take on the Church unless God prevents

power limited to pain and suffering – could not kill (5-6)

how many do you know: experiencing real mental/spiritual/emotional suffering, and choose all wrong ways to dull the pain

more now than in past, will only increase as time passes and… sadly… pain only hardens their resolve to reject only true solution

praise God there are exceptions! those who do turn to Christ; are only small minority of total

B. the army v.12-19

not one army against another, is army against civilians

est. WWII – 60 mil. total casualties, 45 mil. civilian; rise of communism under Stalin – 20 mil. civilian

Euphrates represented boundary between civilization and barbaric uncivilized peoples – source of fear in John’s day

God here lets out the leash, relaxes (doesn’t remove) constraints on Satan and his demonic horde along with all who worship him

picture what is happening in Middle East – ISIS, who are prime objects of their brutality: not opposing armies but uncooperative civilians

what about those committed to distributing illegal drugs – sure, cartels fight among themselves, but it’s the user at end of chain who kills for money, maims others in drug-fueled rampage, ultimately overdoses

is behavior, at least what makes the news, really all that civilized? – bullying, name-calling, abortion, ISIS and al Quaida and Boko Haram and the Taliban and North Korea, assisted suicide and euthanasia, a gorilla worth more than a 4 year old, people marrying their dog

one way or another lost people world over determined to destroy themselves and one another… and don’t realize enormity of what they’re doing

C. the response v.20-21

survivors: refuse to give up demon-worship / idolatry; in fact, only become more persistent in pursuing solution apart from God

obvious in how it’s described what God wanted – repentance

motivation behind these trumpet judgments not just God being mean; not even simply just consequences for rebellion

intended to give incentive to evildoers to repent – normal human reaction to pain is to pull back; not so this kind of suffering

why? everyone without exception knows the alternative – God; lost people may want benefits of knowing God, do not want personal saving relationship with God

D. our task

remember true nature of conflict, who the enemy is

enemy not the culture, Mexicans, Muslims, mad customers, mouthy politicians, mindless people who live next door or ride your bumper – in fact, unless God converts them, they are real casualties in the war

real enemy is Satan, his agents determined to annihilate Christ’s church and ultimately Christ himself; is spiritual war, must be fought with spiritual weapons

yes, need to be good citizens but in both kingdoms – “seek kingdom of God first“, then be good citizen in community… and take Christian identity/principles with you

need to see beneath surface, behind facade, address real problem – who do you worship?

is it “demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk”?

or is it true God who does not take pleasure in death of wicked, who seeks lost

show / lead others to one who will give them the seal

be prepared: you will receive range of responses… from harsh rejection to warm welcome – make sure it’s message, not messenger that gets reaction

God truly does desire men, women, boys and girls to repent and turn to Christ – two things necessary: Holy Spirit and hearing

Often what makes greatest impression on others is personal testimony from credible witness. You say “not an evangelist”, “can’t remember all the Bible verses”, and “what if I get it wrong”. Tell your story – yours and mine and someone else’s stories will all be different. That’s ok, God knows and he is intentional about who he brings to you. God can use your story whether you think it will be effective or not. Be sure and end your story at the cross – don’t need tickets, no preferred seating, ground is level there, was room for you and for every one without exception who will come to Christ in faith. With God’s help we can each be used to bring others to Lord Jesus.

Climate Change

Rev. 8:6-13

Alberta wildfire – equal to nearly Cumberland and York counties; 40+ volcanoes erupting; 26 tornadoes in one afternoon, 5 states, MI to TX; 200+ significant earthquakes in May, 2016; strongest El Nino in 20 years; 10″ rain in morning in Mississippi, 7″ in 1 hour in Texas.

Then there is all the media coverage of global warming, global cooling, climate change, greenhouse gases and how dire our situation truly is here on poor planet earth.

“We have virtually conquered the planet, explored the moon, overcome the natural limits of travel and communication; we stand at the dawn of a new age, ready to move farther into space and perhaps inhabit other planets. Using technology wisely, we can control our environment, conquer poverty, markedly reduce disease, extend our life-span, significantly modify our behavior, alter the course of human evolution and cultural development, unlock vast new powers, and provide humankind with unparalleled opportunity for achieving an abundant and meaningful life. …Humans are an integral part of nature, the result of unguided evolutionary change. Humanists recognize nature as self-existing. We accept our life as all and enough, distinguishing things as they are from things as we might wish or imagine them to be.” Humanist Manifesto III, 2003

Can you handle one more bit of confused thinking? American Sign Language translation of Manifesto, done by ordained (former) Baptist pastor, graduate with Masters of Theology from Liberty Univ. His translation begins, “A life without God can be so beautiful. Life can be wonderful and fulfilling.”

So… what about all we are seeing and experiencing – climate, weather, geology, …and messed-up thinking? Is this all result of unguided evolutionary changed followed by mankind’s intervention? Have we conquered the planet? Can we control our environment? Or do we need to consider ourselves and surroundings from another viewpoint? And… does Bible have something to say about this? Our text does: first, the perspective from which we should understand it; then parallels with other great works of God; what is God’s purpose in all of this; don’t forget his promise; and finally, the great potential for us as God’s witnesses.

A. perspective

seals – effect on people; trumpets – effect on entire universe/created order: first the natural world, then its inhabitants

like seals, seven trumpets reach conclusion at Second Coming and overthrow of worldly powers arrayed against Christ and his Church

did John perhaps have in mind: Josh. 6, 7 priests with 7 trumpets marching ahead of ark of covenant around Jericho, city taken on 7th day

seals – 1/4 harmed; trumpets – 1/3 harmed

Rev. 6:8 “Death and Hades… given authority over a fourth of the earth”; 8:7 “a third of the trees”; 8:8-9 a third of the sea, living creatures, ships, etc.

trumpets “strike the four major regions of creation: dry land, sea, fresh water, and sky.” Poythress no part escapes

events described concurrent with those described in seals (also one another – not one seal/trumpet, then next when first is complete), yet at same time effects of God’s judgment more widespread, moving toward a climax

intensity will build even further when we get to bowl judgments recorded in chapter 16, narrowing focus to time of Jesus’ return

still from heaven’s POV for our benefit, primarily physical effects but… final three trumpets are pretty intense

John from his vantage point could see source of what is happening, also the effect – source, ministers of God acting from heaven, effect taking place on earth

will only be introduced to final three trumpets this week, but they do not bring good news; in fact, some of strongest language yet

effects of judgment described from unbeliever’s POV – from their perspective, behind-the-scenes activity on spiritual level hidden

B. parallel

plagues of Egypt

both judgments and signs – just punishment for rebellious idolaters, signs of true God’s sovereign authority over all things

same is true of every plague described in Revelation – just judgment against evildoers, even more so; God’s truth more widely known and accessible now than then

not only endured by Egyptians

think of plagues where God “made fools of the Egyptians” (Ex. 10:2, NET) and Hebrews were sitting in bleachers watching

not so: explicit references to God distinguishing between Egyptians and Hebrews for five of ten plagues; seems other five (water to blood, frogs, gnats, boils, locusts) endured by both, likely to lesser degree by Hebrews

God does not always spare His children the effects of judgment. But He does always look over them with His special providence.” Ligon Duncan

btw, now not the first time have been significant things going on with the weather! locally and globally

both Bible and geological/archaeological record bear that out – Noah’s Flood; little ice age (14th century); Krakatoa, 1883, killed 34,000

acknowledged in commerce and jurisprudence: “act of God: a natural catastrophe which no one can prevent such as an earthquake, a tidal wave, a volcanic eruption, or a tornado. Acts of God are significant for …the havoc and damage they wreak,” The People’s Law Dictionary

led up to deliverance of God’s people

practical purpose – release people from status of slaves living on rented land, resettle in own territory with right to self-govern

spiritual significance – Moses not requesting permission for one-time pilgrimage, then return home; had in view life of worship, not single act

Exodus served as type and shadow of a still future event – seals and trumpets and bowls lead up to deliverance of God’s people from life in sin-corrupted bodies and world to sinless eternity in God’s presence

C. purpose

demonstrate God’s power – Ex. 9:13-16

for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.”

God systematically showed his superiority and authority over all gods worshiped by Egyptians; see the same in trumpet judgments

remember what Humanists claim: “conquered the planet”, “control our environment” – God will show his power over land, sea, fresh water and sky

also the things that depend on them – agriculture, fisheries, transportation… huge economic cost; then the cost in lives from destroyed and contaminated food supply

will do so in such a way the only rational conclusion is that God did it – God rules, God wins, God will be glorified even if grudgingly

bring people to repentance

warning trend – succeeding events more catastrophic – see hints of that after 8th plague Ex.10:7Then Pharaoh’s servants said to him, “How long shall this man be a snare to us? Let the men go, that they may serve the LORD their God. Do you not yet understand that Egypt is ruined?”

pain of particular plague/judgment – Pharaoh could overlook everything up to loss of his son; personal pain brought change of heart, albeit temporary

impact future generations

Ex. 10:1-2that you may tell in the hearing of your son and your son’s son the mighty things I have done in Egypt, and My signs which I have done among them, that you may know that I am the LORD.”

because of what God has done in past, what He warns about future, we owe it to our children and grandchildren to tell them

God has in view convincing His people, revealing Himself as Lord to the Egyptians, and showing Himself as Lord to the nations.” Ligon Duncan

D. promise

scene just described – trumpets in part God’s answer to prayer

given another vivid description of God responding to cries of his people, will be repeated during bowl judgments later on

when we pray and God answers: our confidence in God is strengthened, others see and feel his power, some brought to faith

opening exhortation – do not be afraid

Rev. 1:17-18And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last.I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.”

God’s witness protection program – Rev. 7:14; Acts 1:8

we can count on power of Holy Spirit to make us effective witnesses, can depend on same power that brings judgment to carry us safely thru tribulation

E. potential

where people do look in times of hardship, disaster

expect science and human reasoning to supply cause, maybe even take blame, usually to provide solution

earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods called “acts of God” but in minds of most the god is Mother Nature

climate change must be result of industrial activity, power generation, transportation – iow, mankind’s fault, esp. rich nations

where people should look

according to God’s Word the Bible, God is absolutely sovereign over all things – if he is one who brings calamity, is one who also has solution (Isa. 45:7)

wide-open doors of opportunity

whenever subject of weird weather, natural disasters, wildfires come up – is opportunity to direct focus to God

let’s say God sent this (calamity), what might his purpose be… for his church, for the world

Take heart, do not be afraid, God is clearly directing all things to his appointed conclusion. His people, Christ’s church are completely secure in his keeping – nothing can “separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Go confidently, bearing Gospel truth in a spiritually dark world, assured that God intends to use us as his instruments. Wear Christ’s name boldly and unashamedly, trust him to use his truth to set others free as he has you.

Prayer-Answering God

Revelation 8:2-5

Question in too many places these days: what happened to prayer meeting; it should be: what happened at prayer meeting? Church after church has removed mid-week prayer service from calendars, many are doing same with Sunday evening worship. Makes you wonder: why does God’s family not want to spend time together… with one another, with God? Too many treat God like a vending machine: put your prayer in the slot, push the button, get the blessing of choice. Is more about what the individual takes away from the encounter, not enough about glory of God as he carries out his purpose in the world.

10 years ago, LifeWay did survey among mostly Baptist churches – #1 issue facing the church: “The need for more ongoing, passionate prayer in both personal and church life.” If God’s people expect to survive today’s world with biblical worldview intact, must be faithful and passionate in prayer. If God’s people seriously desire revival and growth of Christ’s church and victory over evil, must be praying people in praying churches. How did Lord Jesus, quoting from Isaiah, describe the church: “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” (Mark 11:17)

Was the example of early church, too –

Acts 1:14 These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.

Acts 2:42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.

Prayer is one of non-negotiables for a healthy Christian and an effective Christ-exalting church. This portion of John’s vision provides clear picture of how prayers of the saints are essential element of God’s sovereign purpose for his creation.

a. prelude to next “act” v.2

three descriptions John saw – how God’s redemptive plan would play out from Ascension to Consummation, from different perspectives

seals and trumpets focus largely on physical aspects of battle raging between Satan and Church, bowls emphasize spiritual aspects

is primarily spiritual battle, however… we are physical beings living in physical world – must be careful not to neglect giving attention to one in favor of the other

seven angels take places, given trumpets to announce judgment, but… make no sound… yet; God has more to reveal, later

seals show entire scope of his plan, subsequent descriptions get more intense and more focused on the end

meanwhile, trumpets are on hold for three verses – this scene applies to what is described in both prior and following scene

A. prayers of the saints v.3

like something seen before – read Ex. 30:1-6

yet with a difference – read Lev. 16:12-13 – no intervening veil between altar and throne

learn more of practice from story of Zacharias, father of John the Baptist – read Luke 1:8-11

veil no longer necessary: is a Man in heaven who is there by own merits, the God-Man – has earned right to be in God’s presence

all who are one with Christ share in privileges he has earned – privilege highlighted here centers on prayer, no further need for earthly priest to go between people and God

prayers of all the saints – not simply those around the throne, those remaining on earth, those being persecuted for their faith

includes prayers of martyrs: read Rev. 6:9-10; and God’s own elect: Luke 18:7-8And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?”

our prayers this very morning are included in that offering as well: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”

not only that people would do God’s will on earth, also that God would do his will with regard to his friends and enemies

we could learn from order of things in Lord’s Prayer – yes, requests for Heavenly Father to meet our daily physical / spiritual needs

not where requests start, though: God be glorified, Christ’s kingdom be established, Father’s will be done… then our needs

can be certain that God will answer prayer that he be glorified in the affirmative – not necessarily the way we have in mind!

B. purifying by the Mediator v.3

prayers of even most mature believers not much to write home about, absolutely no merit on their own that God should answer

true of times other than when “in our weakness… we don’t know how to pray as we ought” (Rom. 8:26)

no human being of any status whatever has right or privilege to come to God and expect him to hear on their own merits

is true of local church – collective prayers of faithful church cannot stand on own merit any more than prayers of individual

must have a Mediator – thank God there is one! “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 2:5)

Jesus’ merits applied to us the only way we and our prayers are acceptable to God – Jesus the one with hand on each

for prayers of saints to be pleasing to God, must be accompanied by sweet-smelling incense – “much incense” offered with prayers

considering condition some of seven churches were in, no wonder it needed a lot of incense; can say same today

thank God – not only does God expect us to pray, he has woven threads of our prayers into tapestry of his sovereign eternal purpose, God does all necessary to make prayers acceptable to him

ongoing ministry of Christ our Mediator, the Holy Spirit our Intercessor absolutely essential for God to hear and answer

kind of hurried over it earlier – God expects his people to pray, to cry out to Him: must look to God for help, deliverance, justice

is right, we say it (sometimes glibly) mankind’s greatest need is for the Gospel, to respond in faith to it; if everyone did, no need to write Revelation!

but God must do what God alone can do for anyone to respond positively to Gospel; those bent on doing evil will only do what is right when God orchestrates it

given who/what is at root of evil and evildoers – sin and Satan – God must be one moving to restrain evildoers, overcome evil

C. pleas are heard v.4

if we really believe End is coming, perhaps even soon, is especially important that we be a praying church

when God’s people pray, their prayers made acceptable and sweet-smelling to God rise before his face – can’t and won’t ignore

doesn’t matter if we see immediate results or not – John expects this scene in heaven’s throne room to encourage God’s people to keep on praying

our prayers and our prayer meetings not in vain – God hears and is answering those prayers even if we don’t recognize answers

prayer that God would deal with his enemies and enemies of his people are being answered – Christ is building his church

every new convert is answer to someone’s prayer – for family member, for UPG – and one less enemy of Christ

every revival in the church is answer to prayers of God’s people – in both cases (conversion, revival) – kingdom of Christ gains, kingdom of Satan loses… because God hears pleas of his people and responds

D. power of the response v.5

v.5 = Rev. 11:19; 16:18; final judgment of trumpets and bowls

what is connection John makes? – prayers of God’s people result in God sending judgment on the earth

think that’s overkill? remember how story of Hebrew children leaving Egypt begins: read Ex. 3:7-8

The purpose of prayer, it has often been said, is not to get man’s will done in heaven, but to get God’s will done on earth—even if that will involves judgment.” Wiersbe

do you really want Lord Jesus to come back? if so, we need to get busy praying diligently and passionately to God who hears and answers prayer

What about choice of national leaders, rights of the unborn, marriage and gender issues, opposition against biblical truth, butchering of Christians in other countries, casualties of war and famine and hardship. What should we do first?

And how about increasing numbers of atheists and Muslims and Buddhists and Hindus and Wiccans and neoPagans in face of declining Christian church? How should we respond?

Too many Christians belly-aching to friends, both real and imaginary, about how bad world is getting, not enough praying to God to change things. God delivered his people from hardship in Egypt when they cried out to Him. He took Hebrew children to Canaan by sending Moses. When we cry out to God he may take us to heavenly Canaan by sending Lord Jesus. Have you heard/said “I guess all I can do is pray about…” Truth is, the first and best thing we can do is pray – to our gracious and powerful heavenly Father that he would move on behalf of his people.

If you have sincere desire to change the world, means God has appointed and given to us is prayer – God’s people gathered together, humbly and diligently pleading with God to act. Is what we do when pray for missionaries, UPG’s, salvation of loved ones, changed hearts of government leaders, spiritual protection for those in dangerous places. Should regularly seek God’s face individually, in our homes, as church family – praying expectantly and confidently. He has promised to hear and answer prayers of his people, exhorted us to come boldly to throne of grace. Our Heavenly Father will be pleased when we do.


Silence in Heaven

Revelation 8:1

Miss the dramatic buildup – short time devoted to preaching ;-), chapter / verse breaks, chapter 7 diversion. 6 seals, progressively more intense, now the seventh…. Expecting huge climax, all the special effects. Instead, silence. In previous times, silence easier to find. Now, this generation has figured out how to multiply ways to make noise. Increasingly rare to see someone without something other than a hearing aid stuck in at least one ear – cellphone, ipod, earbuds. Hardly day passes without at least one vehicle going by, sound system vibrates windows… of the house.

according to the World Health Organization, around 1.1 billion teenagers and young adults face this risk [of hearing loss] due to exposure to unsafe levels of sound. Exposure to high levels of recreational noise from personal audio devices and loud entertainment venues are to blame for this risk.”

Issue goes deeper than that – not just that there is noise, most people want some kind of “background noise”. Are uncomfortable with any kind of extended silence. Even “moment of silence” to show respect nearly impossible for some to endure. Perhaps you’re wondering: how’s he gonna preach for a half hour on 1 verse about silence? Are three apparent divisions in verse: “When He opened the seventh seal” – “there was silence in heaven” – “for about half an hour”. So we have the panorama unfolded, the response, and the duration.

A. the panorama unfolded

all seven seals – entire document – God’s plan of redemption from Ascension to the end… from God’s perspective

the ebb and flow of peoples, nations, events and circumstances suddenly revealed… in context of redemption

the King establishes his kingdom, rules his kingdom, advances his kingdom, adds to his subjects, conquers his enemies

Col 2.15Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in his cross.

as seven seals broken and scroll unrolled, see Christ’s kingdom advancing from Jerusalem to Judea to Samaria and the world beyond

rise and fall of nations, denomi-nations, waves of missionary advances… often at incredible cost – men and women giving lives to bring Gospel to far-away nations and people

drama seen from the top: evident how was more at work than just mankind pursuing their petty plans on world stage

indicates God’s entire plan will be brought to his ordained conclusion

John 6:37-39 “Everyone the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will never cast out.For I have come down from heaven, not to do My will, but the will of Him who sent Me.This is the will of Him who sent Me: that I should lose none of those He has given Me but should raise them up on the last day.”

God knew before creation all who would be his – promise of Lord Jesus is that not a single one would be missing on the last day

God’s plan as is unfolded is not just a picture of the end result – shows that God has as inseparable part of his purpose all of means necessary to achieve that result

those means include four horsemen, martyrs for their faith, final appearance of Lion of Judah to conclude this era of time

God also knew before creation all who would not be his – God has as inseparable part of his purpose all of means necessary to achieve their defeat

both of those statements true for men/women/children and angels/demons – God’s purpose encompasses all his creation, all aspects of Redemption both positive and negative

important to remember: we all started out as allies of Satan; is by God’s gracious work of redemption… seen in this panorama of seven seals… that we were converted, our citizenship transferred into Christ’s kingdom

B. the response

speechless before majesty of God

majesty = “greatness and splendour of God, revealed in his creation and mighty works of deliverance. On account of his majesty, God is worthy of praise and adoration from all people.” Dictionary of Bible Themes

“Our generation may indeed have more knowledge about the universe, and less interest in its Maker, than any generation in human history.” Trey Graham, Baptist Press

imagine public gathering too large to be counted, of men and angels praising God in full voice… suddenly silent! – have seen and begun to more fully grasp the majesty of God

we have seen some of majesty of God in his works, but only some; rest is hidden from us on this side of the tapestry

at opening of final seal – majesty of God seen from heaven’s perspective now revealed… in what he has done place on earth… and God is standing right there displaying and on display

in all the noise – sense of majesty of God absent from even much of church

several times Saturday in Bangor: mighty work of God in saving sinners related; response – applause, whistles, shouts; 2 or 3 generations ago, could have heard pin drop

ask family or friends: “why do you go to church / that church”? is answer “because I see / experience glory and majesty of God and he changes me by his truth”

too often answer focuses on programs or schedule or personalities or fellowship with others and little to do with God

problem is two-fold: people looking for something less than God, leaders doing best to supply what will keep people coming

not an issue for multitude in heaven – totally in awe of God’s inexpressible majesty on display before them: could see end result standing there beside them… “an enormous crowd that no one could count, made up of persons from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne”

saw in the scroll how God brought them out of every nation, frustrating and defeating forces of evil in process


The wisdom of God in redemption is visible in manifesting two contrary affections at the same time, and in one act: the greatest hatred of sin, and the greatest love to the sinner. In this way he punishes the sin without ruining the sinner, and repairs the ruins of the sinner without indulging the sin. Here is eternal love and eternal hatred; a condemning the sin to what it merited, and an advancing the sinner to what he could not expect.” Stephen Charnock, Existence and Attributes of God

who but God could ever come up with plan like his, covering all the bases, missing no details, doing it all perfectly and right


the power of God is that ability and strength, whereby he can bring to pass whatsoever he please; whatsoever his infinite wisdom can direct, and whatsoever the infinite purity of his will can resolve.” Charnock

Isa. 46:9-11“…I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me,Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,’ …Indeed I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will also do it.

exercising power to bring about his purpose in enlarging and purifying Christ’s kingdom, defeating Satan and his allies

when what we make displeases us, we destroy it… God recreates it – uses power that surpasses Creation to make us new, “repairing our ruin” but ultimately going beyond: confirming us in holiness in heaven forever

our final estate will be better than our first: sin no longer a possibility when we fully arrive… glorified soul and body


1 John 4:10 “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.”

Rom. 5:8 “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

were pushing God away, didn’t want him or his love – God in majesty of his love didn’t simply throw us crumbs, gave his most cherished priceless treasure

God’s redeeming love demonstrated toward us, poured into our hearts, made complete in us, changes us to be fit members of God’s family

God’s majestic love eliminates all artificial boundaries – transforms enemies into friends… spiritually and socially

enemies of God converted, earthly enemies reconciled – God replaces love of self with love for others in each of his children


of creation – Psa. 19:1

whether scale of universe or single cell, majesty of God so clearly on display no human being without excuse – none can say “I didn’t know God exists”

more we grasp about created universe, more of God’s majesty is revealed, especially his wisdom and power… even after corruption by sin

of re-creation – 2 Cor. 5:17

man can make something look like new, is impossible for man to change qualities inherent in something/someone else

God raises dead to life, replaces heart of stone with heart of flesh – changes sinful desires to ones that please him

transforms our very being, our thinking, our feeling, gives future and hope – none of which anyone can do for self or another

C. the duration

half an hour – shortest specific unit of time in Bible – measurable yet brief

a moment passes by, then we recognize it; “tribulation for ten days” (Smyrna, Rev. 2:10) may seem like forever but really isn’t

long enough to get full effect of awe

tourist, south rim Grand Canyon, smartphone panned one side to other, ready to leave – had seen it but had made no impression

stand for 1/2 hour, scan one end of view to the other, from top to bottom – focus on details, get grasp on full scope: awe increases moment by moment, finally finds some kind of expression

short enough to be succeeded by spontaneous outburst of praise

clear indication this is not the end of the story – definitely not “life stinks, then you die”; must be something else that kick-starts sounding worship again

as if numberless multitude holding breath as it all soaks in, will be released in even more vigorous praise than what we’ve seen so far – simply cannot hold back giving God the praise his glorious majesty demands

Don’t lose sense of awe before majesty of God – is ok to be silent, overwhelmed, overcome by God’s glory, his greatness, his wondrous love and mercy and power. Then… let loose with praise that comes from all your being – heart, soul, mind, strength.

Sealed and Delivered

Revelation 7:1-17

Lots of misconceptions – what’s up with Israel? Is nation of Israel part of God’s plan; if so, how? Is God finished dealing with them as separate people? Are they on hold for now, waiting until God decides to take up their cause again? And just exactly who will experience tribulation? Is that only for those left behind when the Lord Jesus returns? Or was Peter just joking when he said “Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you;” (1 Pet. 4:12)

Keep in mind that God has always had more in mind for his plan of redemption than one people group:

Isa. 49:5-6“And now the LORD says, Who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant, To bring Jacob back to Him, So that Israel is gathered to Him (For I shall be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, And My God shall be My strength),Indeed He says, ‘It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant To raise up the tribes of Jacob, And to restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles, That You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth.'”

Hard as it may be to grasp, all of this book of Revelation focused on God’s unfolding plan of redemption, not destruction. Revelation not mostly about how he’s gonna get all the bad guys who persist in fighting against God. Is about how God pursues his purpose to redeem men and women, boys and girls from every part of human race in spite of Satan’s efforts to prevent that. Satan doesn’t give up territory or allies without huge fight; yet, “greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world”. The battle is raging around us, never a truce, is all out war for eternal souls of mankind.

We know who wins – the One who has already conquered sin and death will ultimately prevail over all his enemies… including Satan. But what about the meantime? How can people of God live soberly, righteously, godly in this present age? Be encouraged by three things – God has marked his own, God has a massive family, God has a message of hope. Some technical details in our text, don’t get so wrapped up in them you lose sight of what is of greatest importance.

A. God has marked his own v.1-3

read Eze. 9:3-6 (pg. 961)

notice who receives God’s mark: not those who self-identify as Christians, “the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations”

are those who are like Christ: “Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it,” (Luke 19:41); on another occasion:

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!” Matt. 23:37

not those who claim to belong to Christ, hanging on till he comes to take them out of here; are those who grieve over sinfulness displayed wherever you look

Jesus not content to grieve only, went on to give his life so that those who are willing might be saved from destruction

he calls us to follow him – must be no less determined and tenacious than Satan: our priority must be to take and hold territory for Christ

if we have mark / uniform of Christ, as ambassadors, soldiers in his army, are called to live honestly – bearing mark well, displaying to everyone what God has seen in us… it’s not for His eyes only!

read 2 Cor. 1:21-22 (pg. 1327)

both a seal and a guarantee… of the Holy Spirit indwelling – do you have internal witness of Holy Spirit that you are child of God? is evidence and guarantee not only of conversion but of present and future condition

God takes care of his kids, will not be frustrated in his purpose to bring every child safely home – God established “no child left behind” long ago

Paul’s wording significant also: “fruit of the Spirit should be love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”

no, not suggestion, not list of options, is list of fruit/evidence that ispresent whenever Holy Spirit is present in believer

if those fruits / evidences are present in some measure, is indication you have bear seal of living God and under his watchful care

point? God knows who are his… precisely, and he has from the beginning – not making it up as he goes along, reacting to situations

God is one on the throne governing all his creation – his people are primary focus of his attention: redemption is at center of God’s purpose, bringing all things together to focal point in Christ

B. God has a massive family v.4-8, 9-12


first… the number – 12 shows up a lot in Bible… and in life – 12 months in year, 12 gates into city, 12 loaves in Holy Place, 12 tribes, 12 apostles

like 7: conveys fullness, completeness, in similar sense as 7 (also shows up frequently in Revelation!) – lampstands, churches, Spirits of God, seals, trumpets, bowls (12 = reliegious completeness, 10 = human, 7 = divine)

since Revelation is pictures and words, understand that 7 has greater significance than for counting, treat 12 the same

so if you take the big numbers (12 x (12 x 10) x 10 x 10) are ones that communicates religious and human completeness – iow, not a single individual is missing from the group

who? not exactly sons of Israel (Jacob) – Manasseh but not Dan

remember, Jacob’s name changed to Israel at end of wrestling match – strictly literal rendering “sons (not children) of Israel” – were Israel/Jacob’s sons first, 400 years later made a nation by God when brought out of Egypt

discrepancy with the list: one of sons is missing and a grandson in his place – Dan/Manasseh; can’t say it is physical descendants of Jacob, the Jews, in view here when entire tribe is absent

who? not exactly the nation of Israel either – Levi and Joseph but not Ephraim

nation as identified by specific allotments of land during time of Joshua had two departures from what you’d expect – Levi received no land at all (depended on church for support) and Joseph’s portion granted to his two sons Ephraim and Manasseh

list doesn’t match what defined geopolitical Israel either, so really can’t say it is national Israel that is identified here

so who’s left? – Rom 9:6-8John 8:39-40

significant who is first… Judah; only “list” where he is at beginning – One opening seals, One who has preeminence: Lion of Tribe of Judah sealing those who are His

a precise multitude of people, identified as those who share the same faith as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, who are “children of the promise”, and marked with seal of God

a great multitude

“an enormous crowd” from all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues – includes Jewish people, more than can be counted

no people group is overlooked in God’s marvelous plan of redemption – Christ too great a Savior to be reserved only for Jews…must be Savior of Gentiles as well

in keeping with Gal. 3:28 (cf. 1 Cor. 12:13; Col. 3:11)

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

no place for racism in God’s family – only one race, two kinds of people: saved and lost, those in Adam and those in Christ

v.9-10 picture for us the goal of missions – taking Gospel of Christ to every corner of globe so will be full complement of worshipers “before the throne and before the Lamb”

C. God has a message of hope v.13-17

notice who they are: “an enormous crowd that no one could count…who have come out of the great tribulation”

not “who have come out before the great tribulation” – people of God do not escape trials and tribulation, they are refined by them, preserved through them

washed (14-15a)

notice how v15 starts: “because of this they are before the throne” – not their own righteousness, detergent, good works

only because have been cleansed by “blood of the Lamb” have credentials to stand there – yes, Christian Gospel is exclusive, thank God for the Gospel

aww, so you don’t get to come to God and into his house on your terms – thank God he gave you terms… and makes you fit to meet them

trials and tribulations does not mean God is at wits end, has not given up; he is still redeeming people from their sins daily

sheltered (15b)

He who sits on the throne will tabernacle (pitch his tent) over them” – God rarely takes us out of the storm; instead shelters us through the storm… but we need to stay in the tent, his tent!

one who trusts in Christ alone to be righteous before God can rest secure under God’s sheltering presence regardless of circumstances

sustained and shepherded (16-17)

don’t have to wait for heaven for God to begin meeting our needs – he will and does supply all our souls need, guarantees no harm will come to them

he also provides for physical needs now, even more richly then – the Good Shepherd is a good shepherd and cares tenderly for his sheep, knowing their individual needs

for as long as God has purpose for us in this world, he will perfectly supply all we need in every respect to live pleasing and useful to him

reality of human experience is that Christ’s kingdom advances most when circumstances are least friendly

can count on Lamb who is Shepherd to bring all his sheep safely home, to take away all cause for sorrow

see John 15:20

should not be surprised by suffering: “Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.”

is arrogant and presumptuous to think we can or should try to escape what Jesus endured for our sake

is absolutely right and proper to trust him, expect him to supply all our need in time of persecution so we can live pleasing to him

So what about you? Are You Washed in the Blood?